
What is your IQ range ?

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But do many people know the true IQ range and their IQ number? I wish I did, but do not...

Is there a link to a REAL IQ test anywhere? That would be find to take to see if our perceptions of ourselves and so forth match up with reality...

When I had a full IQ test done in the 4th grade (the real thing, several hours with a psychologist) to qualify to ride the short bus to a gifted program, my parents would not tell me the number, just that it met the minimum qualifications for the program. Pissed me off back then, but I'm really happy I've never known the number. I know that it's high enough to put me in the top 1%; but I also know that the number itself is mostly meaningless when it comes to success in this world.

Yeah, raw brains give you a better toolkit to work with, but it's how you apply that raw talent and how you develop your emotional intelligence that really determines your path in life.

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Pure knowledge coming from a girl who changes old peoples diapers for a living...:D:D I bet she has lots of wisdom listening to those old people every day.
You know i am messing right

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Of course, there are varying levels of "Stupid,"

The nice thing is the jokes. If you tell jokes about blondes, hobbies, jobs, whatever... someone will be offended.

If you tell a joke about stupid people, no one ever says, "Hey wait a minute. I'm stupid and I resent that. Oh wait... maybe I shouldn't have said that..."

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Yeah, raw brains give you a better toolkit to work with, but it's how you apply that raw talent and how you develop your emotional intelligence that really determines your path in life.

Absolutely. People who are really stupid are probably not gonna excel. But anyone who's a little above average (like me B|) can achieve given the motivation and work ethic.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Pure knowledge coming from a girl who changes old peoples diapers for a living...:D:D I bet she has lots of wisdom listening to those old people every day.
You know i am messing right

Actually, talking to the old people does provide so much insight and knowledge. We have resdients that are 100+ years old and I am so amazed at how much they have lived through. They amaze me, I amaze them, being the "fountain of youth" in their eyes, it is a flattering job to be called beautiful multiple times per day!

I know you are messing, but I dont change diapers! I repsect those that do, but I am seriously glad I dont- I can hardly change a baby's diaper, much less a grandma's!! There are worse things in life I suppose...
Blue skies and SAFE landings!

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They amaze me, I amaze them, being the "fountain of youth" in their eyes, it is a flattering job to be called beautiful multiple times per day!
They are just trying to get their nuts in. I had the same thing when i worked at the hospital for the mentally challenged..

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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When I was younger, I worked with a guy who was a big PCP/Angel Trumpet fan. It had not worked in his favor.

We nicknamed him "Whammo" because the only thing that made an impression on him would be a direct hit by a bolt of lightning.

I always had him on my crew though. I would be over there with a 12lb and he would swing a 16lb hammer all day long. He followed orders and worked hard, so he was always employed.

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Yeah, raw brains give you a better toolkit to work with, but it's how you apply that raw talent and how you develop your emotional intelligence that really determines your path in life.

Absolutely. People who are really stupid are probably not gonna excel. But anyone who's a little above average (like me B|) can achieve given the motivation and work ethic.

Actually, I think people of all intelligence levels can "succeed" with motivation and work ethic; it just depends on how you define success.

My comments were more directed towards the folks who are very intelligent, but don't understand that's not enough. I had a roommate in graduate school who had close to a 4.0 GPA but no one wanted to ever work with her because she was high-strung, hyper-competitive, and ridiculously aggressive.

I saw her take some baby steps toward realizing that it wasn't always the people who were the most book-smart who were successful. It was like a lightbulb came on when she realized why one of our most well-liked classmates was also so well-respected... he had a real gift in working with people and so was able to surround himself with talented people who were able to help him learn and overcome some of his shortcomings in "raw talent."

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Intelligence comes in soo many ways..It's how you use the intelligence is what matters...Wow that sounded cool....:P

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Intelligence of another is nothing but perception. Someone could act like a complete idiot when you meet them, and then turn around and be a highly regarded SME [Subject Matter Expert]. Where as you could meet someone, and they could pull off the perception of great knowlage, and yet couldn't pass a GED test the past 5 times they attempted it.

A man will do anything for the right woman,
and when that woman destroys him,
that man will become a hunk of meat with the common sense of a rodeo clown! ~ Christopher Titus

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Yep! It's so true. My best friend's dad probably has the highest IQ of any person I've ever known (his daughter and grandson aren't far behind). But his inability to get along with other adults tempers his brilliance.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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You're not wrong. Myself I'd probably go for 7/6/10 (I like intelligent women) but my 7 only applies when women aren't involved; when women are involved my intelligence drops significantly:D.

How come we're all posting our own intelligence in the upper 30% though? Considering our affinity for jumping from great heights?:P

Experience is a series of non-fatal errors.

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On a scale of "1" being dumb, "10" being smart.

Your level/their Min./their Max level.


I don't get this scale... but based on the nominal I.Q. tests, I've scored in the mid 120's consistently.

So I guess that makes me a smart deaf bastard. :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Dude, you gotta learn how to create a thread, so I don't have to go off researchin' shit. :D

Ok, here's mine:


That's a 69 at the end? Serendipity? Or a threesome?
Y yo, pa' vivir con miedo, prefiero morir sonriendo, con el recuerdo vivo".
- Ruben Blades, "Adan Garcia"

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9/1 for a fling if he doesn't speak/10

Taking a real IQ test helped me realize why most people frustrate the hell out of me. At least I know why I now work with dogs... they're smarter and a lot easier to manage. :D

"One out of every four American's are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

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With my lower than average brain power, she has to be at a 10 so that any offspring will be smart enough to be able to support me when I am old and feeble.

Oh shit. I just remembered I've been clipped. That means any offspring wouldn't be mine. Damb, I guess I'm not as smart as I thought.[:/]
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You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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But do many people know the true IQ range and their IQ number? I wish I did, but do not...

It is important to note that an IQ of 100 is the average score of those that have been tested and within the same age range as the person tested.
This then means that a man aged 60 who scores 110 is not necessarily more intelligent than a man aged 25 who scores 100 and neither does it mean that he/she is above average relative to the world population, because only a tiny percentage of the world population has been tested.

Most people are not supposed to know their actual score, testers make an effort to keep scores confidential even from those being tested. It is usualy not good for a person's confidence to know that they scored below average, but it is the reality for approximately half of everyone who gets tested and so the prefered practise is to not tell people what they scored. If the candidate is very insistent on knowing, always tell 'em they scored 'high' ...just dont say how high.
The end result is that pretty much every person out there who "knows" their score is also certain that it's more than 100. I've never met anyone who actualy "knows" they scored less than 100, which makes these kinds of topics somewhat comical.

"IQ" scores are not an exact science; testing methods vary over time and across geographical regions and the state of mind of the candidate at the moment of testing is also one of many variables. Intelligence typicaly includes logic, reasoning, memory and ability to learn. It is a not a measure of academic knowledge and it is not the same as wisdom, the literary "mad scientist" is usualy a genius with very little wisdom.
Some highly intelligent people from history have developed psychological problems, unsociable behaviour and drug habbits and have lived less significant lives than a great many simpler people.

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So... if 100 is the average on the IQ test, what can we correlate to this IQ range?

Is 5 equal to an IQ of 100? or is 7 the average (like the 70% bell curve rating that always sucked when someone blew the curve)?

I would probably be a 6 or 7 on the "5=average" scale, gots me some schoolin, but not in league with Einstein or Hawkins or nuffin' (hell, I don' even know if Schroedinger's Cat is alive or dead)

What IQ limits on I would date would depend a lot on who he was. I would probably have a lot of variablity.... like 4-9 or so. I wouldn't want someone that I have to make decisions for, nor would I want one that made me feel like an idiot. Maybe just a nice, independent thinker type....

So my answer would be



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So... if 100 is the average on the IQ test, what can we correlate to this IQ range?

I know my Stanford-Binet score as well as my range on other professionally designed intelligence tests. Using that, I tried to figure out the answer to this question last night as I was going to sleep. I couldn't make it work. And although I was the one who proposed this question, I find I cannot answer it the way it has been posed.

But intellectual capacity is not the only measure of a man. Here are the seven kinds of intelligence proposed by one psychologist: linguistic, spatial, musical, body-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, logical/mathematical, and here is a test:


My personal theory is that without EQ, IQ doesn't doesn't help one much. There are plenty of brilliant, unsuccessful people in the world.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I was told "You have very little tolerance for stupidity." They didn't think I'd be able to deal with some of the fuckups I'd have to supervise. They were probably right.

:DYou often remind me of me--no offense:P;)

I LOVE my current position. No micromanagement, and no having to manage--just make $$$ for me and deal with my own BS:P My manager said one day I might want to take over his position (b/c we can only continue receiving our residual commissions so long as we're with the company and for two years after we leave/retire) and I laughed. I would pull every last hair out on my head if I had to manage people and deal with OPS all the time. I have no tolerance for it. Call me selfish, but I don't want people handling my BS and I don't want to handle theirs!:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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