
Why do people suck so bad?

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What happened to giving the benefit of the doubt? What happened to looking for the good in people? :S

Why do people suck so bad? [:/]

If someone can answer these questions, you're on a hot streak and should buy some lottery tickets!

Arianna Frances

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You can always look for the good in people yourself; you can never expect it from others. It's kind of like yielding -- it's something you do, not something you take.

The best revenge is not to let whatever happened dictate your point of view. It might add precautions, but your point of view is what makes you you.

Good luck, sweetie.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I've tried to live as a pessimist, but I just can't go through life believing that everyone is out there for themselves. So I tend to believe that people have good intentions, give them the benefit of the doubt, and a second chance. Sometimes I get burned. Sometimes I dont. The untrustworthy people reveal themselves fairly easily.

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People judge others as they judge themselves.

Those without the ability to trust others (or give the benefit of the doubt), are probably suffering from low self-esteem among other sad issues, such as an inability to have satisfying relationships.

So, because their lives have a lot of suck, they spread it.

Give 'em a hug. It'll shock the hell out of them.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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heh, I think they may need it more than me :P

I just hate that I tried very hard to be a good friend to someone and now they are turning my good intentions around to try and stab me in the back and make me look bad to others.

I hate learning lessons this way [:/] If I was in an ass kicking mood I'd have fun... :D

Arianna Frances

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I just hate that I tried very hard to be a good friend to someone and now they are turning my good intentions around to try and stab me in the back and make me look bad to others.

Here's what will happen: the people who believe this person are next on the victim list.

People who behave this way are compulsive. They cannot help repeating the behavior because it seems normal to them. They never run out of "friends," but their friends are never the same from year to year.

You did what you could do to help someone. Your goodness is not diminished by the bad acts of another.

Hold that thought.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Its just the way the world is. The thing I think is interesting is people are sucking more and more as time passes. Although I wasn't alive in the 40's or 50's it seemed like people were generaly better back then. I think it is because of the way governments are treating people and the way the law is evolving. So many people are growing up today seeing that you don't actualy have to do anything to survive, the governent will provide for you. This is making people lazy and not doing stuff for themselves it is also making people think that they do not have to give a shit about their surroundings as it wont matter. The way the law lets you sue for anything you want is encouraging the way of thinking that you can get rich for doing nothing. In general more and more people are thinking that their actions and the way they treat other people are not important as long as they are ok. I am not sure if it is the same where you are but here in the UK most parents seem to think that their kids are not their responsibility and it is up to the schools to raise them. The world is becoming insane and there are more and more shitty kids running around who will probably end up being shitty people. Luckily the majority of people don't suck so I guess the best thing to do is find them. If you get caught out as I am sure many of us have and end up trusting a sucky person who then screws you over somehow either emotionaly or financially don't get worked up about it as they will end up having a sucky life just because of who they are. If you are nice good things happen to you and you end up surrounded by awesome people. If you are a dick you will end up surrounded by other dicks because the awesome people will figure you out and not want to be around you. Karma is a very real thing and I think very important as it will decide what sort of life you have.

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I just hate that I tried very hard to be a good friend to someone and now they are turning my good intentions around to try and stab me in the back and make me look bad to others.

Sorry that you are hurting, Jen. At least, you know the disappointing truth about this so-called friend. Hang in there, sweetie, and don't be afraid to pick up the phone to call me, if you need to vent.


People who behave this way are compulsive. They cannot help repeating the behavior because it seems normal to them. They never run out of "friends," but their friends are never the same from year to year.

Good point made by RL! This statement is so true about some people...

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I think a lot of people suck because a lot of other people let them get away with bad and manipulative behavior because it is "easier." It's not easier in the long run.

I'm in the process of waiting for a good friend of mine to look in the mirror and realize that it's not me he's angry at. I'll wait, and it makes me sad not to have him not speaking to me, but emotional blackmail and passive-aggressive behavior isn't going to solve anything. I'm not falling victim to that.

I'm sorry you feel stabbed in the back - that always sucks and it makes you less likely to want to trust people in the future, which is the part that sucks even more. [:/]
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Here's what will happen: the people who believe this person are next on the victim list.

People who behave this way are compulsive. They cannot help repeating the behavior because it seems normal to them. They never run out of "friends," but their friends are never the same from year to year.

You did what you could do to help someone. Your goodness is not diminished by the bad acts of another

Good post!!
People like this well...sometimes they are difficult to spot. Most of us like to feel that we are a good judge of character, and feel badly when we find that we were wrong. Still it's better to go knowing the truth.
If someone is talking smack about other people in your presence, chances are at some point you'll be next.

It's sad that some people have to look for faults in others, but generally speaking that means they have some of the same faults and they've not dealt with their own.
All anyone can be is a person who can be loved. Its for others to discover the worth of it.:)At the end of the day the opinion that matters most in your life, is the one staring back in the glass.

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Why do people suck so bad?

Because they are living in their head and you are living in yours.

The best advice I ever got was in the book The Four Agreements. Agreement #1 is - take nothing personally. Adopting this one agreement as your own and working at living it will totally change the way you approach life and relationships, and will eventually eliminate you ever feeling like people suck.

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heh, I think they may need it more than me :P

I just hate that I tried very hard to be a good friend to someone and now they are turning my good intentions around to try and stab me in the back and make me look bad to others.

I hate learning lessons this way [:/] If I was in an ass kicking mood I'd have fun... :D


It sucks when people do that, I've never figured out why they do it though. All I can say about it is they weren't much of a friend in the first place....
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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Hey, take a deep breath, ....hold it....and gently exhale. From what I've read, he/she is not worth it.
Remember "SERENITY NOW!"

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, Shouting "...holy shit...what a ride!"

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What happened to giving the benefit of the doubt? What happened to looking for the good in people?

Why do people suck so bad?

Blame lawyers. I do.

Everyone blames lawyers, after all they are the root of all evil......
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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