
Weekend numbers... 28-29 oct 06

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Only did 15 this weekend. Which is unfortunate, the winds were BAD on Friday and everyone at the DZ was slow moving on Sunday. Saturday I did 11, though. I'm trying to prepair for this coming years CPC and can't do that only doing 15 a weekend including tandems and jumping a new canopy.

Oh well, atleast I cooked a badass meal on Friday for some jumper friends that came by. It was a very good italian dish that also included a large amount of wine being drunk by all that were there.:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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First naked jump... for me , and first person to do one at that dz.:| Not sure if I will ever wear clothes to jump again.

Wow is all i can say.

Did ya get pics :$:$:$
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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1 8-way (Lindercles's SCR): 4 CReW jumps with Faulknerwmn, Waltappel and Vernon (non dz.commer)

Had an awesome time at the Skydive Temple Halloween boogie and my mom got to come out and join in the fun. Also got inducted into the Pink Mafia Sisters. Wendy Faulkner climbed down my lines on one of the CReW jumps and handed me a Barbie doll. It was pretty cool!:)
Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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6 jumps, including my SCR and my 200th. My 200th was an awesome tracking dive with jumpjunkie, goodnplentygirl, BRYANGOESBOOM, JAC, 78RATS, meltdown, and a few other non-dz.commers. I couldn't have asked for a better jump. :)
Oh, and Skydivermom was on my SCR. I'll never live that one down. :$ :P

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Friday the windsock was ripped apart by the winds, but saturday it was perfect conditions. 15 Students had their first jumps or two. 11 loads with a C-182. I had one jump and got to see a lot of happy faces :)
Expecting it to start snowing here pretty soon....snow landings yeay..;)

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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First naked jump... for me , and first person to do one at that dz.:| Not sure if I will ever wear clothes to jump again.

so when are we jumping together ?? :|

It's beautiful, isn't it ?
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Friday the windsock was ripped apart by the winds, but saturday it was perfect conditions. 15 Students had their first jumps or two. 11 loads with a C-182. I had one jump and got to see a lot of happy faces :)
Expecting it to start snowing here pretty soon....snow landings yeay..;)

Fuck it's Fudd Where have ya been for a year and a half????????

Hi Fudd :)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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4 eight way jumps not practicing for the Turkey boogie and 1 smaller rw jump including a cut away to start the day

thank you Cameron for geting my reserve re-packed
so fast I will bring your bottle next weekend
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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Made two skysurfs (issued one new L.A.S.T. number, Kevin Hawkins--aka Racer42--#24), a freefly, and my :D wingsuit jump. It feels good to get back in the sky every now and then. ;)
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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Went to my first boogie this weekend. While I don't have any numbers in that first position, I sure did flirt with - oh yeah, everyone! I'm pretty lucky the guys I was hanging out with are too nice to take advantage of a completely wasted , uh, I mean, a slightly inebriated young woman :P

Five jumps, I realized I need to do a lot of work still, that license is great, but it doesn't mean as much as I thought it would. The good news is, I'm now signing up for Skydiving U down at San Marcos, so I'll start that in December and by next year I'll be ripping up the air!
Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

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Beer owed for hooking it in. I thought I had it all the way until my feet and knee slammed into the ground. I managed to stab the toggles and pop up, and then flare and run it out. I'm a little sore, but no injuries beside scrapes and bruises. I jumped again shortly afterwards.

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4 Jumps Thursday: 2 High Hop & Pops 1 High Hop and Pop to do CReW, and 1 freefly

5 Jumps Friday: 3 Hop and Pops, 1 Freefly, and Art's 45th Jump for his 45th Birthday

6 Jumps Saturday: 1 tube, 1 Freefly, 2 Tracking dives, and 2 Wingsuit dives

6 Jumps Sunday: Chased 2 Tandems (One being my wife on her first), 1 Hog Flop, 1 No contact 2 Way RW, 1 Hop and Pop, 1 shot video for attempted hybrid

Fun weekend in Palatka!!!:P
Blue SkiesBlack DeathFacebook

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