
My cat just ate a lizard

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She looked at me through the sliding glass door with the darn thing hanging out of her mouth. It was still alive. Now, she just swallowed it. This is so gross. I'm leaving for Atlanta and I just know there's going to be cat throw-up all over my house when I get back. Arghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! :SB|
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Yep... When I had my Bengal kitty and a pet door for her, I cleaned up many regurgitated lizard parts. You would think they would learn that eating lizards makes them vomit. :S

Have fun in Atlanta! At least the vomit will be dry by the time you get home, and it's easier to clean that way. :P

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She looked at me through the sliding glass door with the darn thing hanging out of her mouth. It was still alive. Now, she just swallowed it. This is so gross. I'm leaving for Atlanta and I just know there's going to be cat throw-up all over my house when I get back. Arghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! :SB|

Luckily, my cats are smart enough not to eat any of the little animals they catch. I've lost count of what I've found on my front door step over the past 4 years, but a rough estimate would be:

10 green lizards (with the red expanding throats)
30 mice and rats
3 shrews
5 chipmunks
1 rabbit

One day I came home to find my biggest cat sitting outside waiting for me. He makes a beeline for a dead mouse on the front door step, sniffs it just long enough for me to notice it, then he scrambles off for dead mouse #2, in front of the garage door, and finally dead mouse #3 just outside the back corner of the garage... Then he looks up at me like a proud lion... I'm like "damn, boy! You've been busy!" :D Another day he also caught one inside the house and left it on the floor right in front of his food dish... Best damn mouser I've ever had... B|

However, I have caught him playing with 3 or 4 chipmunks that I was able to save and set free up in the tree out of his reach...

Blue Skies
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Ew! I watched my friends cat do the same thing with a live mouse. She was meowing at the door and had it between her paws to show us then when my friends kids went running out to get it away from her she just leaned down and grabbed it and swallowed the wriggling thing whole.

As a kid I had a dog eat an entire towel while we were playing tug-of-war with him. I guess he won.
We never told though because it was one of my moms "good" towels.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Uh-oh.....you DO know that most small lizards give off a poisonous venom which effect house animals?
If said cat starts *trippin out*.....be sure to put it in a soothing low lit environment w/ maybe some chilled tunes. -Plenty of water too!

When my cat got all weird after eating a toad I gave it the bug thing from a bottle of mescal

Now every time it see's a bottle of mescal it attacks it:S

Gone fishing

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