
Pit Bull versus Porcupine... who won???

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If that dog was ass-stupid enough to KEEP GOING BACK, then yes, he deserves every last quill. Obviously doesn't have a freaking working braincell left, so fuck it.
Can you imagine the stories the porcupine will have to tell after this, though?
No shit, there I was...
Edit to add: I wonder what the follow up to this was? My dog got a dozen quills before it wised up and backed off. This poor mutt, who knows.

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yep if he is stupid enough to keep attacking after the first couple quils then he deserves every one of them.

And holyfucking shit thats alot of them!!!! :o:o:(
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Okay, so tell me...

Did this pit bull deserve what he got for trying to fuck with a porcupine?


Look at the teat in the first picture. It ain't a he, it's a she...with pups. The pictures are pretty good for shock factor, but also sad. Obviously the dog won the battle, but I imagine her owner's gotta take her out back now and provide the mutual part of "mutually assured destruction." [:/]

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Okay, so tell me...

Did this pit bull deserve what he got for trying to fuck with a porcupine?


Look at the teat in the first picture. It ain't a he, it's a she...with pups. The pictures are pretty good for shock factor, but also sad. Obviously the dog won the battle, but I imagine her owner's gotta take her out back now and provide the mutual part of "mutually assured destruction." [:/]


As far as "mutually assured destruction" do you mean put her down????

If so, then maybe you should read this article from KOMO TV about a Lab-Chow who took over 1,000 quills.


All it takes is some antibiotics and it's fine. Painful....but fine.

If you just meant take the quills out, then forgive me....I'm just drunk!

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Very similar in build ....but with heads like a football...I've always wanted one but they are expensive and can be somewhat hard to train.....and like a pit you have to make sure to socialize them with other animals when they are puppies .....a spot of tea gov'na

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Yup my Siberian X got it twice really bad then another 5 times with just a few. Like 5-15 quills. I just used to pull them out myself. The first time they were in her mouth, nose paw. One went in her mouth under her tounge and came out the bottom of her jaw a few weeks later. Another vet bill. Smart dog most of the time. Just not with porcupines.

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I'm just concerned about the porcupine. I have no sympathy for dogs whatever, take the fucker out back and shoot it. dogs are vicious and cowardly, always looking for a chance to slip back into the wild thing. Kill 'em all.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I'm just concerned about the porcupine. I have no sympathy for dogs whatever, take the fucker out back and shoot it. dogs are vicious and cowardly, always looking for a chance to slip back into the wild thing. Kill 'em all.

What a Dick

asshole is more like it.

you don't see any onther animal seeing for the blind or helping people restricted to wheelchairs.

I wouldn't even go as far to say that ALL pitbulls are bad dogs. I'v seen several of them that are little teddy bears with little kids.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I'm just concerned about the porcupine. I have no sympathy for dogs whatever, take the fucker out back and shoot it. dogs are vicious and cowardly, always looking for a chance to slip back into the wild thing. Kill 'em all.

I find my sympathies are more with the porcupine too, but I see dogs as being very noble animals for the most part.


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If that dog was ass-stupid enough to KEEP GOING BACK, then yes, he deserves every last quill. Obviously doesn't have a freaking working braincell left, so fuck it.

I'm a dog lover, but I have to agree with you, that there has got to be one of the dumbest dogs on the planet, and it deserves every last quill.

If your gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough!

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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