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usually its below detectablelevels within a week.


For a urine test (almost all are), it varies by your gender (body fat actually) and how much you smoke. The more body fat you have, the longer THC metabolites are detectable in your urine. For a 'hair test', many months to a year or more.

For frequent smokers, to absolutely, positively test clean on a urine test ...6 weeks.

Don't waste your money on Golden Seal and other products ...they DO NOT WORK! Drink lots of water (10-15, 10 oz glasses/day) in the weeks before your test and do not give an early morning pee sample as it is higher in metabolites.

If al else fails: [/url]www.4cleanp.com[url]


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Seen it work in the service.............a guy in my unit who I swore was going to piss hot sooner or later (a steady toker) swore on and consumed massive amounts of GS..........never, never pissed hot.

Believe what you want, bro ...they don't work. http://www.shakedown.com/mythdrug1.htm

In addition to that, many labs now test for those who are 'trying to beat the test' (under the theory that if they find these substances, you're trying to hide drug use) and they now test for additives, adulterants, etc.

Edited for spelling


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This is the last I'll speak of it, but this guy was an extremely close friend of mine.................I didn't agree with what he was doing, but believe me when I say that it worked for him. After spending most of my career in line units, I was involved with the piss testing at DIVARTY level when assigned at higher HQ's......I know. Even though we were close, he knew I would never compromise the integrity of the entire process because it would be my career. I cannot go back and change the experience......that's what happened.

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Something I heard was that drinking lots of CRANBERRY juice helps to clean the system. Lots of cranberry juice, and lots of water.
There are a few other ways to beat a piss test. As mentioned though, some places will test for these cleaners/masks and give you a positive result if they detect the other substances.
I have beaten a couple piss tests with these cleaners. One was pills I took for a week before the test, and the pills madew me piss bright green. Almost lime green, or flourescent green. Later in the week, the piss began to take a more normal color.
Another system I used was a bottle of about 50 pills the day of the test. Begin taking them 6-8 hrs before the test, and the final pills were taking 2 hours before the test.
Both these worked, but they may not have been the most rigorous tests in the world.
Keep in mind though, if a company wants to give you a thorough (expensive) drug test, they will give you a follicle (hair) test. Drugs stay in the hair for up to a year or two, depending on hair growth rate, and how long you hair is.

Either way, basic urine tests are fairly easy to beat.
It's always the follow up "random testing" they do that can catch you.

Either way...the common phrase is....

" You gotta pay to play."

Good luck with it though.


oh, and to answer...THC will stay in the system for one month. A little longer for women.....something about it's in the fatty tissues, and takes women longer to recycle the tissues, or something. It's not a joke about women. I heard that it stays in women systems longer than mens. Can anyone back me up here?

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Something I heard was that drinking lots of CRANBERRY juice helps to clean the system. Lots of cranberry juice, and lots of water.

Heard the same thing. They used to sell a product at GNC that was a cranberry/raspberry based tea drink (can't remember the name of it) - tasted like crap but its worked.

Good luck,

Arianna Frances

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Thats some friggin in depth research there! Good link nightingale!

From the experience of a friend of a friend of a friend, you never know. You just have to find your system for yourself. Everyone is different.

Here is my opinion, which I know was not the original poster's worry.

If you know you are subject to random testing or have testing coming up, then just dont do drugs mate. If you dont, then it is another story. I dont see why someone cannot just quit his habits for a little while. And if you are in a situation where your job requires it, then you chose to be there knowing you can be tested, so if you dont like it, get another job. I can, have, and will again quit many habits I have to know with certainty that I do have control over ALL my actions. Many dont.

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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THC calculator.

generally you want to give yourself 30 days, but i have a buddy that passed a drug test after 2 weeks of smoking. it all depends on your matabolizim (sp?), how much body fat you have. 30 days is safe, but if you only smoke once it's more than likely gone before that.


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At the risk of having patchouli-scented email bombs sent my way, let me share a TRUE story for you:

A Female MSgt (E-7), 16 years' service, top SNCO, just popped positive at XX AFB. She's now looking at a demotion to E-1, 90 days in the Navy Brig, and a Bad Conduct discharge, with forfeiture of all pay and pension.

While others may call that penalty draconian, I say it's appropriate. It's ILLEGAL. If stoners can organize themselves and change the law, fine--do it!!

Until then, you play, you pay.

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At GNC there is something called Turbo Flush you take it an hour before your test worked for me bro.
The GS works too I did that and the turbo flush and drank lots of water.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I'm not really sure how they work (uh-hem since I've never looked into it myself), but I don't think it rids your body of the substance, but interacts with metabolites so that they don't show up on a drug screen.

Feel free to beat me if I'm wrong :P



If it is stored in fat cells.. how can a drink possibly rid your body of the substance?

Doesn't make too much sense to me...

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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When I was getting my last job, I went clean as soon as I started looking for work. When I had the offer in hand, it had been about three months off the goods. I figured I was fine until they said it was a hair test, at what point I pretty much lost it because I'm one of those "long haired hippy freak" types. The lady who took the sample said that they only check the 1.5" or so closest to your head. She said that they could check the whole length if they wanted to but it was typically too expensive. I dunno if that's true or not, only that my test came back OK. Take it for what it's worth...

Elvisio "names changed to protect the guilty" Rodriguez

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