
Suzuki GSX-R1000 @ 174mph accident (VERY GRAPHIC!)

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What if he had hit a bystander in the curve...would you still feel the same way?

That's just hypothetical bullshit - What are the odds that a "bystander" would just happen to be standing on the outside of that particular corner in the middle of the back country at that particular instant in time? Certainly not higher than a skydiver having a mal and falling through someone's house or the roof of someone's car on the freeway.


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What are the odds that a "bystander" would just happen to be standing on the outside of that particular corner in the middle of the back country at that particular instant in time?

What if the dude hit a COW standing in the middle of the road??? What would happen? Maybe split it in half? :S Now that would be a goddamn awful mess! B|:|:D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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What are the odds that a "bystander" would just happen to be standing on the outside of that particular corner in the middle of the back country at that particular instant in time?

What if the dude hit a COW standing in the middle of the road??? What would happen? Maybe split it in half? :S Now that would be a goddamn awful mess! B|:|:D

That's actually the best advice I could give if someone is travelling that fast on a bike and a cow or a deer appears in the road in front of them. Might as well make sure you end it quickly.

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Probably about the same odds as him making that corner.

Considering his judgement about the curve was flawed, I am not putting a lot of stock in the rest of the situation.

You can justify all you want, riding like that on an open road puts people in danger. Period. At least agree on that, and then you can debate the rest of it. I try to minimize that kind fo danger when I ride.
All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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What if the dude hit a COW standing in the middle of the road???


LOL! I was thinking the same thing. I've actually seen a dude smack a deer on a scooter while we were riding on a curvy back road outside of Austin, Texas. Luckily, he wasn't going that fast - he was entering a corner and BOINK, The deer just popped right up ran away. The dude was pretty much ok and his scooter required a few nuts and bolts and some paint but, all in all, it turned out well.

That's still a far cry from whackin' a COW at 170+.
Boy, I'd hate to be the guy holding the Glad bag on that dayB|


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That make me not want to drive fast on my sportbike. I got in a fight with asphalt a year back and it one at 40mph so I couldnt imagine 174.

Thank GOD it was over quik for him.

"Believe me! The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously!"
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

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Ok, I finally opened pic 4. There's a surprising lack of blood in the pics. Just solid guts. Weird.

Well, it looks like they drug the body parts off the road to the side, see streak in the road... the parts were most likely splayed out further apart after he came to a sliding tumbling halt... B|

Hey, that liver does look like it could be saved! :S
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I really shouldnt have opened that, my stupidity, I guess.

Guess what my husband rode up north? Yup ... a sporty...a GSXR 600. Thanks be to God he made it, but I take all accidents involving sporties very serious. My husband is an incredible rider, and I would like to think he uses he brains most of the time, but I have heard his stories....>:(:(...

May God be with this young man's family.

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We [nearly] all do crazy things sometimes ... and mostly get away with it.. this poor bloke didn't but nothing can hurt him now
BUT I feel for his family and friends (Oh and the emergency services - what a great job they do clearing up our crap - thanks peeps), this interwebby stuff does not always do good and this is a prime example.. no one should have to go through this, it's not doing any of us any good.
my 2 pence.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Ok, I finally opened pic 4. There's a surprising lack of blood in the pics. Just solid guts. Weird.

Well, it looks like they drug the body parts off the road to the side, see streak in the road... the parts were most likely splayed out further apart after he came to a sliding tumbling halt... B|

Hey, that liver does look like it could be saved! :S

Assuming the pictures are even real, I'd guess they collected the parts from off the road in the trees. I'm not sure why they took them to the far side of the road though. The 'gross' pictures look more like the ones from the guy that got caught in the tires of a semi :S
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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>There's a surprising lack of blood in the pics.

Well, once the heart stops, blood isn't in a hurry to leave. And after a while it coagulates. Check out any of the roadkill you see on the highway - even the bigger deer don't bleed much unless they're still alive.

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Anyone whos does dangerous sports could very well mess up one day and end up dead. Let's try not to judge this guy anymore than we would judge ourselves.

I agree, however, do you condone high speed riding on public roads?

That's much different then a skydiving fatality.

If he would have been on a track and this happened, that's one thing, but on a public road...that's beyond reasonable.

depends on time and conditions.... public roads ARE for the use of the public of which he was a member... doing it on an otherwise empty road is much different than splitting lanes during rush hour...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I opened them while eating a cup o noodles with red broth. That didn't bother me. But when I read someone's description of what they have to periodically clean out of their boa's cage ('nuther thread), THAT grossed me out! I guess I can handle body parts better than snake piss.

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I ride a CBR600. It's easy to go that fast on those bike. Unlike most cars as they get faster they get more stable, so it is easy to kid yourself that you are ok that fast. The FEW times I've broken 120 I was on a stretch where my field of vision could ensure:

A) No cops would surprise me.

B) No animals would surprise me.

C) I would encounter no cars.

D) I could see approaching curves from a LONG way away since at 130ish mph you cover ground FAST!

Even at that I recognized that there could be things that could get me squirrley and if so see 'ya. I've only done it a couple of times to see what it was like accepting the possible consequnces and made it as safe as a could. Been there, done that, and now don't break 90. I love the bike and it may bite me some day, but I saw a quote I love "He who is not afraid to lose his life is ironically free to live it." I try not to be stupid, but I don't let calculated risk keep me from experiencing life.

On a lighter side, getting the bike made people shut up about how crazy I am to skydive. One gal at the DZ siad "You're an ER Doc. and you ride a motorcycle?";)

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I try not to be stupid, but I don't let calculated risk keep me from experiencing life.

....but if you're DEAD from a stupid action, then you've just let a calculated risk keep you from experiencing life....
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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