
Weekend Numbers 4/02-4/03

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Surprising weather day yesterday. One H&P, two from 10K, including my first attempted 3-way. We didn't get it, so I don't know if it counts for :D. Maybe I'll just buy beer b/c the H&P was my first time in the plane with ACME!

Nice, steady rain today so no more jumps for me. :(
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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RW work with Perry and to 2 sitfly instruction dives with a coach. 1st sitfly attempt was from 18,000, my brother was on his tandem for his birthday, was great funB|. 2nd sitfly attempt I almost had it (I know, almost is like horseshoes and hand gernades :S)

Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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3 one on one's with a guy that just started bellysliding, pretty funny jumps
One level 3 AFF still & Video, beastyful sunset near the Antwerp harbour.
What a wonderful world. And to think that 4 years ago I was still a landcreature, if only I found out earlier...
"Don't make me come down there" - God.

My site:http://www.skystudio.nl/video.html
Some of my vids: http://www.youtube.com/user/TomSkyStudio

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:D for the kisspass ;)


Happened during the three way. We were doing a sitfly train exit out of the cessna. The guy behind me told me to expect the unexpected on the hill, so I'm thinking great, this is gonna be interesting (never really done any freeflying before, much less a freefly exit, so I have no idea what it's supposed to feel like anyway, but also on the hill). So we exit, then I feel my head being pulled back. I'm thinking he's just fixing my body position. Head gets pulled a little more and I see his face, then receive and inverted kiss pass! Muahaha! It was great! "Expect the unexpected!" B|

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B|: sharing a bottle of Dom Perignon and strawberries..mmmmmmmmmm.
2 sit fly attempts:S. One with Marky, I got into a sit at first, then started arching a little during my sit, so I was sorta flying on my knees:|
Next sit attempt, with Cookie and Brook and I all leaving at the same time about. Never saw Cookie, got to watch Brook do some freeflying in front of me, that was cool. I was all over the sky trying to sit:S
Was an exciting, relaxing and hot weekend...got the sunburn to prove it.B|

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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0:9:2 (first jump of the year/season)

Woo hoo! I had a blast at SDC! Mike went slummin' with me. Sunny found the best place to get live bait. Everyone wants a hip scarf. I hung out with the CoverBoy.

I had a really good time catching back up with people. I'm very sore now!

The season has started!!! Is Spring Expo here yet?
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Awesome Weekend!!!

2-day equipment seminar.
Covered: Gear maintenance and inpection B| , Packing techniques, basic canopy and harness construction, some theory, and other misc. stuff.

Awesome seminar. Leaned a TON.

Dropzone open for juming NEXT WEEKEND :)

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April 1, Bobby Bennett turned 60 and had a bash at his home/airport in Crandall, Texas. After the winds died down at the end of the day I took his daughter on a tandem and set her down in front of the arriving guests.

Next day, while every one was sleeping it off, his wife took me on a cross country over to Caddo Mills, where I jumped in to yuck it up with Larry Portman and other old timers.

Got packed up and jumped back into Bobby Bennett's place minus a shoe. (That's another tale coming soon)

Went back home to Skydive Houston and did six tandems Sunday:)
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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