
Hey fellow wine lovers! Funny video.

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We've been seeing more and more wineries going to screwcap bottles because of bad corks and it's so hard to convince the public that the traditional cork just isn't needed anymore. A winery here in California made this video to try and explain it better. It's a good laugh but it's also true.



(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I can't say I have a favorite because they are constantly changing. I'm a sucker for good old first growth Bordeaux and DRC. Unfortunately both are way out of my price range. I love a good pinot noir, some Rhone wines, Spanish wines with food, yum! Uh, Alsace with Thai, I guess it depends on the situation.

Bubbles...I love tiny bubbles!


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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This video makes too much fun of us French.... Its being moved to Speaker's Corner, and I'm banning your ass here for a few weeks.. That'll teach you . >:(

LOL yeah sure! Ban me! I'm not scared! I have blackmail material!


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Funny!!! I have a good friend, who lives in the Bay area and considers himself quite the wine conisseur. Here in Texas, we produce some nice little ol' wines, as well. When I go to the Symposiums, I'll bring him a couple bottles of Texas wine. The first time I took him some, he remarked about the fact the bottles actually had corks!:o:P


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yeah, I've the heard the thing about the screwcap bottles before, but I'm still sad to see the cork go:(. The video was great, I especially liked when the chick popped her mouth like a cork!:D

STILL, no more corks[:/] ( unless I freefly:|)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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We've been seeing more and more wineries going to screwcap bottles because of bad corks and it's so hard to convince the public that the traditional cork just isn't needed anymore. A winery here in California made this video to try and explain it better. It's a good laugh but it's also true.


I'll watch when I get home, but Bonnydoon has some of the best and coolest wines. Their Ca del Solo Ma diBianca (a Malvasia Bianca) is currently my favorite white wine - and at only about $12 or so a bottle. It is rather hard to find though - sometimes at Whole Foods, but probably have to buy it direct, special order through the wine person at the store or some other wine specialty store.

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I can't believe I watched the whole thing....

Anyhow, the bottle in the first sequence is "Big House Red" and not all that bad.

I also dig the "Twin Fin"

It's funny about the cork argument because cork snobs even have their sights set on the plastic corks found in wines like "Yellow Tail."

I enjoy all kinds of wines as long as they're red.


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Having had a wine that was corked a few weeks ago I'm all for synthetic corks or screwcaps. I mean when you spend $30 on a bottle of wine I'd like to be able to drink it and not have to poor it down the drain. :(
Fly it like you stole it!

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Exactly, which is why synthetic corks are gaining in popularity. Of course you could buy some of that nasty south american stuff with a screw top...


My man! You are on fire lately! Throw a cow at Remi!

I like Pinot Noir a LOT! We won a visit to the Sonoma County Wine tasting event thing last year that was worth a couple grand cause my wife does radio contests. Anyhow, Pinot Noir is easy to drink and has a high alcohol content and will make you pass out in the sauna.

See, in French "Pinot Noir" translates loosely as "Look, he fell down"

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Umm yea , i heard of one of those. I'm so not worthy.

Can i get a Captain and Coke ?
< puts right foot up on a barrel of rum >

You're breaking my HEART here!! Why does everyone throw Coke on rum?? Have you tried Captain Morgan and grapefruit juice over ice? Its great! Now resume standing with your foot on a barrel of rum ;)~~April
P.S. The video IS hilarious and makes sense, I'll miss the corks, though!

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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