
Homework poll: How do you cope with S-T-R-E-S-S???

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I'm taking a Behavioral Science course for school, 'Stress Management'. I'm getting a lot out of it! :)
I need help with this one, however:

Interview your friends, your family, or your doctors to see how they view and treat stress. What did you conclude?

In 1977 Dr. Pelletier suggested that 50-70 percent of all disease and illness was related to stress.

It has been estimated by doctors themselves that about 85% of their patients suffer from stress.

What advice and treatment do they provide?

So what is your/are your favorite method(s) to deal with stress? Do you know of a method recommended by your doctor? I need to consolidate ideas from many sources for assingment #11. ;)

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I skydive :)

Yeah, skydiving was specifically NOT on the poll because this is for a 'typical' college class, and not necessarily to poll a bunch o' skydivers...:ph34r: But good on ya if you do... B|

Besides, I can't vote that option for a few months, so I don't wanna see it anyhoo...:(
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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So what is your/are your favorite method(s) to deal with stress?

Removing the source.

At work, if I feel that someone has unrealistic goals, I try to manage their expectations. I tell them realistically what can be accomplished and let them make that choice.

Away from work, people who cause me problems aren't in my life very long. I have fulfilled the life-quota for arguing. There is no item that balances out anger for me, therefore, no compromise.

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Removing the source.

At work, if I feel that someone has unrealistic goals, I try to manage their expectations. I tell them realistically what can be accomplished and let them make that choice.

Away from work, people who cause me problems aren't in my life very long. I have fulfilled the life-quota for arguing. There is no item that balances out anger for me, therefore, no compromise.

:o Ohhh. Very good! You get a gold star for today! :) "How do you deal with stress, Acme? -Blatant plagiarism!" B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Stress? You mean my daily life? :P

I don't have one specific thing that works for me...sometimes I work out, sometimes I listen to music and take a drive, sometimes I call people and complain, other times I just cry and eat. It all depends on the source of the stress...

The stress I felt today prompted a phone call to my parents and me crying pitifully on the phone until I remembered that I can only take one day at a time and that everything will work out in the end...it always does. :)
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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I take my mind out of the situation. More often than not, people are the source of my stress. I'm a born people pleaser and I often feel I've failed... However, I somehow convince myself not to care and that stressing over it won't help ...

Puzzles, art projects (meticulous projects work best), music, and Episodes of "Friends" work well, anything that makes me laugh and most importantly thinking about the things in my life that really really matter... that usually straightens me out!

Exercise doesn't work for me much, because I think about stuff when I run... and then I worry more.... [:/]

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really.. since i started i can put up with nearly anything, everything... if something is bothering me i just mentally 'leave it in the door'

its not much different than many other relaxation techniques but the method is soooooo much more effective...

Sex can work pretty well too ;)
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Depends on the source of the stress. Self induced (ie due to procrastination or poor decision making)? Run, run away. Other people? Kill them. :ph34r:

Seriously though. Best stress relievers for me are jumping, getting jumped, getting out of town, whining to friends and/or attitude adjustment materials.

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Xanax!!!!!!!!!or Cruzan Rum!!!!!! or Both. But the best stress reliever is just a divorce. Since I filed for divorce I have a considerable amount less stress than I had before. Now, I can focus on what I need to for a change and not the selfish needs of someone else.
It's not what you do in life, it's what you do with your life that counts.

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You know, my answer's kind of lame: I watch tv. To me, mindless entertainment in the comfort of my bed is great at fighting stress. Skydiving provides me with more of a thrill than stress relief, and working out is just something I have to do. :D

TV is where it's at. But only because I can't afford massages. :D

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I would have to say that getting exercise and eating healthy is a big stress reliever for me.

But I also voted for drugs and alcohol too.

I'm all about balance...:P


"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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Something I picked up in the Army is I just bitch about the situation to my friends. A soldier isn't happy unless he can gripe about something.
"These are the old days, the bad days, the all-or-nothing days. They're back! There's no choice left, and I'm ready for war."

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This is some great info, all THANKS! :)
I had a friend send me her answer in an email:


Hi Jaye...this is so easy, because I pride myself on my stress routine...I
scream, throw the remote at the front door, pout and go spend an obscene
about of money on brand-name items I don't need. I have it down to 2.5
hours max.

Hope that helps!

Interestingly enough, her husband sent me this:

Jaybird for my stress relief I like to do the following .

play xbox games

2 go riding on my dirt bike

3 best thing ever get coloring books and a 64 pack of crayons and go to town

:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: I love these two!! B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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It's interesting how differently I deal with stress now than I used to.

My preferred method of dealing with stress is to go for a walk with my wife and my son. It's amazing how relaxing it is. Something so simple and easy...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I murder helpless kittens, figuratively-speaking. Don't cost nothin' ;)

My advice to you is to start drinking heavily

OK! This should come easy to many of us;:):) Just say: TEQUILA !!!!!B|

salt and limes? "training wheel's" are for those just starting to understand stress related cure.
Blue skies to all !! el peludo aka mikey:D

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