
Spare Prayers and Vibes for my Father?

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Best wishes to your dad, Michele.....I've enjoyed his performances for many years, and of course he's a fellow Lions fan, so he's cool in my book. B|

Did Sinai give any reason why they missed all that the first time ? I thought they were top-rate.

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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Did Sinai give any reason why they missed all that the first time ? I thought they were top-rate.

They are, and treated Dad with kid gloves. He was waiting in the waiting room, and people were recognizing him, so they put him in a room generally held for the pediatrics emergencies. After one vicodin, he was oogling the trains cut into the ceiling. They really took good care of him, even when he started hollering about wanting some "green jello for lunch."

The ribs were easy to miss...I wasn't in the room, but I could hear Dad hollering and moaning...ribs are curved bones, and because of that, and Dad's pain, the angle the xrays were taken wasn't the best. (I don't think Dad could hold still long enough in the position, honestly).

The hip break seems to have "widened" over the last week, probably because Dad thought he'd just banged and bruised himself, and that movement would be good. Which, within reason, is what you'd do with sore muscles...of course, it's the "within reason" part that Dad didn't get. He went to the market, up and down and in and out of the car, there are stairs (3, but still...) in his house, and he "helped" the gardeners. Not to mention that he had a performance and went ahead and did it. And it didn't become apparent that he had some internal trauma until the MRI (or was it the CT? Can't recall) was done. Dad sets great store in MRIs. He keeps telling people how nice they are.

And sometimes, according to the Ortho Dr., some breaks don't show up for several days. Which would be when he was walking around the block, and going on interviews and doing performances. I know one lady who broke her spine, and it didn't show up on the xrays for something like 2 weeks.

Dad just called me, well under the influence of percocet, and wants to know what we're doing on Father's Day. I told him we'd picnic in the back yard, and I'd bring my camera if he wore his blue jammies. He told me to bring a few bottles of wine. LOLOL!

Thanks, Don. Again, everyone, I really appreciate the prayers and vibes. Thanks.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Just off the phone with Dad.

According to him, it's enormously painful today...he called his Dr., but his Dr. is off today, so he'll wait to go in until tomorrow.

When I asked him what's hurting, he told me "breathing. But I'm still breathing anyway."

He's refusing to go to the hospital. He's refusing to see another Dr. He's just going to plug away and wait until the Dr. he likes comes back to work tomorrow. I tried to get him in to see another Dr., but according to Dad, his Dr. "knows" what's going on. I tried to get him to see that everything is in his file, that he doesn't need to worry about the other Drs not knowing what's going on, and that his Dr. has someone covering for him.

Dad's refusing.

Dammit, this is so frustrating. I'm heading over to sit with him, because if it hurts to breathe, things are happening that I'm not comfortable with. He's going to be so pissed that I'm staying there today, but too bad for him. I'm hoping that he'll get over being stubborn and go in to the Dr's today; the potential for significant issues is huge.

Prayer warriors, please say a prayer for him. And all you vibrators (??:S;)) please vibe away...and the rest of you, happy thoughts, good energy, agape, whatever it is, can you please please send some his way? It's getting dangerous - really dangerous - now.



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Oh jeez Michele. [:/]

As anytime you ask, you have my prayers for both of you.

Hang in there Mr. Lesser, and listen to your daughter. We're all pulling for you, so just keep breathing, OK?

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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There's probably little that can be done about pain from broken ribs. It hurts like a mofo to breathe with that.

On the other hand, he sounds like he is doing remarkably well. He's ornery as hell, which is a great sign!

My thoughts go to you!

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Good vibes coming your way... [:/]

On a side note. Whenever I read this I remembered the Seinfeld episode when Uncle Leo stole from a bookstore, Jerry tells someone at the store in the hopes that they can scare him straight. Instead of doing this, they swarm and Uncle Leo goes to jail and reinacts the scenes of Capefear as he works out in prison as if waiting for his revenge. I have to say that made me laugh again. Your father is a great actor. :D

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There's probably little that can be done about pain from broken ribs. It hurts like a mofo to breathe with that.

I agree with that. My ex broke 4 of mine, and it hurt a whole lot for a while.

The difference here is that it's 11 days in, and the pain is increasing. Not staying the same, not diminishing, but increasing. And that's the worry for me; we started with Vicodin, went to Percocet, and it's not touching the pain...and it's getting worse. And to get him to differentiate between the ribs hurting, and the lungs beneath hurting is impossible..."it just hurts."

And yes, he's ornery as hell...which, while hard to deal with, is a great thing to see.

Ashtanga, yes, that is my absolute favorite episode he did. I still tease him about "being old, and confused" which is a line from the show. I swear, he should've been nominated for an Emmy for that episode alone.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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More prayers, thoughts and vibes coming your way! I sure hope his pain gets better and not any worse. As stubborn as he sounds, for him to want to see his doctor, it must really hurt. Give him some very gentle hugs for me and give yourself some too.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I know how you feel. My Dad will be 72 this year and he ain't quite what he used to be. Crazy fool fell off a ladder not all that long ago. He refused to go to a Dr as well. Just spent a couple days laying in bed. He drives my Mom nuts. I think she has given up trying to get him to the Dr's office. Kinda scary when parents get old and fragile. :S Anyway.......Hope he feels better soon. He's in my thoughts all the way from Iraq. :)

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Dad's back from the Dr...no hospitalization at this time. Which is very, very good news.

Seems that the issue of the "increasing pain" is Dad is not taking the percocet as the Dr. told him. Meaning, the rx is for 2 pills every 4 hours, and Dad's taking 1 every 6-8 hours. The problem isn't that he's not taking enough, it's that without the meds, it's really painful to take a deep breath and cough. Which will prevent pneumonia...so while Dad doesn't like the meds, he has to take them so he can breathe properly and avoid the serious complication of pneumonia, which at the least would require hospitalization...

So Dad's promised to take 2 every 4 hours, as rx'd. His Dr. is very cool - joked around with Dad and gave me permission to "smack your father around as often as needed if he stops taking his meds again...consider them Dr.'s orders..." and his Dr. stressed no waiting if there is any additional issues, like shortness of breath, or heavyness in the chest, lightheadedness, et cetera. I was to be called immediately and get him into the closest ER. Coming from the Dr., that carries enough weight that Dad might just possibly listen to me.

So the Father's Day picnic in the backyard is on...

Thanks for the prayers and vibes. They help, no doubt...and I appreciate more than I can say.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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My prayers go out to your Dad and you as well. He made me laugh. I am a big fan. What else to do on rainy days. Just make sure you take care of yourself as well. Stress and worry can take its toll.
Prayers, vibes and good thoughts from New Jersey.
"Cloudy Skies look different through skydivers eyes. Is that a hole in the clouds I see?" Let's get driving!

Blue Skies and Sweet Dreams

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