
Pick up lines....

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I heard a pickup line/technique that I haven't heard before...
He sees me eating lunch in a restaurant, and working on my laptop, walks over and says "Are you a college student?" I reply "no, I'm a bit older than that, I'm just looking for a job". He says "oh really, what field, I might be able to help"...conversation continues to "I don't want your number, but if you give me your email address, I'll send you some leads"...here's the email he sent:
Hi K,
I met you yesterday at the Thai restaurant. I've got a few emails, and job leads I'll send you and a couple of points of contact......just gotta find them. When I do, you'll have them.

If you get bored while in *****, and want someone to hang out with, give me a call @ ***-****. We'll get ya out of the house....maybe get a cup of coffee, go to a movie, or dinner.

Regardless you'll get your job info.

Have a good morning.

Ya know it was a refreshing pickup technique, perhaps I'll go ahead and give him a call!:ph34r:


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My friends and I throw alot of fairly large parties. You get alot of people in a house with 2 kegs of beer and people get rowdy. I think I meet more girls by throwing their boyfriends out of parties than any other way. Usually they know their bf is being an asshat and needs to leave and have usually told them that several times, so when we toss him out the girls tend to want to stay, "as long as you can give me a ride home in the mourning" they always say...

Greenie in training.

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I was in a bar a few years ago, and started talking to a guy. After about 10 minutes, he holds his hand up, and tells me to place my hand flat against his. I think nothing of it, and do it, and his hand is considerably larger than mine (as most guys hands are) and he simply says "see how big my hand is, now imagine how big my dick is!". I thought it was hillarious, but I still just walked away.

A couple of weeks ago my friend got the "I've lost my phone number, can I have yours?". We gave the guy heaps of shit for it!
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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A couple of weeks ago my friend got the "I've lost my phone number, can I have yours?". We gave the guy heaps of shit for it!

haha :$

i was so thinking that when i saw this thread!

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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I've taken these as someone trying to subltely pick me up via his sig lines...lol...

"ME, MYSELF, & I, How many can YOU fit in a post?VSG can get in approx 31
I buy duct tape by the case!
Shut-up Brother #1 "

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

It seems that this person takes an awful lot of time and energy thinking about ME... :ph34r: :P

***Also, has anyone heard or said this one...
"Do the other angels know you're missing?" A man at a newsstand leaned over and whispered that.

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I said original, not the most ever posted before ***

Weeelllllll exxxxccuuuussseee meeeee........:P

actually I am a big fan of " your eyes are beautiful, wanna fuck?" you either get slapped, or if they laugh, ya gots a shot....

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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We had a competition while I was in training to pull a girl using the line (plummiest Colin Firth voice)

"I say princess, you really are bang on!" while looking at her through the bottom of a pint beer glass. No-one succeeded but several guys got slapped.

My favourite is: "Nice dress, think I can talk you out of it?" :)

But the most successful has always been: "What would you like to drink?" :P:D after all, my sig line works for both sexes...

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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A couple of weeks ago my friend got the "I've lost my phone number, can I have yours?". We gave the guy heaps of shit for it!

haha :$

i was so thinking that when i saw this thread!

:D The best part was his expectant face just after he said it. No shame!:D
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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Would you like to go back to my tent and dirt dive a Naked 100 point 2 way?

If your friend wants to join us, we can make it a 3 way.

This line is perfect for Piisfish :$;):P:)

"Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's
addressed to someone else!" Ivern Ball

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