
70,000 Beer Cans Found in Townhouse

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A seemingly unbelievable mess discovered last year in an Ogden townhouse has suddenly become an Internet legend.

When property manager Ryan Froerer got a call from a realtor last year to check on a townhouse, he knew something was up.

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "Said it was the sickest thing he's ever seen. Just unimaginable that someone could live in that." He couldn't even open the front door. It was blocked from inside. "There was beer cans I would say probably this high up on the door."

Inside, he took just a few snapshots to document the scene. Beer cans by the tens of thousands. Mountains of cans burying the furniture. The tenant, who evidently drank Coors Light beer exclusively for the eight years he lived there.

The cans were recycled for 800 dollars, an estimated 70,000 cans: 24 beers a day for 8 years.
Source: KSL TV

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When in the Navy, my roommates and I drank enough beer to fill the back of a pickup truck to overflowing with crushed beer cans in garbage bags, in a single summer. I NEVER ONCE saw my rommate Chad come through the door with less than a 12 pack - I swear.

This fueled such wise adventures as shooting off assault rifles in our front yard (1 block from the strip in Virginia beach), shooting cans inside the house with a 9mm, and night snorkeling at 3 am, wasted out of our minds. I am somewhat surprised I survived, but youth had much to do with it.

We cashed in the cans at the end of the summer at the local recycling center, and immediately used the new funds to buy more beer.


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When in the Navy, my roommates and I drank enough beer to fill the back of a pickup truck to overflowing with crushed beer cans in garbage bags, in a single summer. I NEVER ONCE saw my rommate Chad come through the door with less than a 12 pack - I swear.

This fueled such wise adventures as shooting off assault rifles in our front yard (1 block from the strip in Virginia beach), shooting cans inside the house with a 9mm, and night snorkeling at 3 am, wasted out of our minds. I am somewhat surprised I survived, but youth had much to do with it.

We cashed in the cans at the end of the summer at the local recycling center, and immediately used the new funds to buy more beer.


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