
Bizarre teachers

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In my high school algebra class, I had a teacher who wasn't playing with quite a full deck. He had a creepy Christopher Walken tone to his voice where he talked really calm, but you never quite knew when he was going to snap.

One day in the middle of class, he wrote an "X" on the board. He pointed to someone and asked them what it was. They replied, "X?" He said, "No. Next." He went through the entire class asking what that was. At the end he goes, "No! This is your first period algebra class!"

My coworker has better stories....something about a teacher knocking everything off of his desk....another teacher demanding that the kids bring in dolls....

Who were your strange teachers?
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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do perverted teachers count? my 7th grade english teacher was this reaaaaally creepy old dude with 3 fingers on his right hand (thats not the creepy part).

what was bad was he would "drop" his pencil or pen, then bend over to pick it up...while looking at the girls in the front row's "special areas". his excuse for being down there so long was that he couldnt pick up his pencil with only 3 fingers....weirdo

he'd just keep grabbing and dropping, grabbing and dropping :o ew
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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In middle school we had an awesome history teacher, really nice, excellent teacher, and would do cool stuff like give us candy as long as we didn't eat it in class.

Turns out he was a pedophile, did time.

You just never know.[:/]
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

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My geometry teacher in high school was kind of scary.

Whenever she would finish writing on the overhead projector she would turn off the lights in the classroom, spray the plastic sheet with water and then pick it up and flex it over the projector to make all of the different colors of ink run together. All the while humming or singing in a totally tripped out way.

We thought it was pretty funny at first, but then she kept doing it, almost every day, for the entire year.
Killing threads since 2004.

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Turns out he was a pedophile, did time.

Same with my high school English teacher. He got caught trying to meet up with what he thought was a 14 year old girl from FL. I have a picture from Prom where my best friend and I have our arms around his shoulders...that picture really creeps me out now!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Again, with the math teacher, I think it was algebra...
Anyway, she was one of those frazzled, discombobulated types, you know, can't find her glasses when they're on her head, never seems fully aware of her surroundings.

We were taking a test, heads down, and she was sitting up front reading and sort of flicking her press-on nails, when FLICK! One of her nails flew off her finger onto a girl's test.

She freaked. It was funny.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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My Biology teacher in high school was a WEIRD dude. He would bring the fungus in to school that he collected from his hot tub in his backyard and would sit there and eat it in the middle of class. He said something about it being organic. :S

He also had this hairy mole on his upper lip that would twitch constantly! I couldn't look at him during class because his mole would just keep twitching and freak me out.
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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I went to a Catholic school during my elementary years -

ALL of the teachers there were scary.

I think the school motto was "Education through intimidation and humiliation."

In High school we had a biology teacher who was really easy to push over the edge. We'd get him all riled up just to watch his face turn red (BRIGHT red!)and see the veins buldge out on his neck and temples. Great fun.

An English would complain about us returning from lunch smelling of weed and beer, then sneak off to the bathroom to snort coke, and come back with a drainer & looking like she'd been crying for an hour. (She got busted and went to rehab, then returned to teaching.)

Easy Does It

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During University, I have found that society dumps the wierdest off-the-wall people into the Humanities department and have them teach us. They always try to push their weirdo theories on us students like if they were running for some office.>:(

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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i had an english teacher in grade 10 that always seemed a little wound, then he had a nervous breakdown and we never saw him again. had a physics teacher in grade 12 that would be face-down sound asleep at his desk when we came in first period. for awhile we woke him up, then we just let him sleep and played with stuff in the lab. there were only 6 of us in the class anyway.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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Our algebra teacher (26yo) hit on all the 14yo girls in the class, he called people "dumb as a stump", threw chalk at them for wrong answers, and rolled his eyes.

He hit me with across the hand with a ruler once. I explained that it was not appropriate behavior and shouldn't occur again.

He eventually got a 13yo girl pregnant, was divorced, and no charges were brought (I don't know why).

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Pardon me if I screw the history lesson here, it really doesn't lend much to the actually insanity of the story. This cat didn't seem particularly stable to begin with.

So my western civ teacher in college comes in one day, and I believe we were learning about the renaissance that day. So he starts in likening the 60's to the renaissance with free thinking and new ideas.
He then proceeds to start talking about how his sister was one of these free thinkers, read "hippie". Mentions about how she had cancer, and that she shunned western medicine, and by the time she decided it was time to turn to western medicine, it was too late. He ended it with "And that is why I don't have a sister anymore." He said all this completely deadpan and then didn't speak again.

We all just kinda sat around waiting for him to flip out and kill the people sitting in the front row. Then he just said that we could go, ad we all kinda nervously shuffled out of the room. Weirdest shit ever.:S

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This guy defines bizarre.

The prof in the Contemporary Eastern Civ class I'm taking this semester is smart, funny, enthusiastic, always willing to take some time out to help a student, and.... he dresses like a pimp. Pinstripe polyester suit, gold chain, hankerchief, the whole bit. All he needs is a feather in his hat and a cane..

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I have a few... At a Lutheran school where discipline was strict... One day my class was walking single file to the gymnasium, my friend and I were just playing with some footwork and then all of a sudden our teacher grabs the front of my shirt and slams me up the wall with his forearm across my throat. Didn't hurt me though, but come on... He had a weird name by the way... Mr. Naatz. Can't believe I remember it from 27 years ago! I never did like that school and only spent 3 of my latter elementary years there.

Another teacher, same school, a young woman with a well-endowed bosom, she was pretty, but kind of mean. What I didn't understand was why she would wear tight sweaters where I could clearly see the nipples sticking through the fabric. :S She was sexy, yeah, but her meanness made it hard for any of us adolescents to get a rise just watching her wiggle that butt when she was at the board...

Last one was my Latin teacher in public high school. That was probably the rowdiest class I've ever been in. I think the school's 4 biggest troublemakers shared that class. I joined in halfway through my sophomore year and was told that we have a new teacher, because the old one had a heart attack over the Christmas holidays from all the stress trying to control this bunch! [:/] Now this new one had a temper problem. What's worse is that her daughter was in the class too. One time the class acted up too much and the teacher blew a gasket, slamming the classroom door way too hard (BOOM!), then slammed a desk drawer (WHAM!). Sure enough that got the class quiet, but I felt sorry for her daughter. Still, the class went on its usual antics through the rest of the school year and I know that teacher was miserable! I think she chain-smoked for years... just a sad situation... Of course, there was the day one of our class clowns noticed two birds doing the dirty deed right outside the class window in a tree, and that brought more than half the class to the window cheering the birds on! :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I had a philosophy professor who believed that dinosaurs never existed and that dinosaur fossils were made by ancient civilizations in order to trick people into believe that the bible was wrong in regards to creation. He REALLY believed this.

edited to add:

In HS, I had a physic teacher, who on every friday on a week were we were all "good", would show us a video full of animals mating. EVERY Friday.

Another physics professor built a model of the school parking lot at home. The parking lot was monitored with camera in the school office. With this model he made a video of a quahog (I’m from RI), going thought the parking lot and eating all the cars. One day, while in class, he spliced in to the surveillance system am relayed the video to the main office.

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My first school I ever went to had a collection of the weirdest teachers.

The Music teacher stood a bible up on her desk and if we were naughty we had to apologise to the bible.

The Home Ec/Cooking teacher was anorexic and would not allow any form of sugar, fat, etc in any of our cooking and she grew mould in the kitchen.

The junior school teachers used to hit us with rulers over the back of the legs or knuckles for any reason from getting a question wrong to daydreaming.

The RE teacher had a nervous breakdown.

When I boarded for a year, the matrons would make us stand in different areas in the corridors in the dark for up to an hour in total silence if we were caught out of our rooms after lights out.

My second school from 14 upwards was pretty cool and the teachers were mostly normal, thank god.


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I had a seventh grade social studies teacher who repeatedly put her hand through the glass top of the overhead projecter in fits of rage.

In high school. My best friends father was a drivers ed, shop, mechanical drawing teacher. He had a drinking problem and often taught D.E. smelling like beer. He's now retired and I still see him almost weekly and he is truly a basket case.

The principle in high school was in the fire department and the fire hall was right accrost the road from school. Every time the siren blew he would run accrost the lawn and jump on the truck.

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I had a really strange drama teacher in high school. But he was cool too, would smoke dope with students (off campus during off school hours), and would let certain students get away with cutting class as long as they showed up for play practice. I was one of the "certain students" so loved him. I think most drama teachers are strange, but cool.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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My Calc3 professor was a pretty odd ball, even by math department standards. He pretty much slept each night in the Department common room, and he only wore black. What was creepy is that he always taught his recitation with his infant son hanging form one of those baby-carrier things you hang off your chest. :S
=========Shaun ==========

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