
Illegal Drugs

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Hmmm. I've used Marijuana (Holland, Switzerland) and Hashish (Holland), some "designer drugs" (Switzerland), Amphetamines (Ritalin, Adderol, Dexadrine [U.S., Mexico]), Narcotics (Vicodin, Percocette, Oxycontin [U.S., Mexico]) Psilocybin (Mushrooms [Holland], Liquid [Switzerland]) and Mescalin (Switzerland).

These were all legal at the time, in the places indicated. Illegality is a function of jurisdiction--and there is no reason to confine yourself to one jurisdiction when it's so much fun to explore them all. If it's the bust factor that spooks you, you can always just travel and sample.

I'm sure that you've hurt the feelings of many fine recreational substances by categorizing them as "illegal". You really ought to apologize and attend some sensitivity training to broaden your mind.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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I would like people to call me illegal.

It's not the legality so much as the pee tests. But I had to do that a lot when I was younger. These days, the only urine sample anyone'll get out of me is a taste test.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Tried pot, shrooms, acid, etc, & experimented with some of the harder shit in my early 20's, but I knew what it was so I wouldn't allow myself to get hooked. also, during the mid-late 80s there was a sudden epidemic of crime,murder, & violence in Boston (& other cities) so it suddenly became uncool to do cocaine. I'd only tried it 3 times anyway, & knew it was addictive so I was ready when I felt the craving. Coke is weird....you feel a craving for more right away when it wears off, unlike other drugs where you have to take them regularly for awhile to get addicted. But I knew that already so I was ready for it. The other thing about coke is: its only awesome for a few minutes...then you just have a kinda wired feeling & nasty tasting snot dripping down the back of your throat, plus an urge to grind your teeth a lot.:P fuck drugs, they're just not worth it, & as others have said, you ain't missing much.

altho one time I was tripping on shrooms while canoeing and I saw an ACTUAL GNOME!!! He was standing in the reeds as we went passed, smiling contentedly with his hands clasped behind his back. He had a pointed cap. WEIRD seeing a little man with a face only 2.5 inches in diameter. :o But I wasn't surprised because I was also high on pot, alcohol, as well as shrooms, so I was already in Middle Earth and the Gnome just seemed to fit right in!:D

The only illegal drug I do now is marijuana, and that happens only about 3-4 times per year or so when I'm back with certain friends... and even then it's only a couple of puffs. With pot, I don't like the feeling of being totally wasted...just a light buzz...just enough to make the world slightly silly:D!

Speed Racer

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Tell me this... Would you still jump if it was illegal? Lets take a look at the facts.

1. Its addictive
2. Its not cheap by any means.
3. It is hazardous to your health.
4. It has ruined lives.
5. Your Mom doesn't want you to do it.
6. you have to hang with "bad" people to do it.

Sounds like a drug to me.....

Welcome to the New World Order. Expect no Mercy.

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Due to my insatiable curiosity about drugs, I have asked many skydivers about this, and all of them have said skydiving is better than any drug. I know it works for me :)
Q: Do you get high?
A: You have no idea ...

Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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These were all legal at the time, in the places indicated. Illegality is a function of jurisdiction--and there is no reason to confine yourself to one jurisdiction when it's so much fun to explore them all.

Sort of. The US loves exercising its laws in other countries. With drugs they do this through immigration. Anyone who they can show to have ever consumed marijuna - even in countries where it's legal, is denied entry.

If a US imigration ever asks you if you've ever smoked a joint, you MUST answer 'no' - else be 'banned for life'.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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I'm very curious about the Oxycontin. I've been treated multiple times with Opiate derivatives for pain, but by now my pain tolerance is sky high, and the appeal of the opiates is not the pain relief but the sense of tranquility that they impart. High addiction potential.

Plenty of people could use hard drugs, and do, recreationally. So many people can't, however, that they must be controlled.

Kinda like machine guns, but that's another story, huh?

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I've used Marijuana (Holland, Switzerland) and Hashish (Holland)


These were all legal at the time, in the places indicated.

Just as a FYI, those drugs indicated are not and have never been legal in Holland. All drugs in Holland are illegal according to the letter of the law. However, custom is that it is condoned to sell for private use and it is condoned to possess for private use. These so called "coffeeshops: do get busted fromt ime to time trying to buy for the purpose of reselling, which is illegal and certainly not condoned.

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Xtcy would be one of few I have not played with, unless it just came out in the last 13 years since I quit.
I loved acid alot. Coke was cool til the jones'in kicked in....but all in all I treated all subatances the same, I abused them. I'd put battery acid in my veins if I thought it woulda gotten me high. Although I had some good times whilst stoned, I don't miss it at all. The best years of my life have been the clean & sober ones.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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Oxycontin is oxycodone, just in a time release form and without the hepatoxic acetaminophen dose. Users crush the pill up and snort it in order to get all of the drug at once. It would be relatively harmless (like all opiates), except people have a tendency to overdose themselves. It's called "hillbilly heroin" in West Virginia and Kentucky because it's used by country junkies who steal it from pharmacies. Opiate connoisseurs rate it better than smack.

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If it's the bust factor that spooks you, you can always just travel and sample.

Actually, the bust factor is the least of my concerns. I'd have to say my concerns, and why I won't use most drugs are:

1. Risk of addiction.
2. Uncertainty of danger rate. (bad reaction, OD, etc.)
3. Unexpected side effects.
4. Quality control of substance. (Cut with harmful compounds, etc.)
5. Financial cost of liking the recreational substance too much.

Where I am would only have a small impact on those factors. Since some of them are specific to each individual, what is fine for you might not be for me.

I don't have any moral objection to drugs themselves. My objection is with behavior that sometimes results from people using the drugs. For example, alcohol can be fine as long as you don't hurt other people through drunk driving or something. Note that I picked a legal (here) drug for my example. The harder the drug, the less chance people have to control their behavior once under it's influence. There has to be a point where it becomes prudent to consider a certain substance too risky. I don't necessarily agree with where our country has drawn that line, but I think there should be one.

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Too many of my friends have been taken out by all these substances. Alcohol may be legal, but it's the granddaddy of substance abuse and addiction.

There was a time when I could say my drug of choice was "more". Took some pretty big scares for me to get my sh*t together again.

For those that have not partaken...believe me, you're not missing anything.[:/]

So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Cocaine is God's way of telling you that you make too much money

u'll lose that money really quickly if u can't control urslelf [:/]

Having personally walked through many a jungle taking coca labs down I can tell you that if you saw how that shit is made you wouldn't want to stick it up your nose as quick. The same can be said for most of the E being made in Europe and elsewhere. I guess if your into ingesting house hold cleaners and industrial chemicals then it might be appealing to you. Spend your money on skydiving and leave the drugs to the people afraid to skydive.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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LOL and I only got 14 years


I've only got 11. (Don't know if being that excited about it is a good or a bad thing)
Never tried drugs, besides alcohol (I was a good boy till I joined the AF), but now I'm looking forward to trying acid and weed.


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Financial cost of liking the recreational substance too much.

Cocaine is God's way of telling you that you make too much money.:ph34r:

I have seen a lot of people's personalities get f-ed up by coke. They only talk to people with it. They will go out with anybody who has it. Their priorities change completely.

I will tell any woman this: The guy who is offering you coke is not your friend. It is just an easy way to get laid for him at the expense of your life.

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I had my experiences back in high school. I did bunch of different stuff. My fav being meth. But then I got busted and scared the living sh!t out of me. I was lucky, cuz all my friends back then kept on with the stuff, and havent made much of themselvs. I went on to college, started skydiving and recently started flying. I had a great time back then, but the negatives we just too much. I think im better off without... until they legalize it... B|

Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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