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Ok, I watched Team America this weekend. Can I just say that I would have rather had all my teeth pulled with no pain killers.

Who liked this movie and what drugs where you on when you thought you liked it?

I thought the whole puppet thing would make it funny, boy was I wrong!!! The good thing is I now know where my co-worker gets his view on Politics!

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I actually liked this movie. I thought it was simple and silly... easy to laugh at. The political undertones were thick, and the parody of our government truly made me laugh, and I am a republican!!!

Not to mention I have a sick sense of humour...

I was not under any influence, just thought it was silly and I laugh fairly easy... laughter is my medicine.

OH... but I would not pay movie theatre prices for this movie... in fact, I wouldnt pay movie theatre prices for ANY movie...


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So far I am the odd man out. I just thought it was plain old stupid.

I have been told I just didn't get the politics of it. I am slow but, not that slow. I think a 10 year old could have gotten the "message". I just couldn't bring myslef to laugh....except at myself for watching it.

I mean come on was it really that funny to have a puppet suck another puppets penis?


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Ok, I watched Team America this weekend. Can I just say that I would have rather had all my teeth pulled with no pain killers.

Who liked this movie and what drugs where you on when you thought you liked it?

I thought the whole puppet thing would make it funny, boy was I wrong!!! The good thing is I now know where my co-worker gets his view on Politics!

I thought it was hilarious! We went to see it in the theater. We got WASTED in the theater too while watching it so that probably helped. I saw it again sober on DVD and it was still funny.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Yeah... I didn't like it either... they could have left out the disgusting part in their sex scene too. I would never want to sit through the movie again. :P

I liked it myself. They actually cut out a fair sized chunk of the sex scene to get the rating they did.
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I stopped it about 1/2 way through and went to play out side it was rap. I can watch some pretty woeful stuff but I could not bare that rubbish:|
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How can anyone hate this movie, it was awesome.... I was laughing my ass off..

I think its ironice that the South Park chaps managed to put Micheal Moore to shame by creating a more fair and balanced political film....

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