
A severe dislike of cold weather

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I hate cold weather! I hate it when my house is cold, I hate it when my truck is cold, I hate it when I AM cold!

Who's with me?

I never really enjoyed jumping in cold weather, or doing much of anything...

If I could sit in my house all day (with the heater on) and not have to leave, I'd be okay with it being cold outside.

I need to live somewhere reasonably warm all year long. :P

whoa, such a negative post so early on a Saturday morning. Maybe I need some caffeine or something... :P

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My sentiments exactly. I was just sitting here thinking about how cold it is right now in my apt and how I just want to sit here watching movies all day with the big furry blanket wrapped around me. It would also be nice to have one of those remote starters for my car, so that I could start it from inside.

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It's cold out here. Snow is on the ground. The skies are grey. It's supposed to snow more. Yeah...I don't like winter - hate it when it's really cold.

I'm going to spend all day and night studying for lab finals next week and lecture finals the week after. I only have a 1 week break in between classes 'cause I chose to take a calc 221/222/differential equations class during the first 2 weeks of the new year - 5 classes to learn all that "fun" :S calc. There are a few other things that I could complain about.

But...I've got a roof over my head, clothes on my body, food in my stomach, the love of family and friends, and a very special someone in my life. :$

All in all....life is very good. :)

Or it could be that I've had my cup of coffee. :D
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I share your pain! I despise cold weather. Even way down here in Alabama the high only reached around 40 yesterday. Our winters are *fairly* reasonable but still too cold for me! I miss my days in South Florida where it never got cold ..... [:/]

One who looks for a friend without faults will have none. -- Hasidic Saying

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Right there with ya! Weeks like this make me hate Colorado. Good thing is I work from home, so I don't have to venture outside as long as I have food inside. But even the walls of my house are cold. And no jumping today!!! >:(
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The white stuff keeps me happy during the winter, but just cold wihtout white stuff pisses me off! I think I might get to make a jump tomorrow but I know it is going to be damn cold. Oh well
“Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, th

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amen, i was born and raised in florida. Then joined the air force and they moved me to this cold hell called idaho :( hasent been over freezing this week i think. I already know as soon as i'm out of the air force i will not live anywhere thats not classified as tropical :P

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I'm with you Sarah. The cold and snow suck! The thermostats are always kept at 70 degrees in my house. I don't know why I've always lived in the northeast. Well, I guess it's because my family is here. At least you're somewhat lucky to be in Texas. You don't have to endure 5 months of winter....uggh.[:/]



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