
Since no one else posted this, What did you get for Christmas?

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My xmas turned out much better than I thought it would. Like a dumbass, I had told my parents I would stop by (it's about a 3 hour drive) and, after being saturated in dread the whole way, I turned around when I was a half-hour away and drove home.

Suddenly I felt much better!

I love my parents. They have never abused me in the least and, in fact, have been more than kind, loving and generous.

What I was dreading was that I felt a cold coming on, figured they would expect me to act "Christmasy", and I was thinking I would end up acting quite Scrooge-like. After turning around, I called and told them I wasn't feeling well and would be spending the day at home.

I had planned on having an extremely annoying Christmas but it turned out to be not annoying at all after the dread part was over. All in all, I'll take a Christmas like that.

I do feel kind of bad about not going to my folks even though I said I would. It's real unusual for me to do that. Turning around was the lesser of two evils, though, and I learned a lesson. Next year I am going jumping or skiing for the holidays to spend time with my friends enjoying life and I won't even pretend to consider going to my parents for Christmas.

Actually, I feel guilty for even doing this bit of whining about Christmas. One of our own, lisamariewillbe, is having a really hard time over the holidays. In Houston, people celebrated Christmas in various evil ways like committing murders, getting in gang-related gunfights, burning down a church, and accidentally burning an apartment building. Christmas is a horrible time of year for many people. Next year, I'm going to completely ignore it.



I'm sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well. Maybe, it was some nervous, tension thing. i used to get that at Christmas going to my Mom's place. I knew other relatives would be there and my fat aunt Gerry would be there and pinch my cheeks and tell me how much I've grown! I was 33 years old for God's sake!
As for these brain-dead gang-bangers and morons that have to screw-up, what is supposed to be the happiest day of the whole frickin' year. i think, they oughta lock 'em all in a gymnasium somewhere and give 'em a truck-load of AK-47's and the last one standing... throw his ass in jail for murder and mayhem. I love Christmas and I hate hearing about some dickweed messin' it up for someone else. I know about Lisamariewillbe' brother and it's a rotten lousy deal. Her family, was probably having a wonderful day till that asshole took her brother's life and left them with only memories. I hope, they get the guy that did it and string him up by the nuts.


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I'm sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well.

Thanks--I feel much, much better now. Maybe I just needed the rest.


Maybe, it was some nervous, tension thing. i used to get that at Christmas going to my Mom's place. I knew other relatives would be there and my fat aunt Gerry would be there and pinch my cheeks and tell me how much I've grown! I was 33 years old for God's sake!

Going to my parents' place is NOWHERE near that bad!!!!! Still bothers me, though, for some silly reason.


As for these brain-dead gang-bangers and morons that have to screw-up, what is supposed to be the happiest day of the whole frickin' year. i think, they oughta lock 'em all in a gymnasium somewhere and give 'em a truck-load of AK-47's and the last one standing... throw his ass in jail for murder and mayhem.

You are far more kind and forgiving than I am. I would subject them to your fat aunt Gerry every day for the rest of their lives!!!!


I love Christmas and I hate hearing about some dickweed messin' it up for someone else. I know about Lisamariewillbe' brother and it's a rotten lousy deal. Her family, was probably having a wonderful day till that asshole took her brother's life and left them with only memories. I hope, they get the guy that did it and string him up by the nuts.


2nd that, except for the part about loving Christmas.


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I'm sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well.

Thanks--I feel much, much better now. Maybe I just needed the rest.


Maybe, it was some nervous, tension thing. i used to get that at Christmas going to my Mom's place. I knew other relatives would be there and my fat aunt Gerry would be there and pinch my cheeks and tell me how much I've grown! I was 33 years old for God's sake!

Going to my parents' place is NOWHERE near that bad!!!!! Still bothers me, though, for some silly reason.


As for these brain-dead gang-bangers and morons that have to screw-up, what is supposed to be the happiest day of the whole frickin' year. i think, they oughta lock 'em all in a gymnasium somewhere and give 'em a truck-load of AK-47's and the last one standing... throw his ass in jail for murder and mayhem.

You are far more kind and forgiving than I am. I would subject them to your fat aunt Gerry every day for the rest of their lives!!!!


I love Christmas and I hate hearing about some dickweed messin' it up for someone else. I know about Lisamariewillbe' brother and it's a rotten lousy deal. Her family, was probably having a wonderful day till that asshole took her brother's life and left them with only memories. I hope, they get the guy that did it and string him up by the nuts.


2nd that, except for the part about loving Christmas.



O.K., i gotta be honest. Up until I met my present (better be the last) wife, I hated Christmas. Even as a kid. I hated it. I would make myself scarce, when all ther relatives were there. I show back up, after the last visitor was backing out the drive-way. Most times, noone ever noticed I was gone! I carried those feelings through my adult life. Only difference was, I'd hide in a 'bottle'. Usually, it was Michelob. Then, after a second divorce (that's another story) and several months of 'alone time', I met my 3rd. wife. She goes nuts over Christmas. I mean, sweet little girl nuts, over Christmas. Between her and the Buspar, I've really gotten to look forward to Christmas. She's taught me what it's all about. Now, I think, I could face all my cousins and 320lb. aunts and cigar smellin' uncles. We spend it alone, since most of our respective families have passed. i do the cookin', cus, I like to cook. While the turkey's in the oven, we just 'visit' with each other or go for a walk. It took me a lot of years to get-over my feelings of 'dread' at Christmas. I hope, you're able to do the same. I think, what has really ruined Christmas is, the commercialism. That's another rant. Anyhow, I'm gonna wish you a Merry Christmas, just the same. Take care.


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O.K., i gotta be honest. Up until I met my present (better be the last) wife, I hated Christmas. Even as a kid. I hated it. I would make myself scarce, when all ther relatives were there. I sho back up, after the last visitor was backing out the drive-way. Most times, noone ever noticed I was gone! I carried those feelings through my adult life. Only difference was, I'd hide in a 'bottle'. Usually, it was Michelob. Then, after a second divorce (that's another story) and several months of 'alone time', I met my 3rd. wife. She goes nuts over Christmas. I mean, sweet little girl nuts, over Christmas. Between her and the Buspar, I've really gotten to look forward to Christmas. She's taught me what it's all about. Now, I think, I could face all my cousins and 320lb. aunts and cigar smellin' uncles. We spend it alone, since most of our respective families have passed. i do the cookin', cus, I like to cook. While the turkey's in the oven, we just 'visit' with each other or go for a walk. It took me a lot of years to get-over my feelings of 'dread' at Christmas. I hope, you're able to do the same. I think, what has really ruined Christmas is, the commercialism. That's another rant. Anyhow, I'm gonna wish you a Merry Christmas, just the same. Take care.


I'm always appreciative of good wishes and vibes sent my direction. Thankyou.


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I love Christmas and I hate hearing about some dickweed messin' it up for someone else. I know about Lisamariewillbe' brother and it's a rotten lousy deal. Her family, was probably having a wonderful day till that asshole took her brother's life and left them with only memories. I hope, they get the guy that did it and string him up by the nuts.


I'll supply the piano wire to string him up with!!
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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***I think, it should be a federal law if, you're caught bumpin' your gums on a cell-phone while driving, you are put in stocks in front of the county courthouse and everybody that passes you screams; "Can you hear me now?"


and then kicks them in the nuts or pus!B| :)




Wow--you guys are harsh!!! I'm thinkin' just tape their mouth shut for an hour or so.


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***I think, it should be a federal law if, you're caught bumpin' your gums on a cell-phone while driving, you are put in stocks in front of the county courthouse and everybody that passes you screams; "Can you hear me now?"


and then kicks them in the nuts or pus!B| :)




Wow--you guys are harsh!!! I'm thinkin' just tape their mouth shut for an hour or so.



I'm bein' considerate of the arrogant so and so's!:D


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Typical mom gifts I guess.....

Slippers, socks[:/], a couple of wearable goodies from VS;):ph34r:, a kick ass coffee maker, and a pair of silver hoop earrings.

I'm lucky enough that thru out the year I am more then able to go out and buy whatever I really want for myself. So I didn't really want anything this year, but its still nice to have something under the tree with your name on it.

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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I'm with you Walt. This is the first Christmas in forever that I went to a family's house. Now I remember why I go on vacation this time of year. :S

I really used to dread Christmas. Then I got to a "don't care" state of mind. Now, I think I'm back to dreading it, so I'm going to start spending it with my friends so I can really look forward to it.


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I got:

a BLACK Ipod Nano with a really sweet engraving on the back from my fiance.

Money. So now I can pay rent and do a few jumps at Z-hills this weekend.

A book of poems by my favorite poet (which made my cry)

A pair of boots, a pink cashmere sweater, some chocolate, and some DVDs. Oh, and 2 pairs of running shoes (they were two for one!).

A new appreciation of my fiance. Our car broke down in middle Ga. last night, and he had it fixed in an hour or so - there was an autoparts store open nearby. It was great, I felt like he was my knight in shining armor or something.

"Ive seen you hump air, hump the floor of the plane, and hump legs. You now have a new nickname: "Black Humper of Death"--yardhippie

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An Atari Flashback. Comes preloaded with 40 classic video games from the 70's-early 80's (like Pong, Centipede, Combat, Pitfall...). A major trip down memory lane for those of us of a "certain age" who remember when the Atari 2600 was the shit.

And even though it really emphasizes how far video game technology has come over the past 25 years, the games are still a kick in the butt to play.

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An Atari Flashback. Comes preloaded with 40 classic video games from the 70's-early 80's (like Pong, Centipede, Combat, Pitfall...). A major trip down memory lane for those of us of a "certain age" who remember when the Atari 2600 was the shit.

And even though it really emphasizes how far video game technology has come over the past 25 years, the games are still a kick in the butt to play.

Oh. My. God. I'm coming over to your house next time I'm in NorCal.

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The family is finally warming up to the skydiving thing. Got some Gatorz that i cant wait to test out, returning the shirts for jump ticket $$$ as I said I would if received...Not complainin though, im happy. Congrats on the engagement jeremy!

So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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My mom's package to me got lost in the mail..:(...

tara got me a beautiful necklace and some new crystals...

granddad sent me money and I think that is what my aunt is sending as well...

My buddy Luther bought me a new tattoo (or 1/2 of it :S) it is beautiful!! star on my left wrist...

Oh yeah and my bud Jeff gave me one of his hats!!

It was a great Christmas regardless!!

Be the change you wish to see in the world!

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Sirius for my truck.
A new espresso machine/coffee maker.
A little refrigerator/warmer that will hold a six pack and plug in to my truck.
A seat warmer/massager.
Leather Jacket.
Diamond Necklace.
Some Origins body stuff, and other girly bath stuff.
Dad printed off and framed some Balloon jump pics I had sent him.
$$ for my ski trip.

See what a good girl I was this year!! :)

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Wondering how much my brother exaggerated...he told me he could guarantee that NO ONE in a several
state area got the gift I did. I live in N. Louisiana...
anybody else near here get a "dinosaur turd"?!
Yep...not kidding.....it came with a very official looking certificate of authenticity...apparently this squat rocket was fired off between 140 and 220 million years ago.
It's cut in half and highly polished....cant tell'ya how much fun I've had showing it to coworkers today, and before telling them what it is, asking them to.."smell this..now lick it":P

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