
Weekend Numbers 07/22-24

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Figure is better to start sooner rather than later.

13 jumps in the nasty ass heat. but damn were they good.
Too much alcohol consumed on Friday night, so Saturday was most unpleasant, but I still did 7 jumps.

1 hell of a kick ass party on Sat night. Almost everyone got thrown into the pool. Too bad a few of us hit the hard ass ground!

Contrats to Katie for her 1000th! Which was super cool to be on.

1 case of beer owed for my first nekkid jump.
Hell who wouldnt wanna be on a 12 way nekkid jump with lots of hot chicks on it? I mean damn, it was difficult not to stare!

The weekend rocked. How was yours! B|
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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assuming its still jumps:humps:cases of beer owed...


3 glorious wingsuit jumps at the awesome Sibson after the weather finally cleared up:0 humps (no suprises there):1 case for the brand new wingsuit.. thank you Bird Man! :)
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
Performance Designs - Simply brilliant canopies

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1 2-way FF Coach jump with Jed from Anomaly
1 2-way FF Fun jump w/ Jed (awesome vice versa exit! ~For some reason he doesn't like me calling it a pretty princess exit...~) :ph34r::ph34r::)
1 2-way FF Fun jump w/ Scott
2 Solo Hop&Pops
2 2-way Hop&Pops from 4g w/ JeNnEjEn (Buddy track exit) with her new hand cam setup!!
1 5-way tracking dive @ sunset led by Jed

*First smooch pass on a hop&pop from my girl! :)B|:D

I've got to get me a hand cam!!!!

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Only two jumps, one stand, one hop-n-pop, back hurting this weekend, taking it easy.. [:/]

One of my friends did a tandem on saturday though, she had a blast, .. From the way she's talking, we just might have another skychick before too long :ph34r:

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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2 awesome 3 ways on Saturday for the Indiana Skydiving Academy 3 way competition which my team won B|.

Today did a 2 way a 3 way and a solo, basically just screwing around. Too hot to do too much, and packing really sucked this weekend. I think I lost about 5 pounds
I've done so much, with so little, for so long
I'm now expected to do everything with nothing forever

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Gut veekend !

Simulated being a static-line student for an up-and-coming JM here.

Made another hop 'n pop, after being initiated into some sort of arcane, sliding-hand, fist-bumping handshake by the other folks in the plane.:ph34r:

Man, I love spending my weekend days like this...



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Didn't jump this weekend. Wasn't even on a dropzone this weekend.

Went to a concert on some dude's farm that was by invitation only.... got thrown into a swimming pool, saw lots of naked chicks (that were dancing on the stripper pole onstage), had WAY too much alcohol, took WAY too many damn pictures of random people... If I didn't know any better I would think I was with a bunch of skydivers...:ph34r:

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8 jumps with my 4 way team over the weekend, and one 16 way tracking jump for my 200th (that was actually done on jump #203 because #200 was a training jump!)

Lots of fun and lots of progress made with the team.
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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Made another hop 'n pop, after being initiated into some sort of arcane, sliding-hand, fist-bumping handshake by the other folks in the plane.:ph34r:

:D First time someone did that to me I was like huh? Now it's cool to 'initiate' new people! But I was also taught two ways to do it, lovingly called the old geezer way and the young fart way. :ph34r:

Also, it was cool to see said up and coming JM do such an awesome job handling his two out situation! I know it prompted me to go back and reread about two outs in my SIM!


Passed by B license check dive! Now just need to take the written test and do the water training in August!

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Finally my SO decided not to give me a hard time about going to the DZ, I guess that was because I was only there for half of Saturday.
Only 1 jump from 9500, first jump holding a solo license, a few front flips both ending in a sit fly position. Cant wait till i fly like that on purpose :S.

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No jumps, but I did get to sit in the co-pilot seat of the Caravan on one load...B| That was as exciting as a skydive. :)
Shitty circumstances brought me to the DZ on that day, but y'know, always looking for that silver lining in the industrial haze...
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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One Jump. First Jump with Booties... First Broken Bone when I Tripped on said Booties trying to surf out the landing and managed to catch my Thumb under my hand as I tried to catch myself. Not pretty seeing your Thumb pointing 180 degrees from its natural position. Fucking Pull Hand Too.>:(:S

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1 freebag found:4:1

Saturday I only made one jump due to some leftover sinus pain. Luckily it cleared up today and I got to make 3 more jumps despite getting to the dz so late on a sunday!

Saturday was spent packing and searching for TJ's freebag which i found! It was also fun making actual money for packing too!

Today I made 3 jumps and I focused on learning how to backfly! It was soo much fun and such a different feeling. Got video on the first and third and there was definitely a big difference! Im definitely looking forward to improving it!


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