
getting discouraged

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You ever get discouraged because everything just seems to fall apart all at once? Right now school sucks really bad and now everything with skydiving seems to be doing the same. I have been jumping for a yr now and only have 13 jumps. Part of that is because i took 5 months off due to school and trying to keep my grades up. I have been trying to get gear so that i will be more eager to jump and everytime i get a possible deal something happens. I am a very small girl and i have found only 2 containers in the last 6mths that fit me and of course both times they got bought right before i could. I can't afford new gear and i just really feel discouraged right now. If anyone has any used gear that would fit someone that is 5'2 and only weighs about 100lbs please let me know.

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Some days life just sucks, but when that happens if you think about the fact the planet just keeps on turning, the sun keeps on rising,a nd tomorrow may hold for you what today didn't, it ain't so bad. Don't have that gear for ya, but it will turn up.

What size canopies are you looking for?
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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It took me over 2 years to get my first 30 jumps (I was a student too). I didn't own gear until I'd been out of college several months. And that gear only cost me $400 (of course, this was a long time ago).

I've been jumping on and off for nearly 30 years now. Spent quite awhile not jumping. It didn't go away.

If you want to keep jumping, do it when there's a jumping-sized hole in your life and your wallet. Jumping will still be there. There were times when I regretted not having kept at it harder earlier; but, in the long run, I'm glad I had the priorities I did -- school first, keeping bills paid, then jumping. That way I could keep jumping for a long, long time.

You'll do it.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I am a very small girl and i have found only 2 containers in the last 6mths that fit me and of course both times they got bought right before i could.

Hang in there.
Talk to people like VanillaSkyGirl, they can give you some pointers, as they are in the same situation.
Also, check your PM.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I'm glad I had the priorities I did -- school first, keeping bills paid, then jumping. That way I could keep jumping for a long, long time.

No doubt.........I'm going through a bit of "Priority" choosing right now. Definately won't be jumping near as much as I would like over the next 3-5 years.......but in the long run it WILL pay off. I can just be a skydiving instructor for a living when this deal is done. In the mean time I'm doing some very good things for the world. ;)

Don't get discouraged sweety. Life is one LONG kick in the junk that you have to work hard to get the better of. Keep your chin up and priorities straight and it'll turn out OK. :)

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Hell yea. Most of us have had a long road /Big obstacles. The begining can suck so bad that you might not be sure if it's for you or not. It's for you !
We're here to help. Good things will come your way . Just keep asking. Keep moving forward toward your goals. You'll be a bee boppin boogie babe before you know it.:)

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My first jump was in mid-1998. My 16th to 42nd jumps (to A lisense plus) were done between the start of September and the end of December, 2001. I've slowed down quite a bit right now too, to make room for school and family, but for your information, I just bought my first NEW major skydiving component last fall (Major being a container or canopy, to me). My new Racer 2k3.
My first rig was a pieced together 'thing' from the classified here. Container and main, then a reserve from elsewhere.... Keep looking, hang in there, but by all means, stay current at least till you get that A. Recurrency is much better to take that retraining....
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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girl,hang in there. I started skydiving 4 years ago, and am just now getting my first own rig this thursday:)If you come from a lower-income family like me, yes, it may take a little longer in the beginning to jump a lot. BUT...if you stick it out, it shows you have a lot of passion for the sport;)
Plus, you may very well run into people who will help you out getting gear, such as paying for cypres servicing or giving you a good deal;):P

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Thanks guys it shows that i am not the only one that has school as my top priority...I have atleast four more yrs of school left...that is if i start concentrating a little more and stop worrying about making it out to the DZ every weekend...I had to do a recurrency already and was glad that the instructor loved me enough to not make me pay the hundred or so for it.

Jana pms 254

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Jana, jana jana
chin up chin up
don't worry you know everything works out besides if you didn't jump or go to the DZ you won't get my weekend stuck in the back seat entertianment that you and Darminion love so much. we will find you some gear no worries.

Look what i made at work today mom!! Put it on the fridge

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Hang in there. We've all been there before. I did my first fifteen over 8 months, then had to lay off for a few years while i finished school .... as soon as you've graduated and have money and time, you'll be back in in a heartbeat.

also, realize that when everything seems to be the worst it can be, there's no where to go but up. it's more depressing at the top, since there's nowhere to go but down. ....
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I can't afford new gear and i just really feel discouraged right now. If anyone has any used gear that would fit someone that is 5'2 and only weighs about 100lbs please let me know.

Have you priced out buying just the container new? If you have it built for one size smaller then what you intend on putting in it, you'll get some miles out of it. (won't have to downsize the container the first time you downsize your main).

It may not be too bad to get the container fit to you... and then buy used canopies to put in in.

Anyhoo, keep your chin-up and hang in there. It can't rain all the time right? And what are good times if you've never had bad times to which you can compare 'em? Life if good. I'm sending Ontario {{{VIBES}}} your way B|


My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I am also 5'2" and I would have bought this container


but I decided to go with larger canopies. Otherwise, I thought it was a good deal. She was selling an RW jumpsuit as well.

I do not know what size canopies you are looking for and am in no position to provide any advice but it is a start. If this does not work out for you, have you considered placing a Wanted ad in these classifieds?

FYI I ended up buying a used container from Square 1 and it fits me perfectly. Did you try them yet?

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Cheer up kiddo! Focus on school, thats your full time job. Skydiving will still be there when you've got the time and money.

You kind of reminded me of me about 2 years ago. I had just graduated college and started a new job, just gotten out of a stressful relationship, just started back in to skydiving, just started back in to ballet.. everything was more or less new to me and I felt like I wasn't *good* at anything that I was doing.
I was expressing my frustrations to one of my friends and he said "OK I'm listening to you and this is what I hear.... you've got a good job, you got rid of that boyfriend who made you feel like shit, youre skydiving, and you're dancing.. you've got it ALL".

If you cant find gear that fits you and you cant afford custom gear right now, there is NOTHING wrong with sitting out of jumping for a while. Sounds like it would help relieve stress with your grades too.
I'd hate to hear about you getting hurt because of mal-fitting gear. [:/]

Life is fun, but dont force it! And dont make yourself sick by trying to do it all.

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I am so happy that everyone is helping me out...it shows how much a family skydiving really is...and i wish i could go to the Dublin boggie, but someone has to be at my DZ to help put the tandems in the air....u guys should come out to moss point for the jump for the cause boogie and pink mafia boogie april 9-10.

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I've got an SST Racer harness that you can have (zero down, zero to pay).
It used to have a round reserve and a Wildire (f1-11) main but NO AAD and was rigged for throw away.
A label on the harness says that the main container is 425cu.in and the reserve 325 (sorry I dont know if this means anything to you ... but your rigger should be able to help.
I'm only 5' 4(ish) so it should fit you O.K. (See picture).
Just let me know and I'll send it over .... if it turns out to be no use .. pass it on to someone else.

P.S. Oh, just a thought, if you would like it, let me know the address and a contact at your DZ (safer than passing personal data around). and I'll mail it there...

Blue Ones

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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A label on the harness says that the main container is 425cu.in and the reserve 325 (sorry I dont know if this means anything to you ... but your rigger should be able to help.

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Hi Jana, you know I have faith in you! I think you're doing great. I've seen you in action out there and I admire you. Be patient with yourself and I think school is an excellent choice as a top priority. After all, when you finish school and get a great job, then you'll be able to sky dive at your leisure, right? Don't get discouraged... And anytime you wanna talk, you can call me!
If at first you succeed, try something harder.

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