
Vibes for Alana B.

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hope your foot gets better... you would be suprised how well it can heal in 7 days...... hurt my foot january of 03' and it was okay in about a week.......... and my bruises looks pretty bad here is a link to the thread i posted about it.. the pictures are there.....


"i have no reader's digest version"

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Please get to the doctor for an x-ray just to be safe, if you haven't already done so. I walked on a broken bone for a couple of days because I thought it was just a sprain.

Hugs and vibes and please listen to your doctor and don't jump until he/she says so...the sky will always be there, and you don't want to get hurt worse because the joint is weaker. Even if it is just a sprain, ask about physical therapy. It can be very important.

HUGS, girl!

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heres a few pics i just took. think i'll be jumping this weekend? ankle3 is the outside part of my left ankle and its giving me the most pain.

looks like my right ankle on friday. had nearly same accident as you on thursday. keep it cool with ice, as long as you can, store the foot high, that works best. today I was able to walk again, not very fast, but it was possible. With good luck you'll be able to jump soon ;)

wish you the best
sorry for broken english, I'm Austrian

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Heal quickly sweetie!! I'm so glad i got to chat with you on the phone this morning. Even if you can't jump this weekend, it will be great to hang out with ya!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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thanks again for all the "vibes" people:) i just got to class and had my first ride in the "cat cab"... they take gimps like me to class!
i guess i failed to mention that i was taken to the ER after the landing by my friend kevin and the doc xrayed it and told me it was a sprain. hopefully it will heal fast! i have been putting weight on it and the swelling is decreasing. brusing is getting worse, but i think thats normal. thanks sunny for calling me this morning. good to hear a cheerful voice in the AM!

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Heal quickly sweetie!! I'm so glad i got to chat with you on the phone this morning. Even if you can't jump this weekend, it will be great to hang out with ya!!

Sunny, just how many people DID you call this morning???:D


With a swollen ankle, I bet you're still a hottie!

Chris, no doubt!B| and cause she is such a hottie, she will be able to get anything done for her since she is temp. crippled:D

Alana, heal fast sweetie. Stay off your ankle and make other people do things for you. If you need help witha sponge bath give me a call.;)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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DUUUUUUUUUUDE!!! B| wtf?? that totally sucks!! sorry girlie. :( whatever i can do for yah, let me know. don't think you'll be jumpin with us next weekend by the looks of those pictures. [:/] BAD TIMING! >:( dang! feel better. i think we'll prescribe you even more booze for next weekend. you can be the booze hag. B|:( shit.

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sounds sooo tempting!

attached is a before and after pic from last night and right now... doesn't it look better? also a pic of the inside of my ankle, now its bruised too. hows that work? im able to walk around a bit faster now. the brace helps a lot and so does the vicodin!!
*edit... the top of my foot is swollen because i was just passing out flyers for the skydiving club for 2 hours standing up!

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really? the doc at the ER told me to try walking on it while i was there and if it hurt too much then i could have crutches. i opted for no crutches. ao i've been putting weight on it and stuff, but i ice it when im not at class and elevate it as much as possible. he also gave me exercises to do that say to lean on a wall for support with my back then do toe raises and heel raises. i can put more weight on it today than yesterday.

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Go see your regular doctor. Get a second opinion if they told you that. My doc used to be the official sports doctor for the Rams when they were in LA, and she's told me to stay off a sprain as long as it looks bruised too. Breaks, she's had me walk on, but sprains, because its soft tissue damage, can take much longer to heal if you're putting weight on them.

Example: I sprained my thumb, badly. It was purple and looked a heck of a lot like your ankle. Went to the ER. the doc put an ace wrap on it and told me to keep the wrap on and go easy on it for a week or so. Two months later, its still hurting. I go see my regular doc. She takes one look at it, freaks, mutters something about medical incompetence, and tells me it needs to be in a splint and immobilized. I was not permitted to use it at all. I put it in the splint. Sure enough, it then healed up just fine.

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Standing up for 2 hours!

Keep that thing elevated before it explodes!:P
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Alana, I don't think you can force ligaments to heal. You need to stay off your foot as much as possible right now. Yes, you do need to keep it flexible by doing those exercises that they gave you, but those aren't weight bearing exercises. You need to let the swelling go down, keep it up as much as possible. I've been working out, but my therapist still won't let me do a treadmill. He only wants me to swim or bike which aren't weight bearing. Have you looked into doing PT yet? The electric stim and ultrasound will probably help the swelling a lot.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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From a post from Hondo:

Everyone knows Alana. She had a hard landing today in very bad winds, and sprained her ankle. She did everything right, but the winds increased on her way to altitude. So please send vibes and love.

And now I'll finish my first cup of coffee before I use my moderator buttons. Hondo's thread is in the Trash Bin. :$ I was just trying to remove one inappropriate response.

Alana, I hope you are feeling ok. Feel free to PM me about what has helped me with my ankle sprain.

Geez, with a title like that I thought she had really hurt herself and was in critical condition or something!! I understand moving something over, but was anyone else freaked out?

BTW, heal well, Alana... I can tell you from experience to let that baby heal before going back to sports. BUT, if you do go back to sports and you have a chronic sprain, try prolotherapy, it works like a dream!


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Geez, with a title like that I thought she had really hurt herself and was in critical condition or something!! I understand moving something over, but was anyone else freaked out?

I copied the thread and title exactly as Hondo had written them after I made the mistake by sending the entire thing to the trash bin instead of one inappropriate post.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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