
My concern died with this post.

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But I do understand as we all have seen personally and time and time again in the Incidents Forum. We are losing our loved ones due to low turns and premature downsizing and wingloading.

I know you still care...and always will...as do I. It's the harsh reality of this sport that we can only do so much.


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No really, I just don't care any more. Jump what ya want........

Or in what ever conditions you want[:/]

All we can do is educate, after that they need to take what they have learned heard and apply it.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I can jump whatever I want.

I am special. I have had training so I am better than my jump numbers.

Plus, I've always survived before, so I will be ok in the future.

You are such a safety nazi.

You tooo are a smartass Bill...but I luv ya to death;):D...so let's talk about that bike ride on Saturday and how you fought the gusts 3 miles from zhills for 12 miles:D


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No really, I just don't care any more. Jump what ya want........

now your getting it...

Now he's "getting what"? elaborate.

naw, I'm just giving him crap for being a dick...

Towerrat isn't a dick. He's just worried about his fellow jumpers breaking themselves and not "thinking". If caring for other fellow jumpers and their safety is being a dick...then I must be one too..nah perhaps you wanna call me a pussy..cuz I'm female.:S


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No really, I just don't care any more. Jump what ya want........

now your getting it...

You wonder why jumpers at various DZ's write you off, this is why. NO jumper wants to see another jumper die or get badly hurt from this sport. When another jumper blatantly disregards the advice of those vastly more experienced than them, they can't do much other than try to discourage you from jumping at all.

This sport is very intolerant of stupidity, and mixed with arrogance it is very deadly. You may not give a shit, but others do.

Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

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You wonder why jumpers at various DZ's write you off, this is why. NO jumper wants to see another jumper die or get badly hurt from this sport. When another jumper blatantly disregards the advice of those vastly more experienced than them, they can't do much other than try to discourage you from jumping at all.

This sport is very intolerant of stupidity, and mixed with arrogance it is very deadly. You may not give a shit, but others do.

Actually they only started writing me off when I started bringing my rig to the packing mat and started packing it ERGO my initial post. I am probably the most friendliest person... I apologize, I WAS probably the most friendliest person anyone could met, I'd bend over backwards to brighten anyone's day I could, until today when I realized it is futile. Just like sisyphus and his rock, when you think you've made progress it all just comes crashing down on you... but alas, you try and try... to hell with that, I'm done trying. That what I meant when I said I don't care. And, trust me.. If you wan't to tell me about the beauty of life, it's cool... you nor anyone else has to explain that to me, I already know. I've read the incident forums... I know what happens... saying that, I can't really get mad at you for at least confronting me with this, as a matter of fact, I'm not mad at all... I feel even flattered, but I have well-trained coaches whom tell me EVERYTHING about my skydives. Professionals, they do this for a living. but when it comes to advice on THIS board... honestly thank you! thank you so much... but no thanks.

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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In Reply To

Ergo the original post in this thread. Comes down to it you're on your own. Good luck.

right on man, couldn't have said it better


*sweeping the dust of my shoulders*....


my mistake, I thought it was a chip.........

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

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:D:DDude stop relpying to him:ph34r::ph34r:

let him have the last word, it don't matter either way,
Remember it's only the internet;)

let his DZSO deal with him on the ground
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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No really, I just don't care any more. Jump what ya want........

Randy two ring....Wanna share with the class why *I* find this from you funny as hell?;)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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but when it comes to advice on THIS board... honestly thank you! thank you so much... but no thanks.

Then why ask in the first place ???

Didn't you get the answer you wanted ??? :|

You don't answer legitimate questions and when you do, your vague with your information.. what did/do you expect ? sympathy ?

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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