
Year End Numbers 01/04-12/04

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It may be a llittle early for this but skydiving for the year has come to an end for me. the weather sucks and my rig is now officially out of date.>:(

humps:jumps:cases owed

B|:64: a brewery's worth.

I started the year with 13 jumps and ended with 78.

I managed to get my A and my B. Made it to Rantoul and hooked up with a ton of awesome dz.commers.

I made my first helo and balloon jumps.

I looks forward to doubling my jump numbers for next year.

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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I'm with you on the weather it's freakin cold here and it's snowing as well.

I got my A in late may and then got to my first boogie in September. Along the way got to jump at a new DZ and add some new planes to my list of jump ships.

I hope to get a B by end of next year and make a night jump. As well as make it two a few differant DZs and back to Couch Freaks.

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It may be a llittle early for this but skydiving for the year has come to an end for me. the weather sucks and my rig is now officially out of date.>:(

humps:jumps:cases owed

B|:64: a brewery's worth.

I started the year with 13 jumps and ended with 78.

I managed to get my A and my B. Made it to Rantoul and hooked up with a ton of awesome dz.commers.

I made my first helo and balloon jumps.

I looks forward to doubling my jump numbers for next year.

My year is definitely not over yet but I had to say.. Kai.. glad to hear you don't have to hang it up.. but do you think you might fit in a little math tutoring next year as well?

13+64=77.. of course I learned old math.. maybe it's different in that new math they teach you kids nowadays.. ;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Just about 200. I was hoping to break 400 total by the end of the year but the Wisconsin winter, studying for final exams (3.7 GPA this semester, and a diploma, so I think it was worth it), and a couple other obligations have kept me on the ground since November 28th.

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This year was a pretty good year for Jumping for me! Here are my Beer's owed for this year...

- First PAC Jump
- Got My I
- Taught My First FCJ
- 3 point 17-way and 17 point 4-way (Back to back!!!)
- First Cutaway
- New Gear in January (Racer 2k3, Sabre2)
- Threw my 100th SL Student

I'm sure I did some more but those are the most memorable...
=========Shaun ==========

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:):ph34r::62:Too many to even think about

I actually had one jump before I started the year, but I never counted it in my log book. So technically I have 63 jumps and I did 62 this year.

Different stuff I did this year......

*I have ridden in and jumped out of 5 different planes and never once landed in one. (That includes commercial)
*Graduated AFF on April 19th
*Got initiated into the Pink Mafia on my 15th jump
*Got to make several jumps w/ Scotty and Tami
*Finally stood up a landing on jump 42
*Got to jump with Nate & TJ
*Did my first tracking dive on an all-girl 12-way
*I was able to stay with sitfliers while I was on my belly
*Had numerous kisses passes from The Carbones
*Broke my leg/ankle on jump 62 on August 1st.

62 jumps between April 2nd and August 1st. Pretty good eh? I hope years to come will be as great as this one. Well minus the broken leg of course.
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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My year is definitely not over yet but I had to say.. Kai.. glad to hear you don't have to hang it up.. but do you think you might fit in a little math tutoring next year as well?

13+64=77.. of course I learned old math.. maybe it's different in that new math they teach you kids nowadays.. ;)

Roy....you have way too much time on your hands. :P


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I probably won't get any more jumps before the first.

[:/]:154:I just bring stuff every week and try not to say the "f" word...

I expect my jump rate to increase in the coming year. I'll be getting my C license in the next few months, I'm working on my rigger's ticket, I'm thinking about getting Instructor and Coach ratings, and I just joined a 4-way team. I came to the Halloween party dressed as a bottle of beer!


"Be braver -- you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps."

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[:/]:27:2 (people dont stay back at the DZ much)

I have just started in this great pasttime, had an accident outside of skydiving and am now grounded for 3 months. Hope to double my numbers in the first week back in the air at the start of march (as I am saving what I would normally spend on skydiving).

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Wow, way too much happened to list it all.

Logged just over 200 jumps this year (started Easter weekend, and am done for this year).

Countless time in the tunnel.

Miles and miles put on my van with road trips.

Miles and miles put on the CC with airline tickets.

Met so many wonderful people and hung out with old friends.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Had a super awesome year. Only 75ish jumps cause i was grounded so long with my broken ankle. Highlights include going to CA for the first time and meeting those crazy CA peeps. Being on GFD's 500th jump. Didn't travel as much as usual due to fundage problems, but hopefully next year will be different.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Only 10 jumps this year. :( But not bad considering I wasn't even going to do AFP after my 1st tandem in June! :)

But the good news is that now I have all the money I need to finish AFP, and I even have my own rig now so I'm good to go as soon as I graduate! I just have to get to the DZ a lot more frequently. My goal is to graduate by April and do at least 50 jumps next year!

Is it March yet?? :)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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"as if"[:/]:44:"a bunch"

Overall a good year... even with a 6 week layoff from busting my hand... and not having started until the latter part of March... (there were only two people in my AFF class and the other guy in my class has done many more jumps this year then I have.)

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humps:jumps:cases owed

:$Let's just say I'm somebody's "playpretty" right now:171:none I pay in food/alcohol immediately


*I got my brand new Lightning
*I jumped in 4 states and 9 different DZ's
*I went to my first THEM TOADSUCKER's boogie
*I jumped from my first balloon
*I got my first kiss-pass
*I became a Rodriguez Brother (Cabeza del Equipo-#1244)
*I became PMS #117
*I became CRWdiva #5
*I got my "B" license
*I had my first wrap/cutaway
*I was in my first CRW 33-way

Life is GOOD! I have been invited to be in a Women's CRW World Record in April/May and hope to be invited to be in the planned 81-way World Record next November.

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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Roy....you have way too much time on your hands. :P

Eh... only enought o come up with these numbers...

It was a good year.. looking forward to a repeat or better in 2005!! B|:D:P
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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