
Why do so many people hate Speaker's Corner so much?

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Quite simply.. It brings out the worst in people.

Narrow-minded, Judgmental, Opinionated, Often heated debate has very little appeal to me when it truly serves no real purpose.

I'll second that!!

not to mention I don't want every single word of my sentence detailed and debated.
I think it would be nicer if you could show emotion and tone correctly over the internet, but even then you'd still get your words ripped to shreds.
I think it's for people that like to debate, which I do sometimes, but like jay said, what is the point?
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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Because it's full of a bunch of angry and negative energy.

And if you go in there with anger and negativity, and expect to release it by venting, you're gonna get a nasty shock. It just doubles or triples right back atcha... [shudder]

However, it can be quite fun to go in and poke the angry ones sometimes... :ph34r:>:(

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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You cannot get into a controversial debate there and take an unpopular/un-politically correct without getting into a fight. It is quite amusing watching the crafty ways people can PA without technically violating the rule on that. Too many potentially good debates have gone downhill.

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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Yep. I love a good debate, centered around the issues themselves.

SC generally devolves into retarded character attacks that have little or nothing to do with the original topic.

Unlike SC, when threads get hijacked in here, they usually get funner...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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while i've certainly been one that has gotten angry in there a time or two, i've had plenty of very meaningful debates and discussions w/ people in there. in fact, my attitudes/beliefs about a few things have actually been changed by the posts of others. also, i've been forced to re-evaluated why i believe what i believe and to open myself up to the beliefs of others, to learn about the beliefs of others and that, IMO, has made me a better person.

is it dirty and rancorous in there? yeah. is it still worthwhile to engage others in debate while TRYING to exercise restraint, order and manners? FUCK YOU!

just kidding. of course it is.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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There is far too much trolling. :S Every sleazy-magazine, bait and switch comment is thrown around with no genuine regard. It is a sad attempt to jab people that might be personally involved in that topic or religion -just to pick a fight with someone when the original poster is too much of a pussy to say it to their face.

That about sums it up for me.
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'Cause it makes me go to my dark place and I hate going there. Please don't make me....I beg you....please...:|

Also I have a hard time putting into words the strong feelings that I have on certain topics....lets face it, who am I kidding sometimes I can't match stike for strike....[:/]>:(

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not to mention I don't want every single word of my sentence detailed and debated.

oh my bad dude... :D http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=2451129;#2451129 edited to add... don't worry the link doesn't go to SC...

(yeah ok I'm a smartass... so sue me...)

oh and in general I don't mind SC... but I generally stay out so thats probably why... :P
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I've decent debates in there.

But not in the last year or so. It's just a bunch of petulant whining, weak partisan dialogue, and personal attack after PA after PA after PA, lately. And a bunch of tedious semantics and word parsing that is just boring as hell.

Rebecca has the right attitude with it. It's good to go and watch and eat popcorn. Maybe poke at it once in a while.

Nothing is more fun than watching a bunch of (essentially anonymous) people completely fanatical over subjective crap - argue with each other.

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I stay away because I hate the logic of the hard-core Republicans and Evangelicals in there. But considering I'm an atheist and am interested in socialist ideals, that is not surprising.

Now throw rocks at me.

"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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Well, I enjoy it since I can chat about g*ns in there. Its a dirty word in this forum since its evolution from Talk Back. Not debating them, that has grown quite tiresome, but just talking about them with people that also enjoy them. What I've found, atleast in TX, is that they're a favorite subject for beer light conversation for many jumpers.:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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