
Motorcycle helmet/no helmet

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Yeah, some people really are retarded. I had one dumb bitch try to pass me in my lane. I turned my head to the left and there's a window six inches from my face; Man I was about to fucking kill her right then.

I was stopped at a light behind several cars. I made SURE to get right in the middle of the lane because I've found if you're to the side, cars will pull up right next to you as if you weren't even there. This bitch pulled up next to me anyway, half in the shoulder and nosed ahead of me like I was a pot hole in the road that she was avoiding. Her window was right next to me. I just turned to her and said, "You know, I get to use the whole lane." She said, "Oh you do?" It's a long light, I just stared at her until she rolled up her window. :|

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I've seen one guy crash alot over the years, if Evel Kneivel didn't wear a helmet I don't think he'd still be around. Neck injuries......I don't know about that but I'll bet his little melon would have been all over the place.

Awright, guys, you don't have one, so don't act like one

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I made SURE to get right in the middle of the lane because I've found if you're to the side, cars will pull up right next to you as if you weren't even there.

Look at the ground at an intersection. What is in the middle of the lane. Engine Oil. Do you really want oil on your tires?

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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You virtually never see a bike down on a freeway, and if you do, it's never a cruiser type.

Never say never.

In Quebec, some 3 weeks ago, there was a spat of bike acccidents. I think 6 people died in the province over a weekend. None in cities. 4 were sports, 2 were cruisers.

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Old people will probbaly be the death of me in a motorcycle accident if I ever am involved in one. I agree with you they get in my safety zone more than anyone else. I swear there ought to be a reaction test at the DMV that you have to pass along with a vision and general knowledge test. every time you get it renewed.

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I made SURE to get right in the middle of the lane because I've found if you're to the side, cars will pull up right next to you as if you weren't even there.

Look at the ground at an intersection. What is in the middle of the lane. Engine Oil. Do you really want oil on your tires?

Yes, I know that, good point. I don't mean smack dab in the middle, I do avoid the nice slick black streak.

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TEver see a watermelon hit the ground and split in two? That's your head.

I worry a lot less about that than I do about road rash on the face. B|

But I tend to not wear my helmet if I'm doing short low speed trips in areas I know pretty well(a cruise along the beach, to the store, etc). For everything else it's a full face helmet, body armor, kevlar reinforced gloves and steel toe shoes.

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I ride a Harley and I do not wear a helmet -- I'm glad it is my choice to make. I agree with the poster who said the real danger is in the city -- the open road is remarkably safe.

Actually, I think the Hurt report as well as some other compiled stats show the most dangerous is the suburbs, then city, then highway.

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Her window was right next to me. I just turned to her and said, "You know, I get to use the whole lane." She said, "Oh you do?" It's a long light, I just stared at her until she rolled up her window

that's what helmets are good for.... take it off.. and beatthe hellout of her car for.... you are beside her so she can't run into you...lol... notthat i would ever do this.. okay i might.......... and i have had people do this to me before too....

as ofr dangerous places to ride... i'd jut ote for the usa... when iwas rifing in germanyi never really felt theleast bit scared about the other cars so much as i did when riding in texas and colorado........ us drivers just scare meon a bike!!!

"i have no reader's digest version"

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had one dumb bitch try to pass me in my lane. I turned my head to the left and there's a window six inches from my face;

Not to be rude here, but it kinda sounds like you weren't paying a whole lot of attention. You should have known she was there long before she got anywhere near you, thereby avoiding the situation altogether.
I've got 15 years in the saddle, and have come to realize that no matter what the other driver does or does not do, it is ultimately my responsibility to keep myself alive. Everyone on the road is trying to kill you, make no mistake about that.
I will wear or not wear a helmet depending on how I feel. I do however get nervous in heavy traffic, and won't ride the freeways without one.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

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have come to realize that no matter what the other driver does or does not do, it is ultimately my responsibility to keep myself alive.

Here .. here ... every motorcyclists should heed this advice. ;)

When I was trained to ride my bike, they (my instructors) left me with the understanding that it was up to myself to use all the tools of the trade they gave me to keep myself alive. Accidents as a word are nothing more than a cop out. It all boils down to people just not paying attention. And this doesn't just apply to not paying attention to the other motorists, it also applies to each individual rider paying attention to what they are doing put there, period (same thing with skydiving).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Not to be rude here, but it kinda sounds like you weren't paying a whole lot of attention. You should have known she was there long before she got anywhere near you, thereby avoiding the situation altogether.

Not quite. It was a two-lane road. I was in the right lane; there was a semi in the left lane, so I moved over to the right part of my lane in case he couldn't see me and tried to change lanes (so I'd have enough warning).

Well the lady behind me gets right next to me. It's not like she was coming up to me and tried to pass me.

I do drive like they're all out to kill me, and generally know where every car relative to me is exactly and how fast they're going. It's just that sometimes there's not much you can do.
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There are two types of motorcyclists. Those who have crashed and those who have YET to crash***

actually....there are three....those who will, those who have, and those chosen few who have and will again:P

I was in a head on collision on my Ducati with a sports car (her fault) not that it matters, closing speeds were around 65 mph, She just suddenly swerved into my lane [:/] I had enough time to hit both brakes and realize that it wasnt gonna work (she wasnt slowing down) and jump straight up, my feet hit the windshield and sent me cartwheeling.....I landed on my head....shattered the helmet, (a 200$ AGV....knocked me out, I spent the day in the hospital, still have spine problems, But if I hadnt been wearing that helmet I have no doubt that I would now be dead.

But I think helmet usage should be a personal choice

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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that's what helmets are good for.... take it off.. and beatthe hellout of her car

Are you crazy?? And ruin a perfectly fine $300 helmet??? (once the helmet takes an impact, you should replace it or get it checked out - they're design to crumple on the inside)
Instead, I'll suggest a nice pair of Alpinestars GP Plus gloves - you'd be amazed at the damage carbonfiber knuckles can do :D
Yes I have a pair, no I did not pay $150 for them.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Just wear boots, a boot heel to the head stops a lot of folks...;)

Damn, there's been a couple of times I've felt like kicking in people's car doors for being stupid and trying to swipe me off the road. Its amazing how usually before it happens you sense its going to happen and can react to keep yourself safe.

Its like: "ok, that van is coming up on me, it'll try to change lanes to the right early when I'm in its blind spot..." and BAM it tries.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Just wear boots, a boot heel to the head stops a lot of folks...

Yeah, but you'd look silly dumping your bike because you kicked a car. Those gloves can assist you in taking out a window or taking a side-view mirror clean off in one stroke, Not that I condone that kind of behavior... but.. you know.


ts amazing how usually before it happens you sense its going to happen and can react to keep yourself safe.

I just assume I'm invisible and everyone will try to kill me.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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And ruin a perfectly fine $300 helmet??? (once the helmet takes an impact, you should replace it or get it checked out

Motorcycle helmets are only good for one crash (at least in the section of the helmet which took the impact). They are like an egg shell. Strong, until compromised. I have a $400 dollar soviegner now only kept around as a reminder to my mortality (plus as a reminder of how smart or was that how lucky I was to be wearing it when I went down).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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ride a Harley and I do not wear a helmet -- I'm glad it is my choice to make. I agree with the poster who said the real danger is in the city -- the open road is remarkably safe.

I again don't want to sounds like a helmet nazi, but... I have replaced a few visors due to stone chips. And I have quite a few gashes/scrapes/and a BIG gouch on ALL my helmets ( 4 of them currently ) from stones/pebbles and other things that would of hurt like hell if I would of not been protected. One particular time is when a rock flew from under a car and hit me right above the visor between my front vents, I know if not for te helmet I would of been off the bike and possibly dead.. Instead I just said "FUCK" and kept on riding...

so all the proponents of highways are reasonably safer - what would you prefer - a rock at your face/forehead/left eye at 25 mph in traffic, or no traffic and a rock at your fact at 65mph. And don't tell me you can swirve, cuz at 65mph your reaction must be just as fast.

ha !

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Actually, I think the Hurt report as well as some other compiled stats show the most dangerous is the suburbs, then city, then highway.

Is the Hurt report still accurate though? It's been so long that I wonder which parts still hold up. The bike population has changed a lot since then, older, bigger/faster engines, and perhaps a lot more Sunday riders in hogs. I don't think the interactions with cagers has changed much, but I wonder about us.

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There are two types of motorcyclists. Those who have crashed and those who have YET to crash***

actually....there are three....those who will, those who have, and those chosen few who have and will again:P

I also agree that wearing a helmet should be a personal choice. My choice is that I never ride without one.

Although I have yet to crash a road bike, I can't count the number of off-road crashes that I've had in 30 years of riding. In one particularly bad moment, I would have lost all my front teeth (due to a secondary collision between my face and my handlebar) if I had not been wearing a full face helmet. (Kinda wish I'd had a "helmet" for my nuts on that one as they impacted the gas tank pretty hard... Thought I was gonna barf right inside the helmet. That woulda been sweet.)

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There are two types of motorcyclists. Those who have crashed and those who have YET to crash. Some guy in another thread tried to tell me that he was one of those who is better than all of this and thus will go through his entire life without crashing and this just reminds me of all those superior (new) canopy pilots out there who can handle quick downsizing because they are better than every one else.

Strange - I didn't see a response from you in that thread - instead you ran off to rip me in a new thread in a different forum. That's a lame way around the attack ban. Afraid to argue on a rational basis, without making up strawmen and false quotes?

Downsizing has no relation to the subject. The smaller parachutes cause accidents. For the most part, wearing or not wearing a helmet determines how well you survive an accident that has happened.

10 years riding, 80,000 miles, mostly in Bay Area commute traffic. LOTS of lanesplitting.

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