
How Emotional Are You?

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No way that thing is accurate....

I got:
Balanced. You accept your emotions as normal and are not overly happy nor depressed. You are emotionally balanced and should find peace in the way you deal with life situations. Your emotions are normal and well understood. You see the light in the dark.

Yea.. Right!!:S:P:D:D

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Can't be right!!! I'm a tad emotional at times, not angry [:/]

I got:

Psycho. You are overwhelmed by anger. You may even hate the world and everything in it and you believe revenge is the way of the world. An eye for an eye.
:o :o :| :| :S :S
**Those who refuse to live and learn simply exist**

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Oops, I'm a Freezer
Freezer. You feel nothing and wish to feel nothing so you find peace in the way you think, however, your emotions are more nuetral than balanced. Coldness and tolerance can be the ways of a passive heart.

I should probably be upset about it, but what does it really matter?
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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Happy-Go-Lucky. You are a happy person and you don't let your emotions get to you. You see everything that's not in a positive light as not worth messing with and deal with emotions as they come. You are usually very happy and probably experience many emotional highs. Enjoy life.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I'm happy-go-lucky too. I'm lazy, so it's the easiest way to stay happy as much of the time as possible :ph34r:

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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My results were the same as yours and Jello J.

Balanced. You accept your emotions as normal and are not overly happy nor depressed. You are emotionally balanced and should find peace in the way you deal with life situations. Your emotions are normal and well understood. You see the light in the dark.

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Whats the point on meditating on being miserable? Other people don't make you unhappy you make yourself unhappy, why choose that? If you can keep a sense of humour it will carry you through most situations. Or as they say

'If you can keep your head when all those around you loose theirs...You've proberly misundnerstood the situation';):D
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Whats the point on meditating on being miserable? Other people don't make you unhappy you make yourself unhappy, why choose that? If you can keep a sense of humour it will carry you through most situations.


I think that's why I laugh for every emotion; happy, sad, upset--I end up laughing.:$
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Thanks for the post :) :P
Well at least I look busy :D

I have had barriers put up at my desk today "boxing me in". :|

They say I am talking to much :$ :o

So now they can't see if I'm working or playing :ph34r:
**Those who refuse to live and learn simply exist**

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They say I am talking to much:$:o

Bwwwwaaaah. Ha. Ha! Remember report cards in school? Mine always said the same thing, over and over and over: "Carrie is an excellent student but she talks way too much."B|
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Oops, I'm a Freezer
Freezer. You feel nothing and wish to feel nothing so you find peace in the way you think, however, your emotions are more nuetral than balanced. Coldness and tolerance can be the ways of a passive heart.

I should probably be upset about it, but what does it really matter?

:D :D :D

That was funny! ;)
**Those who refuse to live and learn simply exist**

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They say I am talking to much:$:o

Bwwwwaaaah. Ha. Ha! Remember report cards in school? Mine always said the same thing, over and over and over: "Carrie is an excellent student but she talks way too much."B|

Ditto :D they also said I distract ppl and so did my report card! :|

I don't distract people, I entertain :):S:)
**Those who refuse to live and learn simply exist**

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