
How Emotional Are You?

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Whats the point on meditating on being miserable? Other people don't make you unhappy you make yourself unhappy, why choose that? If you can keep a sense of humour it will carry you through most situations. Or as they say

'If you can keep your head when all those around you loose theirs...You've proberly misundnerstood the situation';):D

This is my attitude (most of the time anyway).

As I've gotten older I've found that happiness is something you must willfully choose to be from within.

Happiness is not something you should expect to have delivered to you by events or people in the outside world.
Speed Racer

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As I've gotten older I've found that happiness is something you must willfully choose to be from within. Happiness is not something you should expect to have delivered to you by events or people in the outside world

Mos def, though some events & people can certainly enhance happiness.:)
I love getting older for that reason; the older I get the wiser I become and the easier it is to see things, people and situations for what they truly are and not pass judgement or take them personally.

Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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As I've gotten older I've found that happiness is something you must willfully choose to be from within. Happiness is not something you should expect to have delivered to you by events or people in the outside world

Mos def, though some events & people can certainly enhance happiness.:)
I love getting older for that reason; the older I get the wiser I become and the easier it is to see things, people and situations for what they truly are and not pass judgement or take them personally.


Very true. :)
Mine says, I'm happy-go-lucky as well and normally I am...I have my moments like when my keys are lost and my cell phone has been taken away from me, but more or less, I just take things as they come...life's too short to be stressin all the time. :)

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No way that thing is accurate....

I got:
Balanced. You accept your emotions as normal and are not overly happy nor depressed. You are emotionally balanced and should find peace in the way you deal with life situations. Your emotions are normal and well understood. You see the light in the dark.

Yea.. Right!!:S:P:D:D

Tee hee... me too ;)

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No way that thing is accurate....

I got:
Balanced. You accept your emotions as normal and are not overly happy nor depressed. You are emotionally balanced and should find peace in the way you deal with life situations. Your emotions are normal and well understood. You see the light in the dark.

I got the same thing! That's how i view myself for the most part i think.

CReW Skies,
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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I got the same thing! That's how i view myself for the most part i think.

You're lucky. I keep taking all these tests b/c I'm convinced I'm weird and yet the results keep telling me I'm normal.>:(

Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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You're lucky. I keep taking all these tests b/c I'm convinced I'm weird and yet the results keep telling me I'm normal.>:(


Just for the record, I never mentioned i was "normal" just balanced.... anyone that knows me can verify that one :D

CReW Skies,
bubbles :)
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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