
Whats your jumping goals for Summer 05?

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1. Take a static line instructor course.
2. 200 jumps and get my D by the convention, 100 jumps at the convention.
3. Intentional Cutaway, if I don't have an unintentional first.
4. Learn to fly a wingsuit, although this could be very difficult before the convention comes along. (Any BMIs feel like stopping by Archway?)
5. Get proficient with my canopy, particularly working through the HP information in Brian's book.

I got a strong urge to fly, but I got no where to fly to. -PF

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I have the same goals I've always had.

Don't get hurt or die.

Pretty much with ya on those. Add:
-- Jump more with my hubby
-- Play with Foxes
-- Meet more .commers
-- Land on a beach at least once
-- Take a formal canopy course

I'm starting to get the *must jump* bug again. I love when that happens!


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My goal is to simply get back in the air again. For a variety of reasons, I haven't jumped in over a year. That must change this summer. I'd like to say that I'll work on my A rating, but right now, I'd just be happy to feel the nerves again as I stand in the door looking down. I just bought an altimeter from sq.1, now I need to give it a workout.
I made it to safety day, the one weekend I had off my Gramma passed away [:/] and now the weather is consistently nice so I'm really jonesing for a jump.

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-- Jump more with my hubby

I'll jump your hubby some more:ph34r:

Oh look at that, silly me, I left out one important word in that statement:P
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I am hoping to finish student status and work on getting my A. Then maybe finally making it to a boogie to meet all of you.

TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
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Don't get hurt or die.

I like those two goals too....
and I think we can work on the beach landing this weekend Rox B|

Mine are
-Earn a slot on JFTC
-Play with the foxes at least once a month(bigway,4way,anyway...)
-Keep my 4way skills somewhat current
-Use my Coach rating to spread the joy as much as possible
-Take a formal canopy course
-Get some crew coaching....Jackson, can ya hear me?;)

Ok, I'll stop now.. I think I just ran out of monopoly money!

no wait.. one more..
Somehow with all that, I want to..
Go to lots of cool places and meet all the right people;);)

You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.-Richard Bach

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1. Don’t get hurt, and stay alive
2. Do lots of jump mostly sitflying
3. Get good at sitflying
4. Take canopy course essential and advance (already signed up)
5. Take BASE jumping course in Aug.
6. Have fun
7. Have fun
8. Oh yea Have fun
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Get my C, or maybe not, it won't really affect my jumping any.
Learn to sitfly with my hands behind my back, if I'm in the mood to work on that.
Train for some more aggressive canopy landings, or not if I get distracted by something else to do.
Wingsuit jumping should be a possibility for me by the end of summer, or I just may wait another 100 jumps or so before I try it.
Maybe I'll break down and buy a camera... or just spend the money on other toys instead.

I'm so goal oriented it's scary.

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My goals for this summer....

1. Get over "Door Monster" again. (think it's "Exit Monster" this time.

2. Finally get my liscense.

3. Start working on RW.

4. Jump butt off, Winter jumping isn't fun.

5. Save money for more tunnel time and jumping at Z-hills when the winter jumping really starts to suck.

6. Show everyone who thought that I couldn't do it that I did...Just had to do it my way.
Punky Monkey
You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

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My goals for this summer....

1. Get over "Door Monster" again. (think it's "Exit Monster" this time.

2. Finally get my liscense.

3. Start working on RW.

4. Jump butt off, Winter jumping isn't fun.

5. Save money for more tunnel time and jumping at Z-hills when the winter jumping really starts to suck.

6. Show everyone who thought that I couldn't do it that I did...Just had to do it my way.

As far as that "door monster"...relax and have fun;)

My goals for the year (not just the summer) is to get my C license, coach rating and begin flying camera on fun jumps.B|


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My goals for this summer....

Get myself some new stalkers. The old ones just aren't cutting it anymore.

That, and jump more too!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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