
What in the hell was I thinking....

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... to get a brand new ZP main.

Tried to pack that thing.

My dog was watching.

He hid in the corner with his paw covering his eyes.

Anyone want to jump it for, say, 50 jumps to break it in???

Just kidding...

The packers are gonna hate me because my next day at the DZ is a team training day and I can't pack... Darn.:P

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Get a broom or tennis racket and beat the fuck out of it for about 15 minutes. Show it who the boss is... afterwards, you should be able to pack it, no problem... :D:ph34r::)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I am babysitting my parents dogs... That means I have 4 dogs (instead of my one) roaming around my 1200 sqft downtown loft... They are not city dogs, so they thought jumping on the main was fun....

My dog, being the urban dude he is, sat and watched me with worried look.

Does 3 dogs jumping count for taking a broom to it??? (just kidding - I locked them up in the bathroom.)

I assume you are joking, although I really thought about it, along with throwing some grass and dirt at it too, just so it would have the authentic used look.


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Yeah I was just joking...

New ZP sucks to pack, but it can be done and not squish out where it's not supposed to. Just gotta show it who the boss is... ;)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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My next handful of jumps are team training jumps... I have to use a packer (as he has a devilish grin on his face).

Today I am gonna watch a rigger get it in the bag. I think I am gonna get some popcorn and enjoy the show. :S

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new zp 210, ouch!
my 150 is finally getting to the point where i can pack it under ~30 minutes and about 22 minutes if i handle it a certain way after ~60 jumps. I still opt for a packer so I can mingle

Where is my fizzy-lifting drink?

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What main is it?

Pilot 210

Although Aerodyne Research has made great parachutes, I'm a bit disappointed in the fact they no longer use the tackified nylon fabric that made the Triathlons famous for their ease of packing, even from the very first jump...
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I feel your pain man!
I just got a new Sabre II 210. I've only got about 15 jumps on it. I packed it a couple of times to day and the only way I can get it in the bag is just to cram it in... Not sure about jumping it like that though!

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OK, I'll bite... What's psycho pack?

It works for some people and it doesn't for others..
Stick to what your instructors taught you, just make sure that you have the canopy in your control and nothing slips out.. and you'll be fine..
The best cure to make a new canopy easy to pack.. is to jump it a lot :P

Just show it who's the boss and pack it like you are taught..

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On windy days, my airlock tries to inflate during the entire walk to the packing mat

tellme about it, i always found that having a small canopy was good for carrying back after the jump, theni go an get an airlocked canopy, fightting my 150 is way harder than my pd210 ever was!!!!

as for gettingit inthe bag, don't worry, shove it inthere and hope for the best...hehehe.... one thinkg i love about my safire is the 1,000 jumps it has on it, makes packingit so nice...... but the slippery fabric on mynew canopy is a pain but i know it will last a lot longer....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Does packing it over and over help any or just jumping it?

I don't know.. packing will do some wear to it too of course, but I would just jump it every time after you packed it :P It will make the packjobs more rewarding..

I just bought a brand new canopy too.... it takes me a bit longer to get into the bag right now, but it's soo worth it when it opens up and you get to fly it again..


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OK, I'll bite... What's psycho pack?

Ask around at your DZ it is a different way of packing that generally makes it much easier to get your canopy in the bag. Some people love it some hate it. I would recomend at least checking into it, I know I find it a much easier method than PRO packing which is what I initially learned. The people I know that don't like it are that way because you can pack yourself a full linetwist if you forget a step but if you do it right it is much easier I think. Anyway good luck and congrats on the :D canopy!

Greenie in training.

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