
Dance Music

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Ok, after a LONG hiatus of not posting I'm back. Not too many people remember me I'm sure, but I'm alive and well in Seattle.

Just a quick question for you all. How many people on this forum associate Dance Music (Ie: techno, progressive, DnB, house) with skydiving? I've loved dance music longer than I'ved skydived and have always associated this music with skydiving.

Any thoughts?


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i'm for dance music too.
Usually on boogies music is usually rock, and you don't see any people dancing and moving while packing the chutes and waiting for their load.
But on this NY boogie in Vrsar/Croatia they played mostly dance. And the feeling at the boogie was great. Everybody smiling moving almost dancing in the middle of day. it was great B|
Definitely dance music for me. although i don't mind rock or similar from time to time.

"George just lucky i guess!"

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I guess I'm one of the few rare weirdos who think that dance music does not go with skydiving. Okay, I guess it's biased....I hate techno, and I like skydiving, so of course they don't go together! I guess I figured that techno is only good for the strange people that flail their arms all about while holding glow sticks.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I guess I figured that techno is only good for the strange people that flail their arms all about while holding glow sticks.

The best way I heard "glowsticking" described was by a friend calling a drugged out raver a "flight attendant on crack" laughed my ass off....

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Ill have to completely disagree with Vallerina - yes I once was involved with the mass "I hate techo because Im ignorant" movement. but I have been converted and now see the errors in my way. (Not calling you ignorant Val. you skydive so obviously your not that bad...).

Why dont you listen to the sound track to like nearly every skydiving movie (ok well almost). If it isnt all techno, or even partly techno there will still be parts that have subtle soft albight techno lines in it.

I used to be a big party kid, still party everynow and then, and the eurphoria I get from dancing alnight is much akin to the one i get from skydiving.


P.S. The head packer put it best "When I put techno on in the hanger - you can just see everyone start to smile and cheer up." Techno just has an amazing vibe.

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Okay, some techno isn't that bad. Well, actually, the stuff I like I'm not even sure if it's really techno...but I'll call it that for argument's sake. I usually enjoy music for the lyrics and such. Whether it's meaningful, funny, stupid, whatever, it usually gets some sort of emotion out of me. I guess hearing one beat/line over and over again just doesn't do much for me.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I guess I'm one of the few rare weirdos who think that dance music does not go with skydiving. Okay, I guess it's biased....I hate techno, and I like skydiving, so of course they don't go together


ditto ...

Come on people, get an open mind! Dance music is the best genre out there!

Oh well, maybe I'm biased.:P


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check out my "Pictures of Me" thread. At a new years eve rave. Hell yeah! every time I go to my dz, there is always some sort of techno playing....usually trance to soothe all the whuffo's doing tandems!!! *giggles* I usually get bored with the slow pace and end up going to my car and Cranking up the house music I've come to love so dearly!!!!

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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I like all music, but the "raving" dances that typically go on at the DZ are not my fave, and I used to be a dancer (sorry, boys, NOT exotic:P).

I said to BZ, "There has GOT to be other rocker-fans, reggae, etc. that like to party here." He said, yea, but the ravers are the only ones who ever throw a party.

I'm a beer, rock/punk and pool table kinda girl. I LOVE to dance, but not really so much to techno. I can REALLY DANCE to 311, though and other stuff. My favorite is a dance I did to Limp Bizkit's "Rollin". You CAN dance to rock/punk.

But as you said, I LOVE TO SKYDIVE!:P

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I have to say, Derek did some pretty cool stuff w/ the glow-shit.

When I used to dance, we always danced to pop, hip-hop, Limp-Bizkit-type rock/punk, etc. It's weird, like I said, I love all types of music, but hip-hop, pop are not my faves but I LOVE dancing to them.

I also belly-dance, latin-dance, etc. But typically I don't get to utilize my belly-dancing moves to techno.:P

Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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I like all music, but the "raving" dances that typically go on at the DZ are not my fave, and I used to be a dancer

Hey! dont get me wrong. I'm not a huge raver myself. I just thought the question was related to skydiving, not generalised.
I listen to a HUGE range of music, but my all time favourite band is The Tea Party.

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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They're not my fave, but really, I can have fun listening to anything anywhere. When I'm out, we could be having a potato-sack race and I'd still be having the time of my life.

It's all what you make of things. I have preferences, favorites, etc. but I can have fun doing just about anything.

When I was little, my mom would be pissed b/c I was unpunishable. She's try to sit me in a chair facing the wall if I was bad, and I'd sing songs, or make shadow-puppets on the wall or do whatever to entertain myself. It bugged the shit out of her. Ha ha ha.;)

Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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He he he...Val, I'm SO PISSED we didn't meet! I think we would have laughed our asses off together! You crack me up!;)

Me, too! You must go to Mardi Gras! That's an order! Oh! And, despite the rumors, you don't have to flash to get beads at Mardi Gras. I never have and I have about 20 pounds of beads!

And, if you go to Mardi Gras, I will even try the weird glowstick dance I keep seeing!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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And, despite the rumors, you don't have to flash to get beads at Mardi Gras.

But you can if you want to, right?;) He he he...I'm NOT modest by any means, but I'm not an exhibitionist. Still, I think if I went to mardi gras, where it's tradition, who am I to go against tradition? He he he.

Other traditions I plan on partaking in:

Running with the bulls in Mexico
The great tomato fight

He he he...I love experiencing other culture's traditions:P.

Where is the mardi gras boogie? Or were you talking about the real mardi gras?

I NEVER BEEN to the real mardi gras in New Orleans and I'm dying to go, but BZ is VERY skeptical of taking me. He said no guy who truly loves his girl would want her gropped and fingered in that mad house. He says it's REALLY BAD, but whatever, a swift kick to the twig and berries should take care of any guy who tries to sneak a fondle;).
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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He said no guy who truly loves his girl would want her gropped and fingered in that mad house.

Oh, it's not that bad at all! I lived in Louisiana for 7 years and went to Mardi Gas every year. I was a young college chic, and nothing like that ever happened to me. It's something everyone should experience at some time in their lives. You've never seen anything like it! B|
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because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I was a young college chic, and nothing like that ever happened to me.

You must have been wearing an EXCELLENT disguise, b/c otherwise, I don't see how they resisted!;):P

Yea, all of BZ's friends say that to me; how bad it is for girls and the majority of the people who go are guys, etc., etc. but damnit, I'm going anyways!
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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