
Why do so many people hate Speaker's Corner so much?

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I wonder if those here who hate SC ever debate or discuss such issues in real life?

Billy and I sometimes do. He grew up Catholic and Republican. He even went to private catholic school up to high school (Oh the jokes I've made:D. If there's one thing we both do all the time together, it's LAUGH at & with each other.:P)

I grew up to decide for myself about God and what I wanted to believe & Republican (but always chose not to be party affiliated and had many arguments with my father growing up regarding.:D).

If anything through our conversations Billy has made me a bit more conservative than I used to be and I have made him more open to the idea that evolution & God are not mutually exclusive.

We've never had a discussion that got heated, so to speak. For some reason our differences work really well for us as a team and our similarities do the same. We never fight. We did occassionaly years ago, but never over politics or religion, and never since.:)
But like Chuck, Billy really can't stand discussing politics or religion. I don't care much for it with most people, but with Billy I enjoy it and occasionally with others I enjoy it, too. I like keeping an open mind and simultaneously feeling strong in my own beliefs/morals. I like when I can influence people in my direction, but I'm cautious at how often and to whom I direct my influence to.

Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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I ought to caveat my post by saying that I have some very firm opinions on certain subjects (particularly religion). I don't care to debate them with anyone as I have reached my conclusions and base my beliefs on my own experiences with different religious denominations over my life. I don't push my beliefs on anyone and I sure as hell don't want people trying to push their views onto me. I got enough of that from my snake-handling, tongue-speaking mother's side of my family years ago. I hope that makes sense. I, seriously, don't ever like to talk about shit like that.


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Interesting thread! I've been in SC on one or two occasions. I think, at times, I may have embarrassed myself, too! There is quite a mix of people who post there and sometimes it's fairly educational. It definately, gets intense, to say the least. Not for the weak of heart... or stomach!:D I think too, at times, folks get in a hurry and really don't read what someone has posted and take it the wrong way. That's just one of the problems with this form of communication. All in all, it's an o.k. 'place'.


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I ought to caveat my post...

I understand and fully respect that.:)
I don't mind discussing such things in certain circumstances, but those are few and far between and with a select few--the select few being Billy and whomever else at the time I believe is capable (and they don't have to agree with me for me to believe such:)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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I find it completely without merit on this skydiving site.

The same could be said of this forum don't ya think?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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agree. There are some users who make 98% of their posts in SC.

It makes me wonder if they ever make any skydives or any other positive contribution to the sport.

But people with 98% of bonfire posts ARE real skydivers or contributing to the sport?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Please, anyone...raise your hand if you're not real.

I don't see ANY *hands*......:P

But I do find it interesting that people can claim that one non-skydiving related thread is great (BF), but another is crap (SC).

Or that people can make claims that SC posters need to jump more, but will not make the same claim about BF.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Geez -- I hope there can be a thread about SC that doesn't get moved there :ph34r:

Hi. My name is Wendy. I post in SC.
(round of "hi Wendy") :P

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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real skydivers

There it is again!:o That "real" word I can't stand.

Please, anyone...raise your hand if you're not real.


I'm just sequences of 1's and 0's. Are they real?

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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So you think SC is crap, but BF is great? I think both have merit...And both have a place.

For example you and I could not discuss my new AR15 here for very long.

I think that more people should be in Safety and Training than anywhere else, but it just is not the case.

And if DZ.com is supposed to represent a real world DZ...Political discussions DO take place on real DZ's....Maybe more than boobies are flashed. ;)

But the thing I find funny is that BF where people claim love, brothership, ect....They almost all seem to love to bash SC.

I have learned a few things from SC...More than I have learned from BF.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I didn't say anything about "loving" Bonfire, bro. What I said was that I thought more people ought to take advantage of the topical forums. I think there are a lot of people who post to both of those forums mentioned who ought to get off their asses and actually skydive. You, of course, do not fall into that category.


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I skydive and I post in SC and occaisionally BF. Like Chuck, I prefrer the general Skydiving discussions, along with the Instructor & Photog forums.

I typically don't post on political threads as I don't feel politics is that simple. I hate defending my party when I disagree with it and I don't like to side with a party that rewards laziness.

However, I do post occaisionally about religion. I prefer to debate it with atheists though as "fundies" will vilify you if you disagree. Atheists/agnostics will simply ignore you.;)


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I ought to caveat my post by saying that I have some very firm opinions on certain subjects (particularly religion). I don't care to debate them with anyone as I have reached my conclusions and base my beliefs on my own experiences with different religious denominations over my life. I don't push my beliefs on anyone and I sure as hell don't want people trying to push their views onto me. I got enough of that from my snake-handling, tongue-speaking mother's side of my family years ago. I hope that makes sense. I, seriously, don't ever like to talk about shit like that.

Thank you Chuck.. I could not agree more... and I have some family that do that snake thing myself.

BUT..............................................oh hell never mind I will save it for a thread in SC:ph34r:

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But I do find it interesting that people can claim that one non-skydiving related thread is great (BF), but another is crap (SC).

Or that people can make claims that SC posters need to jump more, but will not make the same claim about BF.

That shit cracks me up. The posts vs. jumps shit cracks me up as well. If it was as easy and cheap to jump as it is to post, hell yeah I'd have 30,000 jumps by now. Unfortunately its not, I only have about 2012 jumps. I guess that's not enough for some people to consider me a skydiver, though, since I have a lot of posts.

Fuck em, while they're hanging around talking shit about DZ.com and getting their little 100 jumps a year in I'm at the DZ putting in 6-10 jumps a day on the weekend.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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According to certain members of my family I'm a living angel (Seriously.).

Those folks I am talking about will not come to any family function that a few of my side of the family go to... bad influences you know:S

NOW.. if I would come to their church.. and do the kneel down in a circle with them and theirr little pets... so we can cast out my "demons".. THEN...I might be considered "SAVED":o

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come to their church..

Are stilettos allowed?

I always go for flats when I must attend a church function with Billy's family. For some reason I just feel funny about wearing spikey heels.:D

Edit to add: I adore Billy's family.:)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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