
Skydiving on King of the Hill?!?

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and people wonder why sports that are safe as long as the people who do them are safe get a bad name

It's becouse of shows like that protraing the sprot as dangerous that get us a bad name this is wrong by al acounts expecally around the time so many unfortunate fatalities have occured.

I think the writter needs a brain check.....

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lol, I figured I was missing something.. Point is, I was like "HEY check out skydiving on TV" to my wuffo friends and then that happened.... Bad timing I guess, lol

EDIT: she had a belly reserve too, lol...

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She's in a full body cast in the next episode and alive, since people survive a totel double mal all the time...

The USPA actually threated legal action against the producers of the show, they then released a statement that it was in no way true and that skydiving as a sport strives for safety. The damage in the minds of the whuffo public had been done, though.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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The USPA actually threated legal action against the producers of the show, they then released a statement that it was in no way true and that skydiving as a sport strives for safety.

Seriously?? Why? It's a cartoon. Did they threaten the makers of Fandango too?
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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The USPA actually threated legal action against the producers of the show, they then released a statement that it was in no way true and that skydiving as a sport strives for safety.

Seriously?? Why? It's a cartoon. Did they threaten the makers of Fandango too?

No because in Fandango, the chalk board scene was accurate and educational.Ha Great movie.

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the chalk board scene was accurate and educational





And Sue:

It's becouse of shows like that protraing the sprot as dangerous that get us a bad name this is wrong by al acounts expecally around the time so many unfortunate fatalities have occured.

I hope you see the irony of your post....

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Dammit, I watched that show forever and never saw that episode. I saw one of the follow-up episodes where she was in a full body cast, but I never saw the actual skydiving episode. I had seen all the other episodes so often that I actually decided they must have decided not to air the skydiving episode in syndication for some reason. Now I guess I've missed it again.

I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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Exactly, Kev. I've been saying all along, this sport isn't safe.

Never has been.

Never will be.

Nothing will change that. We have 2 possible outcomes on every jump. We live, or we don't. The rest is just details.

We can mitigate some of the risk, but the sport will never be "safe", and should never be considered as such. [:/]
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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The damage in the minds of the whuffo public had been done, though.

I disagree. The whole world thinks skydiving is crazy and dangerous. All the good stories in the world won't change their minds, and all the bad press in the world won't keep away the people who want to do it. Anyone who lets cartoons decide the course of their life probably shouldn't jump out of airplanes. My couple of cents.

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Never will be.

Yes, it will....when the "bumper skydiving" I've been trying to perfect makes it big! :D

Val, back away from the kiddies bowling centers. slowly. With your hands at your sides. ;)
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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If you watch king of the hill then i'm guessing you like THE SIMPSONS, did you see the intro where the simpson familly floats down in parrachutes? Everyone accept Homer, he fell right through the floor in front of the couch.***Free bird Forever

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