
Where was your 15 minutes of fame ?

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noice! congrats!

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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I've been quoted in the New York Times, Boston Globe, Charlottesville Daily Progress, and the Wall Street Journal.

That's all crap compared to being quoted right here on Dropzone.com.;)



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Lets see........in reverse order. My 2004 video played on the WFFC home page for a while. I won the "Top Gun Award" for having the highest firearms qual in my Air Marshal class. In the Air Force I got the highest award in my Leadership (NCO) course. That came with a small college scholorship and a lot of hoorah. They did a news segment when I was in Korea on my job. I was on AFN news dropping bombs on the range. I was plastered all over the base paper when I was an aircraft mechanic. I designed a part for a B-52 that would save the Air Force $4.5M per year. They thanked me with a certificate and $75. >:( Back in high school me and some friends were bored. We went to the airport to see the GA Tech basketball team come home from some championship game. Somehow........I ended up in the CENTER of the pic on the front of the AJC sports page. :D The players being photographed were off to the side. :D Ummm.......around the age of 15 I got semi famous because I was decent at racing BMX. I had a groupy following. ;) Oh and I almost forgot.........between 2001 and the present.........I have become the BIGEST POST WHORE on DZ.com. :D

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At 12 had some photographs published in the newspaper, with credits.

At 12 got my name in the sports pages for Little League coverage - 5 for 5 with 2 doubles, 1 triple, 6 stolen bases.

At 16 won a Golden Gloves tournament for my weight class (welterweight).

At 32, got a mention in the Winter Haven, FL newspaper for placing 4th in a World Karting Association event. I still have the trophy.

At oh, I guess around 35, testified at a highly publicized murder trial - for the defense.

At NOYFB, Got a paragraph or two in Parachutist for organizing a POPS state record.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I was in a local paper/ gaming magazine for winning a car (although i never actually saw the article).

I've managed to get through to few radio shows/ music request TV shows in order to makes song requests and win cd's :D:$

I've won a silver award at a local ad industry award show called the Loeries (it's a bird)

I got silver medals at the 2006 South African National Champs for 4 way and 8 way camera :)

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I've been quoted in the New York Times, Boston Globe, Charlottesville Daily Progress, and the Wall Street Journal.

That's all crap compared to being quoted right here on Dropzone.com.;)


You're right! It feels very different! :P

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SKYDIVING FAME: 15 seconds, yeah right. 1.5 seconds actually. I videoed Tanya McQueen's (Extreme Makeover:Home Edition) tandem into the dream home she helped design. Their editors managed to edit every bit of me out except my laugh, tanya saying "Bye Steve" as I climbed out of the cessna, and a 1 second shot of my canopy in the air.

To make matters worse, there was a tornado warning during the showing (this is Oklahoma :S) and they covered the credits with storm warnings.:|


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Oh..........and I occassionally end up on the world news in my current job. So far I have made CNN, Fox, BBC, and Euronews. No real credit for that and don't want any. I'm just the guy in the sunglasses with the radio ear piece. :S I HATE getting my picture taken at work. Unfortunately it's part of the gig. [:/]

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I was in the "Extreme Machines" episode about the space shuttle, typing away.

Other than that, I'm not real famous.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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A bunch of people from Cleaveland were in an episode of Tactical to Practical on the history channel. Ohh check these out. Historychannel.com



Hmm they don't have the Tactical to Practical footage up. If yu catch the smoke jumper episode they have some footage from Cleaveland Parachutists
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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It wasn't me, but he was with me... We went to go see the last Flaming Idiots when they came to Austin, and my ex (boyfriend at the time) was pulled up on stage to be "part of the show." He did quite well and made everyone laugh when he was trying to blow the flames out on the torches as they juggled them back and forth. :D

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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