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I must say that TROY is the coolest movie I have ever seen in my life. I would strongly recomend the movie to anyone and everyone. If you liked Gladiator, you will absolutely love this movie. Brad Pitt kicked some serious ASS and played his part really really well.

For all you ladies who think this wouldn't be your thing, Pitt shows his ass all over the place. Now, I am not one for dudes asses, but if it will get you ladies to the movies, your men can see some quality ass kicking and you will like it as well.

If anyone doesn't like it, I will give you my rig. That is a bold thing to say, and of course I am lying, but I know you will like it.

Clint D-24352

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I didn't like it. Now hand over that rig.:P

KIDDING...but love your post especially 'quality ass kicking'. I saw the previews and I'm pretty fascinated by Pitts thighs. Yeah, though we may not tell you, we drool too :ph34r:.
But for the record, I'll see it as soon as possible and make SURE I hate it if I can get your rig.~~April
P.S. I got my degree in Film Studies...so if I say I hate it, I can give you 800 reasons why. Start adjusting those straps

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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Haven't seen the film, but I've read the Iliad by Homer.

I still can't understand why the entire Greek nation would go and fight a ten year war over some chick running off with another guy.:P
Speed Racer

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Dude, that is just a reason for the Greeks to conquer Troy. Agamemnon (The King) wanted to conquer Troy, so he used the "You Rat Bastards, Your Sissy ASS Prince (Paris / Orlando Bloom) Jacked My BRO's (Menalaus) Hot ASS Chick" EXCUSE!!!

It seriously works everytime and it worked for the Greeks. Well, at least well enough to get 50,000 of them on 1,000 ships to sail there and really kick each others ASSES.

Now, I don't want to sound like I live for this shite, but that movie seriously inspired me to go take over a country. I don't know which yet, so help would be appreciated.

I also read a similar book, Aeschylus' Oresteia in a college english class and it began with Agamemnon returning from his victory in TROY. I actually forgot that it was a 10 year war, but I can't believe I learned something from english.

Anyway, again, go see the movie. It is well worth it and they wrap the war up in a few hours rather than 10 years.

Clint D-24352

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i thought it was great, but the girl that i saw it with felt the burning need to give me a full commentary. :| Finally about halfway through, i was like, okay. i'm sorry, i know you paid for my ticket, but SHUT UP! haha. Brad Pitt was definitely looking uber buff, i took greek mythology in college so i already knew the story which kinda took some fun out of it but it was still bad ass anyway. My only qualm was that in the huge battle scenes it seems like the cameras were way too close up, you couldnt see shit at all, just arms and legs and blood. *Shrugs*

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some of my friends just saw it and said it was "ok but not great"

Yeah, it's what they call opinions. You go to a movie based on your own feelings, not someone elses. I love these threads where it's a ping-pong game back and forth yelling It rocked/It sucked/No it rocked/No it sucked/No it didn't it rocked/No it didn't it sucked.

Kind of pointless.


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I love these threads where it's a ping-pong game back and forth yelling It rocked/It sucked/No it rocked/No it sucked/No it didn't it rocked/No it didn't it sucked.

Kind of pointless.

isn't this the same as those speaker's corners posts that you are so fond of? :P

yeah maybe we should just stick to hard facts and never any opinions. or we should choose our stance on movies based off of scientific facts from the movies.
also, most people like to hear if the movie was good or not from others who have seen it. since not many people here know me personally, whats the difference between my opinion and my friends opinion?

MB 3528, RB 1182

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Dude, that is just a reason for the Greeks to conquer Troy. Agamemnon (The King) wanted to conquer Troy, so he used the "You Rat Bastards, Your Sissy ASS Prince (Paris / Orlando Bloom) Jacked My BRO's (Menalaus) Hot ASS Chick" EXCUSE!!!

It seriously works everytime and it worked for the Greeks. Well, at least well enough to get 50,000 of them on 1,000 ships to sail there and really kick each others ASSES.

Wait a minute. So the leader of a powerful country would get its people to invade another country under false pretenses??!! Yeah, like THAT would ever happen!:P:D
Speed Racer

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Wait a minute. So the leader of a powerful country would get its people to invade another country under false pretenses??!! Yeah, like THAT would ever happen!
Speed Racer
I'd frisk Brad Pitt for weapons of mass destruction. Yep, for sure!~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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I'm going tonight.....Does it really last almost 3 freakin hours?!!!:o


2 hours 41 minutes with trailers and all 3 plus hours. It was ok nothing great and they butchered the story pretty well too. Decent special FXs, but if its action and battle scenes you want rent Braveheart or Lord of the Rings 2.

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And the winner iiiiiiiiiiiiiis....Skipro101!! hand it over!

I will agree with Casurf1978 that LOTR2 totally rocks. It was 'crowded' to the point where you didn't GIVE a flying who was doing what, but when the trees starting kicking ass....um...um...WOW!
Skip, I think you will have to be a little point-specific before you get his rig, but I'm a witness. Copy your movie stub and attach to the thread!B|
(I happen to have some kids laying around that I wanna get rid of. Who wants to bet on the November elections???) ~~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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. that Helen is freaking HOT!!!! *drools* those eyes.... oh man.

Ya think maybe that's the point:D:D:D
The face that launch a thousand ships;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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I'm going tonight.....Does it really last almost 3 freakin hours?!!!:o


2 hours 41 minutes with trailers and all 3 plus hours. It was ok nothing great and they butchered the story pretty well too. Decent special FXs, but if its action and battle scenes you want rent Braveheart or Lord of the Rings 2.

ok, saw it......hmm. I give it 6 outta possible 10. They did hack the story pretty good. Great fight scenes though. "Gladiator" definitely kicks it's butt....
Total time should have been limited to 2 hours max..


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I saw it and I thought it completely sucked. The warrior mentality was completely misunderstood by that director.

Angst was not an emotion Achilles would have spent much time with. Guys like that really enjoy battle, and not once did we see Brad show how much fun it was to slay his enemies.

I was very surprised, but "The Last Samurai" actually did a great job on the warrior mentality.


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Just saw it yesterday with 2 friends. Pretty good movie. It's long, but didn't even notice it, and usually I get really tired of sitting for 2.5 hours plus. I'd say go see it, it's not great, but it's pretty good, especially if you follow the Greek Mythology stuff or ever read it. They followed it very closely and was very well presented.
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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I saw it and I thought it completely sucked. The warrior mentality was completely misunderstood by that director.

Angst was not an emotion Achilles would have spent much time with. Guys like that really enjoy battle, and not once did we see Brad show how much fun it was to slay his enemies.

I am sure you would have done a much better job with it.

Anyways, the movie was great.

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