
How Big is Yours??

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Not That!!...:S:D

Your MP3 Collection??

How big is it.. How much of it is 100% legal?? (You own the CD, Cassette or Record and/or you Paid to download it)?

I am afraid that information is classified. ;)
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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I only have about 700 songs in my iPod. Maybe 100 of them are from 6 years ago when you could download off of Napster and it wasnt illegal yet. The rest I have bought or transferred from CD.

I'd offer my collection to Robby, but its at least 2/3 country and obscure Texas artists. Doubt he'd be interested.

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All Legal. I rip CDs in lossless WMA format, or download Lossless WMAs from http://musicgiants.com/

So far, have 345GB worth of music, and only about 75% through my collection. I've got 1TB of storage space, so there's a little room to grow. ;)

When traveling with my Zen Micro, I downconvert the files to 192kbps

At home, I have a Roku SoundBridge Media Player, connected over 100Mbps switched Cat-6 Ethernet back to the server with all the music, to play tunes on the stereo

I'm thinking of trying Orb.com's stuff so I can stream my home music collection, in real tim, over the Internet to my laptop or my Treo 700 PDA Phone, using Verizon's EVDO network.

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And I thought my 80+ GB collection was big.

My Collection is at least 99% legal. There are a few songs that I have that are no longer available or completely out of print and no longer being published.(Usually pretty obscure Local Bands and stuff) that I did snag off Napster back in the day but only when there was no other way to get that music.
If could find those songs on a CD anywhere, I would buy it in a heartbeat.

The one big Draw back to most of the Legal Download Sites is the Limited selection available.

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Since I use my laptop to edit tandem videos, I have about 4000 songs stored on it. There is stuff on here that I have never even listened to myself. I would say it's all legal... ripped from my own cds, friends cds, other vidiots cds, and students who bring their own with them.

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A little over 24 GB at the moment. Most of it I consider to be "legal" - it was ripped from CD's I own, downloaded for free (ie back when you could download from artists' pages on mp3.com) or paid for, or it's music that I downloaded off a file sharing program but that I own in other, non-digital formats.

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your story you told me at the farm this weekend still cracks me up... about when you and gia and beth went you-know-where and met up w/ Metallica and that other dude was like, "Oh man, I love you guys! I've downloaded all your stuff from the internet" or whatever... huge faux pas :D

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Here is the Story with Pictures even..:D:D


And it was no Fuax Pas... It was very intentional.:D:D

Kirk Hammett was a Good Sport about it and told the guy he owed him atleast the cost of a Table dance in that case or something like that.

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No MP3's, but I have over 19,000 songs on my computer.

As for the legal part, I plead the fifth.

"One out of every four American's are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

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