
Beer Goggling: Has it ever happened to you?

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Have you ever gone to a party or a bar & had more drinks than usual, & wound up snogging with someone whom you might not have if you'd been sober?? :S ;) :ph34r:

Did the snogg-ee contact you at a later date & try to get together again??:o:o:o

(edited to add: incidentally, snogging = making out, ie, kissing) but whatever.
Speed Racer

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I had a one night stand once with this very attractive lady that had the most horrid laugh. The kind of laugh that makes you try not to crack any jokes what so ever. The problem was she had a great sense of humor and laughed at EVERYTHING. I decided in the morning once I sobered up and was hungover that I couldn't take it anymore. :S

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Have you ever gone to a party or a bar & had more drinks than usual, & wound up snogging with someone whom you might not have if you'd been sober?? :S ;) :ph34r:

Did the snogg-ee contact you at a later date & try to get together again??:o:o:o

no but funny you should say beer goggling... i went to the renaissance fair this past weekend and look what i discovered at the bar :) of course i HAD to take a picture :)
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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I rarely get drunk - I don't think I've been drunk in over three years. It's never been my thing because of lapses in judgment that accompany it.

Which I why I always stayed sober and hoped to be on the receiving end of the beer goggle effect - hoping the ladies would think I'm attractive, even though I am not. But I guess they just don't make beer goggles that powerful.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Yes, at a party one coworker threw. I was planning on staying at his house and after over a fifth of vodka, I ended going home with a coworker and her fiance'. I was soo waisted there are large gaps in my memory but the fiance' passed out in the bedroom and she woke me up in the living room. We started there ended up finishing in his car. The next day I woke up on their couch with no cloths on. Made a quick dash to fine them. I do not think I have ever felt worse especially when the three of us went out for breakfast . I would like to add that at that time I was 21 and that was 16 years ago.

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My college roomate said that alcohol just makes you apathetic.

It doesn't make the opposite sex look any better, it just lowers your standards enough so you don't care what they look like.

You don't actually "pass out", you just don't care where you go to sleep.

And when drunk posting, it's not that you can't spell correctly if you tried, you just don't care enough to fix your mistakes.

Pretty true if you think about it.

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no but funny you should say beer goggling... i went to the renaissance fair this past weekend and look what i discovered at the bar :) of course i HAD to take a picture :)

How you doin'? ;)

i'm feelin good and you're lookin HOT:P
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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Unfortunately yes :| The worst is when you have to face them again and you want to kick yourself. Or even worse if your friends were there to witness it.. Never hear the last of it >:(
**Those who refuse to live and learn simply exist**

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I see it every night I go to work. I have saved many friends from it and I have also failed at saving friends from it and cringed as my friends stumble out the door with the 50 yarder, the butterface or gernade. As for me...if I don't remember it didn't happen....right?:P

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Have you ever gone to a party or a bar & had more drinks than usual, & wound up snogging with someone whom you might not have if you'd been sober??

You mean a MOPED?? (MOPED= Fun to ride long as your friends dont catch you on them):D:D

Me?? Nope never.
But I have been the Moped a few times.:) And I liked it!!:o:D:D

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