
Weekend Numbers...

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A solo sit, and two two-ways with SeaKev.

:D owed for first jump at the brand-spanking-new Northwest Skydivers DZ in Mount Vernon, WA, and for my first jump from a Porter. No complaints from me, I'm happy to bring beer to this DZ. :)
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I take it you loved the place?

So far (one day), it's awesome. I'm guessing it feels kind of like The Farm did two years ago... it's not starting with a lot but a good vibe and a DZO who really, really, really wants to create an up-jumper friendly DZ. It's a little like Fandango at the moment, but in a really good way. :)
It's going to be what we make it, which is really cool.

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"the usual":7:0

I was on all but one load on Saturday (and that's only because I wasn't there in time for the 1st load of the day... because I wanted to take Karma to my parents for the day...)

overall a fun saturday... I did a few fun RW jumps, worked on my video flying (which needs lots of work :$... got to play around with my Camera suit though... and the ringsight is invaluable...) and one attempted hybrid that blew up a couple of times one of which I totally saw comming and was glad I decided to wear my full face on... :D:D:D

I'll load the videos up to my website later but I doubt anyone other then the guys on the dives will have any interest in seeing it... :D:D
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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3 stinky boys spending the night at my house. 1 busted head from a bicycle ride gone wrong and 1 subsequent trip to the local ER for thievery of supplies (dermabond). HOURS of loud music and things glowing by blacklight....and that was only the beginning.

Today is clean-up. :)

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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0: 4: 0

Did a two-way with Go Faster and once we got stable, he started spinning us! Once I realized it was intentional and it wasn't me screwing up, I really enjoyed it! Also, we did an awesome sunset jump...BEAUTIFUL!
Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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beautiful day friday, got three fun rw jumps in and one slammer of an opening from me packing sloppy
saturday started out ok but quickly turned cloudy and rainy; only got two jumps in and then today was also crappy

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:$: 5 : 3
Firsts...did back flip, front flip & barrel roll all good enough to pass for yellow card on first attempt on jump #11, did transition jump w/DZO on jump 12, all on Sat. Did a couple of other fun jumps on Sat too. Did one jump on Sun before weather came in. Mis-calculated, landed on the runway...NOT GOOD...owe :D to DZO for that one...no prob though...he's a cool guy!! :)

Edited to attach me landing on the runway [:/]
To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!

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:P : 11 : 0

Ten 4-way jumps with three guys far more experienced than I. Had loads of fun and didn't completely disgrace myself :)
One 8-way for Greg's 2000th. Average jump numbers was about 3,500 and I was the only one with less jumps than Greg. Everyone was a current or former serious 4/8-way person and half the group had represented Australia at various World Meets. Absolute carnage and a very very ropey three points ensued :P.

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I went apt shopping, watched a darn cool show, and celebrated my nephew's fifth birthday!!!! He is oh so cute, and I can't believe that it was five years ago I went to the hospital and held him for the first time. I feel old for agreeing that they do "grow up fast."

I also recommend against drinking on an empty stomach. [:/]
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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:( : 4 : 1

4 fun jumps, got to jump with joshezamit for the first time, and met lyndrcles ( spelled that sorta right) and got to jump a prodigy wing suit... fun weekend.... hell, a keg magicly apeared at the dz on sat night....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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