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What a Fluffer is??

All this talk about Nekkid Jumps and I mention that I will be doing one for my 100th if I can just find a Fluffer;).. And you would be amazed at who was saying "Whats a Fluffer".

Is there anyone else who doesnt know what a Fluffer is?

(No need to explain it, Let em keep wondering!!)

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You must be a 'grower' not a 'show-er', if you need a fluffer!

Hey now!!
It gets cold at Altitude!! (Thats my story and I am sticking to It!!)

Actually I am not sure if I am more worried about Shrinkage or Flopage!!:P
Shrikage just hurts the ego.. Flopage Just plain Hurts!!

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Sigh. Sadly, I do know, and while I have a great deal of natural curiosity about anything I don't know, there are still some things you just wanna forget the second you find out...

Anyone seen my innocence? [:/]

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I remember seeing a porn flick many years ago, I think it was called "Penetration"... it was more of a documentary on the making of porn movies, so it was showing the fluffers working in between the action. I think that may even be where I first heard the term 'fluffer'... It actually had one really cool porn scene at the end of the flick... I had completely forgotten about that until I saw this thread... Now I must find that movie again!

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I remember seeing a porn flick many years ago, I think it was called "Penetration"... it was more of a documentary on the making of porn movies, so it was showing the fluffers working in between the action. I think that may even be where I first heard the term 'fluffer'... It actually had one really cool porn scene at the end of the flick... I had completely forgotten about that until I saw this thread... Now I must find that movie again!

Ok, I think I just figured out what it was... and ewwww... I definitely don't want to be on that load.
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Is there anyone else who doesnt know what a Fluffer is?

On a side note, don´t end sentences with prepositions.

"Is" is not a preposition; it's a helping verb. And there's actually no rule in the English language about not ending sentences with prepositions, just like there's no rule about not splitting infinitives. These are often thought of as rules because they do exist as rules in Latin, but in English they're guidelines at best.

Consider how much clearer it is to say "Where are you from?" than "From where are you?" or "You are from where?"
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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I THINK I know what a fluffer is, is that a person that sees the front of a golf cart as a little saggy and attempt to pirk it up a little by slamming into it with the force of a horny elephant? Yeah, surely that is what it is.
Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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Sigh. Sadly, I do know, and while I have a great deal of natural curiosity about anything I don't know, there are still some things you just wanna forget the second you find out...

Anyone seen my innocence? [:/]

Yes. I see it. A "fluffer" is NOT the lady who makes the pillows all puffy when she makes the beds at Embassy Suites ... but that could be a sideline for her.

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Hey jay if you want video i need you to fly to the camera and give me a ditta so i can close my eyes and pull without seeing your nasty pencil body:)

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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