
Trust a cheat?

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I supopse that depends on many factors in both of your personalities. However, you'll always ponder this when she's not right at your side. :|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
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valid point to a degree, you do have to look at why she cheated on her BF. Maybe the relationship was already over and she didnt have the huudspa to end it?

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It is very hard to judge anyone, I would say sure trust but keep in mind you could be next.

Did she do it because she was unhappy?,because she was angry with her BF?, he cheated?, she needs more sex?, more men?

see what I am getting at?

She might be a wonderful person, a slut in denial, or just untrustworthy.

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Yeah, my understanding is he was a controlling weirdo. Wasn't allowed to go to work on occasions, had to have holiday same time as him, freaked out when she went out with friends. He is also about 15 years older than her. So I don't think it would have worked long term anyway.

Hmm, difficult one.

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sound like bad news bro! If she is just a way to pass the time and you don't get your heart caught up in it, then no worries...BUT...if you get sucked in, watch out... Remember, she once felt the way she now feels about you with that other dude and something changed and caused her to seek attention elsewhere while using him as her spare tire. Next time, that spare tire could very well be you!

Like I said, if you don't let your heart get caught up in her, then you should be fine.

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Yeah, my understanding is he was a controlling weirdo.

Something I have learned to beware of..........If a girl right off the bat starts telling you how terrible her last boyfriend was. ......it may or MAY NOT be true. I have seen manipulative women that will use this to make themselves out as a victim to suck you in. :S Be careful.

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talk it all out with her ahead of time if you really want her. ok?

hey if she swings thats cool too as long as their are no hidden suprises.

If she is monogamous that is cool as well you just need to know each others expectations.

BTW congrats on finding one that isn't a pentioner!;):P:D:D

At least Andy can't keep taking the piss out of you

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Wasn't allowed to go to work on occasions, had to have holiday same time as him, freaked out when she went out with friends.

But she found time to meet - and cheat - with you...right? So maybe there's another side to this, or maybe she's using a justification to cheat. In any event, he wasn't quite as controlling as she's letting on. So be careful, and be very aware.


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You disgust me, giving up engineering to be a bloke with a massive tit on his head >:( Congrats btw B|

Anyway, dont trust her but who says you still cant have fun? Personally i wouldnt go there.

You have to decide if shes gonna be a bit of fun or something serious. No relationship can work without trust!

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Something I have learned to beware of..........If a guy or his mom right off the bat starts telling you how terrible his last girlfriend was. ......it may NOT be true. I have seen manipulative/abusive men that will use this to make themselves out as a victim to suck people in with hopes of getting pity.

Happens to both men and women.
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Probably not. And she'll be hooked up with someone who will go out with someone else's wife/girlfriend.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I'd have a tough time trusting the person. Which is why I probably wouldn't get involved in the first place with someone who was cheating to be with me. Bad juju all around. Being able to trust and not always wonder what the other person is up to when they're not with you is the foundation (at least for me) of a healthy, drama-free relationship. Being with someone who cheated to start up with me would mean we started with a really shaky foundation. [:/]
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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OK... hypothetically :)... if a girl has been cheating on her partner with you and they end up breaking up, could you trust her? :|:S

Depends..........is she a skydiver??:o
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Hmmm, as it happens I hear some news on the grapevine of her whereabouts last night. No it wasn't with her ex... no it wasn't with me either :|


Well, I've invited her to have a chat about things as rumours are one thing I don't like and you can't trust. So time for a proper discussion. It makes things worse that I'm currently her supervisor (but that in itself isn't an issue)

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