
Strangest Compliment You've Received

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"OMG your eyelashes are so nice and curly!"

Every girl when they realize my eye lashes are naturally like that and i dont actually curl them......its just weird when you're with a group of your buds and a girl says that....haha
Puttin' some stank on it.

----Hellfish #707----

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Some friends told me the other week that I should run for mayor and they would vote for me.

I had that happen once. Only problem..........the people were all bar owners or employees in a small Korean town. Suffice it to say my liver still holds a grudge over that time in my life. :D

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While on a dinner date, the woman informed me that I "have a nice tan head." Being somewhat hair challenged, I took that as a left handed compliment.

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, Shouting "...holy shit...what a ride!"

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It wasn't so much a compliment as a weird farewell: "I sincerely hope you do not get hit by a train." Anyway... :S:P
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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10 & 12


becasue it sounded like something a little kid like in 1st or second grade would say....... but now it seams the kid might have added you to hs spank bank.......lol.... i onlyhad one teacher in high schol that was atractive...... the rest were guys or very old old ladies....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Get them all the time. I get the eyelash compliment a lot, hair, eyes.................but drum roll please.............my sweety says to me "I love your lower back. The part just right above your butt." I'm looking in the mirror thinking "WTF is she talking about?" :D I guess it just proved to me that she must be completely and totally in love with me. :D

My wife used to say that about my lower back, it has to do with the muscles that form a ridge in the lumbar (Erector spinae) area I think. Kas loved to gently caress that part of my back :)I'm a middle aged unfit out of shape guy now[:/] She doesn't say she likes my back anymore [:/].
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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1. After a particularly bad landing (aircraft), and my admission of it in the pilot's lounge, another pilot said "well at least you recognized your mistake". I responded "Well, I'm not as dumb as I look" and his reply to that was "I didn't think you could be".

2. Back in my long-haired rock band days, a drunk came up at a club and stated "You play purty good for a chick". When I told him I wasn't a "chick", his response was "Well if you was a chick, you'd play purty good".
...if ignorance is bliss, I'm in Nirvana... you don't know what you don't know 'til you don't know it.


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I have heard kids say some of the cutest things, when I used to be a teacher. I had a couple of little first graders tell me that I was so TALL. Anyone who has ever met me knows why that is hysterical!

That's the first thing I thought to myself when I met you: "Geez, she's like a GIANT!"

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I have heard kids say some of the cutest things, when I used to be a teacher. I had a couple of little first graders tell me that I was so TALL. Anyone who has ever met me knows why that is hysterical!

That's the first thing I thought to myself when I met you: "Geez, she's like a GIANT!"

You know it, sweetheart. I tower over those kindergarten and first grade children...;)

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This isn't really a compliment but back when I first started working for the company I work for now I used to be the "IT person". Yeah, me. What the hell were they thinking? Anyway, at the time I could usually figure most things out after playing with the computer for a while but we were having some issue with a virus or something and we called a pro in. After he left he called my boss and they were talking on the phone. I picked up my phone to make an outbound call and mistakenly got on their line for a breif moment. All I heard was:

"She knows enough to be very very dangerous"

My boss knew I'd picked up that line by mistake and just started cracking up. He still says it to me from time to time.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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this weekend I lost a contact in freefall. It was in my dominant eye, and so I had no depth perception under canopy for landing. So of course I overshot the landing area in my new more agressive canopy. The wind had also changed, and it was a downwind landing. And so I ended up landing on the asphault in front of a running jet. :o

Long story short, I flared too high (no depth perception), and skidded to a stop on my chest and scared everyone who was watching. I lifted my hands and arched a little, and so I didn't break the skin at all, and just ended up with a dirty jumpsuit.

So I got lots of compliments about knowing how to chow without breaking myself. :)
I liked that one.

"Ive seen you hump air, hump the floor of the plane, and hump legs. You now have a new nickname: "Black Humper of Death"--yardhippie

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"You talk like a guy"

In reference to how I tell stories and get all worked up and physical about it, i.e. flailing arms and sound effects and facial expressions...

I can dig it. B|

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Last year I was on a trip to Japan and was chatting up this local chick and she told me I have “honest eyes” like “Lobert DeNiro” (think of the stereotype accent). Didn’t hook up, but had to laugh a couple weeks ago when I heard a comedian say he was trying to hook up in a bar with some chick but she didn’t want to because he didn’t have "honest eyes". His reply was “Honest eyes? I want to have sex with you, not borrow a thousand dollars”. Maybe I should have asked her to borrow some money.:S:P;)


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When a younger female skydiver learned that I just turned 40 she said, "wow, I hope I look that good when I get as old as you are."

Oh, my god, dear; do I feel your pain....:S

I usually get the 20-something sorority types at my bar with the "You are so hot for an older guy; I'd even go out with you".... Giggle giggle...

Thanks. I think.
"I gargle no man's balls..." ussfpa on SOCNET

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