
People throwing butt heads out of cars....

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Look smokers... Stop littering.. It's bad enough you have such a useless, nasty, stinky, unattractive habit.. Stop throwing your butts out of the car driving down the road.. That's why you have an ash tray.. If it's too nasty to keep in your car then maybe you should quit..


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Could not agree more.

Especially since I have had the displeasure of picking them up on several military installations as a detail. Along with many other disgusting things tossed out of car windows. >:(


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I completely agree with this. And heaven forfend if you happen to have your window down when one of those stink missiles is launched from the car just in front of you. In those instances, I think to a Bruce Cockburn song..."If I had a rocket launcher..."
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
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agreed. i still cant figure out while a wrapper from a snack thrown on the ground is litter, yet a butt is not. pure laziness is the answer.

It is, and one can get fined for littering. Sometimes the ticket is more if it's lit. Fire hazard.

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Ok since we're talking about what pisses us off whilst driving....how about the ass that pulls up behind you and has his base turned up so much YOUR liscense plate rattles too. Gawd! I hate that!!! How do they do it? I mean listen to music so distorted and all???
I know there is a sound ordiance law in every county, city, etc. Why don't these people get pulled over?

Thanks I needed that!!
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here's what we've done when my family is driving somewhere and we see a litterbug... if it's at a stoplight or something and it's safe, i'll pop out of the car, pick up the trash and hand it back to the offender and say, "here, you dropped something." they usually have a look of shocked disbelief on their face... or, if they're scary and I don't want to push it, i'll pick it up, give them a little look and walk back to my car. or, even better, if we're pulled up next to them and the windows are down, my balsy kids are known to outright ask, "sir, why did you just throw that trash on the ground?"

shame tactics work sometimes.

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I agree that throwing the butts out the window is nasty!

I have a question... Is it just as bad when I spit my gum out the window? I always aim for somewhere that people won't be walking!

butts are definitely gross, but at least cotton is biodegradable.

edit: don't get me wrong, i'm not defending butt throwers. it's littering and that's awful. i was just answering your question. the answer is yes.

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Apparantly change in law means we'd be able to arrest people for that in the UK soon. Though ive not been briefed yet. Could be fun ;)

Ive been present when someones been nicked for it before becuase he wouldnt tell us who he was so had no alternative but to arrest. :D

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That may be...but I read somewhere that it take 9 years for a butt to 'go away'.

I smoke, but don't pitch!;)

again, i'm not defending litterers. i don't even smoke. it's gross. but as long we're comparing butts to gum. nine years as compared to, well, never. i'll take the 9 years. Nine years is a relatively short time in the span of human existence on earth.

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I was sitting at a traffic light the other day and was absolutely disgusted at the number of butts on the ground. I mean, we are talking thousands and thousands. Then I started paying attention to the butts all over the place and realized that the entire world is covered in them. It is absolutely disgusting and there is no excuse for it.

I am so tired of the "Screw you, it's my right to smoke" attitude with most smokers. Yes, it is your right to smoke, but it is NOT your right to make others smell it, inhale it and deal with it, or to throw your nasty butts wherever you please.

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Look smokers... Stop littering.. It's bad enough you have such a useless, nasty, stinky, unattractive habit.. Stop throwing your butts out of the car driving down the road.. That's why you have an ash tray.. If it's too nasty to keep in your car then maybe you should quit..


I completely agree, Rob. Those of you pathetic butt-throwers ought to have to endure something as fucked up as military people have to twice a year: post police call. There is simply nothing more disgusting for a non-smoker to have to do than pick up cigarette butts on the side of the road. Seriously.


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I completely agree, Rob. Those of you pathetic butt-throwers ought to have to endure something as fucked up as military people have to twice a year: post police call. There is simply nothing more disgusting for a non-smoker to have to do than pick up cigarette butts on the side of the road. Seriously.


Good point Chuck. It finally disgusted me so much in the AF that I flat-out refused to pick up cigarette butts. They couldn't force me, since I didn't participate in the disgusting, utterly filthy habit of smoking in the first place. But I understand that Army guys might not be so lucky as to be able to refuse to pick that crap up.

What part of, "Don't fling, flick or otherwise haphazardly discard your filthy shit anywhere but in a trash can" is so hard to figure out?
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
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The cellulose acetate used to make cigarette filters can take decades to degrade. Cigarette butts are biggest source of litter, with a total of 4.5 trillion butts thrown on the ground in a give year, world wide. These two facts combine offer a huge concern for the environment. But, to make it worse, cigarette butts release toxic chemicals into the soil and water when they are tossed on the ground. This is a severe threat to plant and animal life. Small animals may mistake the butts as food, and upon ingestion, the butts block their digestive tracks, which could cause death by starvation. If you think that is bad, consider the fact that those toxins from cigarette butts are also contaminating water supplies which may be supplying your drinking water.

What chemicals are found in cigarettes?

Cigarette smoke contains a total of 4000 chemicals, 42 of which have been proven to be carcinogenic. Just to give you an idea, here are some of those chemicals: benzene, an additive in petroleum; formaldehyde, an embalming chemical; ammonia, you use that to clean your toilet with; acetone, otherwise known as nail polish remover; tar; nicotine, an addictive drug, also used as an insecticide; carbon monoxide; arsenic, a rat poison; and hydrogen cyanide, which is used in gas chambers.

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The cellulose acetate used to make cigarette filters can take decades to degrade. Cigarette butts are biggest source of litter, with a total of 4.5 trillion butts thrown on the ground in a give year, world wide. These two facts combine offer a huge concern for the environment. But, to make it worse, cigarette butts release toxic chemicals into the soil and water when they are tossed on the ground. This is a severe threat to plant and animal life. Small animals may mistake the butts as food, and upon ingestion, the butts block their digestive tracks, which could cause death by starvation. If you think that is bad, consider the fact that those toxins from cigarette butts are also contaminating water supplies which may be supplying your drinking water.

What chemicals are found in cigarettes?

Cigarette smoke contains a total of 4000 chemicals, 42 of which have been proven to be carcinogenic. Just to give you an idea, here are some of those chemicals: benzene, an additive in petroleum; formaldehyde, an embalming chemical; ammonia, you use that to clean your toilet with; acetone, otherwise known as nail polish remover; tar; nicotine, an addictive drug, also used as an insecticide; carbon monoxide; arsenic, a rat poison; and hydrogen cyanide, which is used in gas chambers.

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