
I know they are all good, command me

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i know they are all good containers, but im gonna ask anyways...

i learned on Infinity's and now im getting ready to finance gear,

either new or used, or some of both..

infinity is like 20+ weeks out which sucks cause they were my first choice, and im too impulsive to wait that long.

mirage is quicker but expensive, but if i would finance then oh well.

i dont know how far out vector is... but anyways

im lookin for a safire 2 canopy (used or new) but they are far out too :( the size i would need is 149 or 169





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I'd buy all used gear, if possible.

Any modern container will work just fine. I personally chose the Vector3 after doing a lot of research, but it wasn't my first rig. Started with a reflex that was available used at a much more affordable price. Worked fine, still does... it's now my backup rig.

Bought my second (and only other) canopy used too... saved about 20% or something by buying a canopy that was nearly brand new. New canopies suck.


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Go out and find a container and canopies that will get you in the air now. They don't have to be perfect. Just safe. Order an Infinity now to get your fabrication slot. Have them confirm your order just before fabrication. During those 20 weeks, you might find the canopy of your dreams that might be a different size then your current one, which might require a different size container. Once your brand new shiney gorgeous Infinity shows up, transfer over the canopies that fit your new Infinity. Sell the old container and any of the canopies that didn't go in that new Infinity. The value of used gear sized for newer jumpers doesn't depreciate much.

BTW, did I mention that I jump an Infinity. :):ph34r:

50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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After jumping an Infinity for a month (granted, it wasn't made for special me), I ended up buying a Rigging Innovations. I'm now the proud owner of three of their containers, two I jump daily and one I'm waiting for (I guess I don't really own it yet, huh?)
Talon FX and Voodoo's rock. You can find used, which is definitely the best way to buy until you've got a few hundred jumps, IMO.

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It depends on how long you will have it. If are going to try and fit 2 smaller canopy sizes into it then you might be able to justify buying a new rig (IF you can downsize in it a good amount). I would recommend looking hard for a used rig your first time around. Get with Bonnie and see what she can find, she is extremely helpful and resourceful. You wouldn't have to wait the 20+ week turnaround for a used rig either. As for the main, look for Sabre 2's as well as Safire 2's. 149 and 169 are popular sizes so you should have some luck in finding one or the other. Otherwise get the rig and see about renting/borrowing a canopy until you can find your own.

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I vote Vector, due to the skyhook. I know other manufacturers are getting skyhook, just not when (so far I only know of Javelins).

Used can save a LOT of money, but you'd better have a rigger/instructor help you out to make sure you get a good deal. If it's cheap enough, rigs can be re-sized within reason (I bought a "used" vector III with zero jumps for $650, then had the harness adjusted for $150, including shipping).
"Some people follow their dreams, others hunt them down and beat them mercilessly into submission."

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I vote Vector, due to the skyhook. I know other manufacturers are getting skyhook, just not when (so far I only know of Javelins).

Used can save a LOT of money, but you'd better have a rigger/instructor help you out to make sure you get a good deal. If it's cheap enough, rigs can be re-sized within reason (I bought a "used" vector III with zero jumps for $650, then had the harness adjusted for $150, including shipping).

I buy vectors because I think that just the right amount of thought was put into its design. Not too much, not too little. I also think bill booth is awesome and just want him to get my money in hopes that he uses it to come up with some other awesome innovation for skydiving.
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Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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I don't think you can ever put "too much" thought into a rig, but I think I know what you're getting at... some rigs are just over-engineered, and too many "features" can be a pain. The strong tandem comes to mind. And some things like the Icon 3-ring design and the Javelin fabric options seem a little gimmicky to me. Although I have to admit vector's new magnetic riser covers are just as silly IMO.
"Some people follow their dreams, others hunt them down and beat them mercilessly into submission."

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I don't think you can ever put "too much" thought into a rig, but I think I know what you're getting at... some rigs are just over-engineered, and too many "features" can be a pain. The strong tandem comes to mind. And some things like the Icon 3-ring design and the Javelin fabric options seem a little gimmicky to me. Although I have to admit vector's new magnetic riser covers are just as silly IMO.

I agree with the crazy three ring design being overkill. I could care less about fabric. Having seen a few rigs with the new magnetic riser covers I think it just works better than tuck tabs on the sport rigs, not necessary but nice. On sigmas it is so nice that my dz is retrofitting all our rigs.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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i sure wouldn't finance gear. i'd rather spend money on jumps instead of interest and finance charges.

if you really want all new go with a package deal to save a little $, or avoid the wait and buy in stock items. otherwise go used.
diamonds are a dawgs best friend

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I wouldn't pick any container in particular.

Buy any used container that has a harness that fits you (not too tight or loose... perfect fit in the leg straps) and also holds the size canopy(s) you are jumping (main& reserve).

My personal bias is a Javelin or Vector... then maybe a Quasar (Strong) or a Racer (Jump Shack).


"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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is infinity going to get skyhook?
i get responses about skyhook on both sides, good and bad...

its appealing to have every safety oriented device that exists..

i think the thing thats appealing about the infinity's is that i learned on them..


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I command you to buy my javelin from 94 for $5000 so i can buy more crap! :P

But seriously, get a used one that fits you and use some of the cash you save to jump instead. Rest of the cash you save for your new rig. Nothing sucks more then buying a brand new rig you cannot afford all the options you want. Remember, the rig will be with you for several hundreds of jumps. You don't want to go around irritated that you didn't get the option(-s) you so desperatly wanted during those hundreds of jumps.

New gear is cool, but not cool if you cant jump it. I ended up doing 40 jumps the year I bought my first rig(well..i also traveled twice to the US, I live in Norway, and bought acamera, rented cars to get to the DZ and shopped wuffo clothing). The essence is, try to get jumps first, then the flashy-bling-bling rig you want. That would be my advice. However, if you're capable of doing around 100 jumps in the time you're waiting for you rig and after getting it I'd say GO! Otherwise..get used, and enjoy the sky.

I've attached photos of my rig that's on it's way to norway soon. It just rests at a friends home in the US before traveling over the atlantic. I've probably used $700 in just embroideries and matched my jumpsiut to the design of the rig. Also the colors of my samurai136 is black, red and white. harr-harr

Bling-bling :D

"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return." - Da Vinci

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That is indeed very true, but I couldn't resist matching up everything. That is however a personal thing. Whenever I'm considering investing in something that lastest a long time is is often used, I go for "perfect", not just "good". And so I have to bleed for it, but IMO it's worth it.

To you who started this post, listen to riggerrob, not me ;)

"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return." - Da Vinci

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20 weeks for an Infinity? That seems a bit long, I got mine in 4 weeks from Ralph.

I think the reason he gets them faster is because he has slots reserved and paid for in advance. Besides that you get a better price. Most other dealers don't have the clout.

But, if you want used he also has the largest inventory on the planet.

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