
Analyze This For Me

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OK, I know Im gonna regret this but...

I work with a lesbian every so often and she say's to me, "Dude, if I was straight, I would totally pursue you, you are such an awesome guy".

Anyone wanna analyze this for me???

The Dude Abides.

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She thinks you're an awesome guy. What's so hard to figure out? Unless you think this means you may have some chance with her, but if she's really a lesbian ( and not bi ), I wouldn't count on it. :P

Exactly what she said...:ph34r:
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"Dude, if I was straight, I would totally pursue you, you are such an awesome guy".

I've been known to say that to women, but I change it to "If I were gay, I'd hit on you" or something like that.

It's an odd expression of affection, a joke and a compliment...at least when I say it. When I do say it, it's about someone who's attractive and nice, and that I appreciate them and their contributions, whatever they may be.

Take it as a compliment, NOT an invitation to do the happy horizontal hip hustle.


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Dude, she wants you.

I agree. Wear a dress to work and bring her flowers.

STOP IT! :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Ed, pursue a woman who is straight and who likes you because you have had enough complex relationships issues in your past. Also, you ARE an AWESOME man! I may be mistaken, but I think that you may not know your own worth...therefore, you subconsciously pursue impossible situations in which you will be rejected. A part of you may have fear of success or may feel that you do not deserve happiness. The fear of being happy within a healthy relationship is a very real fear for some people who may not believe that they are "worthy" of this. Ed, you are worthy.

Good luck with all, my friend. I also think that you're a great guy, so please don't be a stranger. :)

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