
My Sisters Apartment was Absolutly Destroyed...

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By a 450 Foot Radio/Microwave antanae. :|

Here is the story - Last night, the City of Topeka Kansas was hit pretty hard by a Thunderstorm. There were winds in excess of 80 miles per hour, and three tornadoes spotted in the surrounding rural areas. I was at our Dropzones anual boogie when it happened, I didn't know about it until this morning.
There is (was) a 450 foot radio and Microwave antanae owned by the Kansas Department of Transportation and Highway patrol right next to her apartment complex. Build in the 1940's, it had not been updated to meet modern engineering requirements in the state of Kansas. It buckled about 75 feet above the ground, smashing right into two apartments, completly destroying several cars, and trapping a man in his bathroom for several hours..:o

My sister and her husband were unhurt, and luckily nobody was hurt this time. However, she's lost most of her posessions, has moved all that was salvageable into an empty apartment, and is now living at home with me for the time being. We're all pretty upset about this...

What was amazing though was the support she got from all the people in our church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Sunday morning the calls went out to all the men and young men, and within 15 minutes we had over 40 guys out ready to help and several children running around offering water and lemonade to the workers. Due to structural damage, only one person was allowed in at a time, and we only had ONE HOUR to get all we could out before we all had to clear out. I wish you all could have seen the teamwork, we formed a big bucket brigade and emptied three apartments COMPLEATLY in about an hour and a half. Everybody stayed and worked until the fire marshall told us we were done. It was the greatest act of love I've seen from a group of people I can remember... There were people out there working away in the hot humid Kansas weather we had never even seen before. :)

Here are some pictures of the accident. I am so greatful that nobody was hurt, and even though a lot was lost, we are still all together!! :)
Edited to add: Since the Tower Belonged to the DOT, they told use they were going to treat it just as if the apartments were destroyed to pave a new road - 100% full reimbursement, and they were even out there handing out checks to insure all the tennents immediate needs were taken care of. I didnt' know those bureaucrats had it in em!! :P
=========Shaun ==========

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I spent a season jumping Tandems there in the 1990's.

When I speak to most "Americans", and tell them I was in Kansas, I get the "What the fuck were you doing in KANSAS!?! There's Fuck all to see in Kansas! All Kansas has got is flat, hicks and fat people!" etc dispite the fact that many have never even bothered to go to Kansas. (And that they're wrong)

Me? I think Kansas has the most incredible people in the world when it comes to caring about each other.

When I say that, bear in mind I've been to a LOT of places between Tokyo on Los Angeles...

I've been dragged out of bed at 3 am by neigbors I never knew to spend the night in their cellar cos they knew,

A) The house I was in never had a cellar.
B) Being an "African" I probably never knew WTF a Tornado was.

They were right on both counts. Looking at the damage the next day, that had pretty much leveled Maconnel AFB, I was glad I had complete strangers looking out for me.

I think Kansas is cool, and I'm glad your sister is OK.

It's the year of the Pig.

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I'm very happy to hear that your sister and her family are OK.
I'm sure am happy to see the Elders Quorum and others mobilize so quickly and get help to them.... Yes, I'm a LDS member too, Theodore Ward, Mobile AL;).
Amazing how much love and support is in this church!

Best wishes and prayers for your families quick rebound from this trouble.

I'm a longhaul trucker.
If I get thru Topeka on a sunday I'll come to your ward for meetings, and we can meet, just send me your wards address and times, heck, if I get the whole weekend we can go jump saturday and do church on sunday

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Noooooooooo!!!!!!! A perfectly good antenna ruined!!!

I've gotten that response here a lot..... It belonged the the Highway Patrol, and it was on the Station Grounds - If it was still standing, I would say go for it, see if they mind? :P
=========Shaun ==========

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I'm a longhaul trucker.
If I get thru Topeka on a sunday I'll come to your ward for meetings, and we can meet, just send me your wards address and times, heck, if I get the whole weekend we can go jump saturday and do church on sunday

I actually live and go to church in Manhattan, about 50 Miles to the West of Topeka. If your going to be in town, Shoot me a message and We'll hook up. We got a great ward... :)
=========Shaun ==========

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Edited to add: Since the Tower Belonged to the DOT, they told use they were going to treat it just as if the apartments were destroyed to pave a new road - 100% full reimbursement, and they were even out there handing out checks to insure all the tennents immediate needs were taken care of. I didnt' know those bureaucrats had it in em!!

Cheaper than being sued till their eyes crossed!

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Dude I didn't know that happened, you shoulda called us out at the DZ and let us know. I'm glad to hear your sister and husband are doing well. Let me know if there is anything I or anyone else in the club can do to help. I've got lots of extra room at my place if you need to store anything etc and even extra rooms.

Now for the humor... yet another virgin tower to waste. I'm sure many were hurt it fell before it got to be jumped hehe. I've seen that tower before and often thought "hmmm looks high enough, maybe I can just land in the parking lot"
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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