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Wouldn;t sue at all,

Accidents do happen, ANYONE can make them.

That means i could do exactly that and accidentally collide (although ill do my bloody best to avoid a collision), so it would be totally unfair to sue of something we are all fallible of doing

edited to add - when i mentioned DELIBERATE, i was referring to pressing criminal charges against the jumper concerned, not the DZ - although that would be veyr rare and would have to involve someone coming at me with a chainsaw and trying to cut down in midair - point being - wouldn;t happen.

But unless that alien circumsatnce happaned at all, i wouldn;t sue even whether it was negligence or lack of care.And certainyl not in an accident

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Here we go, another hornet's nest, ah what the hell, i'll play :D

To add to what Lisa said, real skydivers realise the risk that they're undertaking when they get involved in the sport, have explained the dangers to their loved ones and have signed the DZ waiver. So no, they don't sue.

I'm sure you'll find that this will be the opinion of most, if not all of us here.

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Real skydivers don't sue.


That's the truth! Real Skydivers know the risks and have the spine to accept responsibility for their actions.

Ah, ya beat me to it MR! ;)

Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky

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Real skydivers don't sue.


That's the truth! Real Skydivers know the risks and have the spine to accept responsibility for their actions.

Ah, ya beat me to it MR! ;)


:$sorry:$;):D It's all good!


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What about you? Would you sue?

edited to add - moreover it would also be unfiar to sue because it would reck the DZ business - the Owner and clubjumpers and the DZ would all suffer from a case - when you sign the waiver, you agreee not to sue as a kind of "thankyou for letting me jump here - its a privelegeand i understand what youre risking by letting me do so".

Going back on that is breaking a promise to them.

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Real skydivers don't sue.

What she said.

And... they have conversations with their families to make sure that they get it and that they don't sue, either.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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You're under canopy and experience a collision with another jumper. You sustain injuries and rack up some high medical bills, your equipment is damaged and you miss time from work.

You can sue for anything whether or not there is a waiver. Sueing means filing a lawsuit against another party, whether you win it or not is another story.

After signing a waiver any lawsuit like that would hold no ground. The kind of lawsuits at dropzones that would hold ground is if someone intentionally sabotaged someones rig, which would also be a criminal offense. Like what happened in the UK.

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I would only sue if the person that hit me was experiencing air rage and attacked me on purpose for going to slow in the fast lane. Or maybe if they whipped out a glock and started shooting at me under canopy and smacked into me because they only had one hand on the toggles.

Air rage is real people! It must be stopped!


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I would only sue if the person that hit me was experiencing air rage and attacked me on purpose for going to slow in the fast lane. Or maybe if they whipped out a glock and started shooting at me under canopy and smacked into me because they only had one hand on the toggles.

Air rage is real people! It must be stopped!

:D Thanks Shannon. Grapefruit juice on my new laptop!!! :S:P

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I would only sue if the person that hit me was experiencing air rage and attacked me on purpose for going to slow in the fast lane. Or maybe if they whipped out a glock and started shooting at me under canopy and smacked into me because they only had one hand on the toggles.

And there is that grey line - at what point does our general support for live and accept it go out the window? If some guy was kicked off 3 DZs for being stupid in traffic and then visits your DZ to clip you, do you still write it off as tough shit?

Until it happens, hard to honestly write off the 1% scenarios.

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I would only sue if the person that hit me was experiencing air rage and attacked me on purpose for going to slow in the fast lane. Or maybe if they whipped out a glock and started shooting at me under canopy and smacked into me because they only had one hand on the toggles.

And there is that grey line - at what point does our general support for live and accept it go out the window? If some guy was kicked off 3 DZs for being stupid in traffic and then visits your DZ to clip you, do you still write it off as tough shit?

Until it happens, hard to honestly write off the 1% scenarios.

That's a really good point.

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Air rage is real people! It must be stopped!

It is! Why, just today, we're presented with incontrovertible evidence from your very own dropzone!

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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See? I told you! Jason's been known to suffer from air rage! He's not actually smiling. He's grinding his teeth and snarling! I bet he snapped at her and tried to take a nip of skin off her back!

I can see the Byron hate is going strong.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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