
Shayna Richardson SPAM and my response

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I cant believe you people really give a shit about this. As if the world didnt already think skydiving was dangerous before Shayna Richardson came along:S

You people are a bunch of drama craving whiners. If it really bothers you so much, perhaps everyone here should just shut up about this issue and let it go away.

Why the fuck arent you crying and whining about all the videos on realtv? That shit airs on a daily basis, round the clock.

Unless Shayna Richardson is lobbying to have my dropzone shut down i dont give a fuck, and neither should you. If she wants free gear and manages to get it then more power to her. Its her life, and whether you want to believe it or not it has absolutely NO EFFECT ON YOUR LIFE.

You have two choices. Let her do her thing whatever it may be and get on with your life. Or you can make up all this drama and pretend that Shayna Richardson is this evil person hell bent on destroying the sport of skydiving.

If you choose option #2 can you please explain to me exactly where that will get you?:S

Pretty fucking stupid if you ask me.:S

This kinda reminds me of all the drama laden day blazing object burning base threads.:S:S:S

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Unless Shayna Richardson is lobbying to have my dropzone shut down i dont give a fuck, and neither should you. If she wants free gear and manages to get it then more power to her. Its her life, and whether you want to believe it or not it has absolutely NO EFFECT ON YOUR LIFE.

Several of the people that have posted either jump at the DZ she made her first jump at where her boyfriend was a staff instructor, or at the dz where the incident happened. It did have an effect on our lives, WE have to hear this shit day in and day out from whuffos. I had to take down all my skydiving pictures in my office at work because I was sick of everyone that came in for an interview/meeting asking if I knew her and telling me I was nuts for skydiving because of it. It also affects us that rick and her are living off the government, everyone in the US that pays taxes anyway. She did nothing to deserve any monetary compensation, all she did was make stupid choices that allmost got her killed.

Greenie in training.

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It did have an effect on our lives, WE have to hear this shit day in and day out from whuffos. I had to take down all my skydiving pictures in my office at work because I was sick of everyone that came in for an interview/meeting asking if I knew her and telling me I was nuts for skydiving because of it.

Boo hoo, you have got to be fucking kidding me? I feel so bad for you. Now how about telling me how it really affected your life? And I am not referring to the miniscule childish shit you mentioned above.


It also affects us that rick and her are living off the government, everyone in the US that pays taxes anyway.

Write your local fucking congressman and then perhaps take that issue to speakers corner.


She did nothing to deserve any monetary compensation, all she did was make stupid choices that allmost got her killed

Perhaps you should be bitching and moaning about the people that gave her money?

Time to clean the sand out of your vaginas people.

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Shayna Robinson in 40 years.


Easily the best post in this thread. He subtly used the incorrect last name to show that he doesn't give a shit who she is. Then totally scored points by traveling forward in time 40 years to get a picture of exactly what she will look like.:D

Greenie in training.

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It did have an effect on our lives, WE have to hear this shit day in and day out from whuffos. I had to take down all my skydiving pictures in my office at work because I was sick of everyone that came in for an interview/meeting asking if I knew her and telling me I was nuts for skydiving because of it.

Boo hoo, you have got to be fucking kidding me? I feel so bad for you. Now how about telling me how it really affected your life? And I am not referring to the miniscule childish shit you mentioned above.Learn to read and understand the language, I had to modify something in my life because of her. That is an effect unless the definition has changed since the last time I checked.


***It also affects us that rick and her are living off the government, everyone in the US that pays taxes anyway.

Write your local fucking congressman and then perhaps take that issue to speakers corner.Disability is there for a reason, and I have no problem that it is offered. I have a problem with people who abuse it.


***She did nothing to deserve any monetary compensation, all she did was make stupid choices that allmost got her killed

Perhaps you should be bitching and moaning about the people that gave her money?Gladly, anyone who gave her money is allmost as much to blame for her behavior as she is.


Time to clean the sand out of your vaginas people.

My response was childish?:D

Greenie in training.

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Learn to read and understand the language, I had CHOSE to modify something in my life because of her. That is an effect unless the definition has changed since the last time I checked.

I fixed it for you. If you consider that an adverse effect on your life I feel sorry for you when something really bad happens. I equate that to a child crying because he isnt allowed to have a cookie before dinner.


Disability is there for a reason, and I have no problem that it is offered. I have a problem with people who abuse it.

Tell me how she abused it any more so than someone who gets hurt in any other way. Is this where you preach about it being her choice to skydive? Blame the system, not the recipient.

From what I can gather so far, the only direct effect this incident had on your life is that you chose to take down skydiving pictures from your office so no one would ask you about her. Correct? First off, that is pretty fucking funny, secondly, if I was a betting man I would wager you had no more than 3-5 people maximum equate your pictures to Shayna Richardson and subsequently ask you questions.

Get the fuck over it dude.

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***Learn to read and understand the language, I had CHOSE to modify something in my life because of her. That is an effect unless the definition has changed since the last time I checked.

I fixed it for you. If you consider that an adverse effect on your life I feel sorry for you when something really bad happens. I equate that to a child crying because he isnt allowed to have a cookie before dinner.You can equate it to whatever you want, it is still cause and effect. Had she not acted the way she did, those pictures would still be hanging on my wall and provide me with enjoyment throughout my day instead of a headache.


***Disability is there for a reason, and I have no problem that it is offered. I have a problem with people who abuse it.

Tell me how she abused it any more so than someone who gets hurt in any other way. Is this where you preach about it being her choice to skydive? Blame the system, not the recipient.No, I do however believe it was her choice to skydive without insurance for her or her baby.


From what I can gather so far, the only direct effect this incident had on your life is that you chose to take down skydiving pictures from your office so no one would ask you about her. Correct? First off, that is pretty fucking funny, secondly, if I was a betting man I would wager you had no more than 3-5 people maximum equate your pictures to Shayna Richardson and subsequently ask you questions.

Get the fuck over it dude.

I actually had at least 15 people ask me about it my first day back at work after it aired on the local news, if you include colleagues. Since then it slowly tapered off, but initially it was pretty much everyone who came in my office that had not been in it before. When it all blows over the pictures will come out of my drawer and go back up on the wall. That might not seem like a big deal to you but that is an everyday effect on my life even if you choose not to acknowledge it.

Greenie in training.

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You don't have to prove a civil case "beyond a reasonable doubt." That's only for criminal cases, and defamation is civil, not criminal.

Would this be a good place to use the term "perponderance of evidence"? :)
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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I cant believe you people really give a shit about this. As if the world didnt already think skydiving was dangerous before Shayna Richardson came along:S

You people are a bunch of drama craving whiners. If it really bothers you so much, perhaps everyone here should just shut up about this issue and let it go away.

Why the fuck arent you crying and whining about all the videos on realtv? That shit airs on a daily basis, round the clock.

Unless Shayna Richardson is lobbying to have my dropzone shut down i dont give a fuck, and neither should you. reply]

Obvious that you do give a fuck, you cared enough to go on several rants within this post and you yourself perticipate in the drama of it all when you post here within the threads.
This is a subject that does affect the skydivers of one area and call it drama if you wish thats your choice.
Hopefully this type of thing will never happen in your area DZ and you will not have to know the affects either indirect or direct that it will have on your personall life and your skydiving lifestyle.
I have seen changes and felt the effects of those changes at the area DZ's that Shayna and her boyfriend have jumped at. Things are diffrent and that affects us jumpers that go to these dz's.
I don't expect you to understand it and I don't care if you do.
Just think before you call us drama whiners, it does affect us here and we can say what we want about it in these fourms.


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Eerily Similar Story:

I found this on Google from an Olympic Competitor to a potential sponsor:

To: Rich and Keelys Curling Supplies
Hemet, CA

Dear Rich,
My name is Sarah Richardson. You may have heard of me, and/or my story from recent TV stations, magazines, and newspapers. I was involved in a
near fatal curling accident on October 19th, 2005. I had a spinning stone that lead me to a spinning broom. I hit the ice at about 3 MPH face first into the rink. The whole time I was spinning, I could hear my Estonian boyfriend shouting "PUMP THE BROOM! PUMP THE BROOM!" from the sidelines.

The accident shattered every bone in my face, knocked out the front 5 teeth in my mouth, fractured my pelvis in 3 places, and fractured my right leg below the knee. When I was in the emergency room I was also told that I was 2 weeks pregnant!

I had only has sex with the entire male Estonian Curling team, and they all promised that Estonian Sperm would not make me pregnant so I am at a loss as to why I am pregant. We did a DNA test and the fateher is an out of work curling instructor. He has been banned from several Curl-Marts in Estonia. He gets 400 Kroon disability a month.

(I am now 22 weeks along, and my baby appears to be perfect...he is due June 12, 2006). Once the baby is born I plan to curl again just as soon as
time permits. However, the accident didn't only break much of my body, but all of my gear as well. When the time comes for me to curl, every tv station, magazine, and newspaper that I have talked to already will be there ready to hear from me again.

If you, and your company would be interested in assiting me in obtaining the gear I need to perform my future curls I would be more then happy to support your company during any/all future interviews I do.

If this is something that we can work out together please let me know as soon as possible. I am very eager to get with my broom and rock again, but I am now simply looking for help to make it happen!
I hope to hear from you soon!

Sarah Richardson
Curler Extrordannare


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I have already sent e-mails to Square 1 at Perris Valley who seemed more than eager to participate. The owners have the ability to view the issue on a broader spectrum with more education and wisdom than any of these meretricious low-rent equipment “vendors”.

Knowing the owners well, I'm doubting that.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Knowing the owners well, I'm doubting that.

It’s true. Enclosed is an e-mail correspondence I had with a rep from Square 1.

Date: 2-24-06

To Brian Anderson:

Hello, I appreciated the e-mail you sent me asking for help with Shayna’s equipment needs. Ever since Dom and JP left, we have been able to run our company more like a business and less like a Bubba Gump shrimp factory.

We have found that skydivers, as well as people in general are like sheep. If one leads, the others will follow. Initially I was a bit concerned about our reputation if we got involved with this controversy. I feel it is important to be a leader in our community and if we support this girl, others will eventually fall into line and start agreeing with our viewpoints. It isn’t rocket science to think more costumers will appreciate us for our humanitarian efforts as well as our desire for a nice tax write-off.

I will seriously consider your offer.

My biggest hope is to end up on Oprah. I want to ride first class and stay in a nice hotel where we will live like rock stars, unlike our button down lifestyle at the dropzone.

Maybe they will even let me on TV to brag about how generous we all were to Shayna. It will be one hell of roller coaster ride and I look forward to all the gawking spectators!

*****name withheld****
Square 1 sales

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