
South African chicks or European?

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As much as i love my country and dig getting people over here i have to say this dude, Cape Town in winter sucks badly. It's rainy, cold and generally just not very nice. I fear you won't get much jumping in. Go to Spain, i'm hoping to be there for a week in June/July myself.

edited for spelling.

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Well, I don't know about South African DZ, but I can tell you this: Empuria is great as dropzone... (I was there last summer, but as I was still in my AFF in Belgium, I decided to continue my AFF in Belgium with the instructors I know). However, my boyfriend did jump overthere... and it was cool. Even more... there is a pool, ou can play tennis, dozens of places to go out in the evening, on the dz there is also a club represented that organizes etreme activities... such as canoeing and such like...

And about the European chicks... well... you are in Europe than ... but please don't let your vacation depend on the girls... but go wherever you want.

No dive, like skydive... wanna bet on it?

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As much as i love my country and dig getting people over here i have to say this dude, Cape Town in winter sucks badly. It's riny, cold and generally just not very nice. Go to Spain, i'm hoping to be there for a week in June/July myself.

Agrees :S
"Africa is not for sissies"

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Peej is right, Cape Town sucks big time in Winter, if it isn't raining the wind is howling!!!

I say see you all in Spain for the Eupopean Summer. Thats were we going, and I am South African!!!!:)
Skydiving, party and hopefully HOT European men ....mmmm Miam Miam!

"Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's
addressed to someone else!" Ivern Ball

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Go to Spain, dude.

I was a Captonian for 30 years. That's why I live in Johannesburg now!

Cape Town will be wet and windy. Jhb will be cool and super clear, but...

Go to Spain. When at Empuria Brava, look up Ivan (He owns the place and is an Ex South African) and tell him Tonto says "Hi."


It's the year of the Pig.

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Clay - Go to Empuria!!!!!!

The most beautiful freefall views anywhere AND a nightlife that will blow you away.

When you get there, have a cocktail in the Orange Kiwi and the Surf Inn for me! ;) And try not to do anything silly on the on-site go-karts... :D


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Ja, he is right. Ian now combines the worst qualities of both countries - arrogant, ignorant and obnoxious. He is even starting to talk like a constipated duck with sinus.

I'm sorry, I forgot I was in happyland - what I actually meant to say was that he is 'gorgeous'. :D

Ian, moet my nie bliksem asseblief, ek maak net 'n grappie.

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Well I live and Jump In Johannesburg and have been to Empuria last year.

Spain has a fantastic DZ and the parties are apparently fabulous.
The DZ is very gobal, so you get a full mix of people from all over.

If you are keen on SA, you can travel the country jumping, there are fab DZ's in Durban and JHB as well.
CT has a stunning view, but cessna operations, make the skydiving slow and there are not many people to jump with.

If you are keen to do SA then try for summer, and get some touring in, we have some of the best beaches in the world, awesome mountains and yes gorgeous girls.

Go to www.jsc.co.za or www.para.co.za for more info on DZ's and my home base Johannesburg Skydiving Club.

Good luck making a decision!!

I think true friendship is under-rated

Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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He is even starting to talk like a constipated duck with sinus.

Hey! Stop the personal attacks!

Then again, its probably a compliment coming from you....

And Clay, you dont want to go to Empuria... Its gonna be too warm, and by that time of year, the town will be filled with young tourists going to night clubs until 6-7 AM....

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And Clay, you dont want to go to Empuria... Its gonna be too warm, and by that time of year, the town will be filled with young tourists going to night clubs until 6-7 AM....

God that sounds awful! :P:DB|

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He is even starting to talk like a constipated duck with sinus.


Hey! Stop the personal attacks!

I apologize for the personal attack Ian. You don't sound at all like Remi. :)

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