
College Graduation Gifts

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my father gave me a rather nice antique gold pocket watch (an Elgin that was his father's watch...) from about 1926...

We didn't actually have it appraised... and at the time it wasn't functioning... but when we go it repaired the jeweller estimated its value at around $500 though its an eirlomb and I really don't consider it to have a "value" in the strict sense of the word...
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Woah, you're supposed to get a gift when you graduate college? No way! :S

Needless to say, I didn't get so much as a congrats or dinner out [:/]


Thanks Jen! You just made me feel so much better but just getting a card from my grandparents when I graduated from college. You'd think everyone would have been a little happier that we finally had a female graduate from college in the family!

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I'm still the only college graduate on either side of the family and most I got was 50-100 and then a few cards. It was about enoguh to cover my graduation fees and the bar tab from the last few weeks of school :$
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OK, you guys are hilarious, and though I'm so far over it, I was expecting a financial windfall at gradutation...

What I received, in total, amounted to about...$2k.:D

Don't get me wrong, that was cool.B| But, a windfall? Not so much.:P
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What I received, in total, amounted to about...$2k


that's $2k more than I got! Hell, I didn't even know about this.

I wonder if I can get back pay? $2k will buy a fair number of jump tickets!!

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I did not get anything when I got my Bad Ass degree. I did get to work though the night of my undergrad graduation ceremony. Dang!! What was I thinking!!!????
My son got less than $2000 last May when he graduated. Usually $50 to $100 (less from some).

Congrats Jen!! I hope late Recognition is better than none!!!!

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You guys DO know you're supposed to send out like a bazillion graduation announcements to everyone and their mom, including the mailman himself, right?:D

I tease. I tease. I couldn't do that. But, trust me, people do--I know b/c I've received countless and even one or two on occasion where I had NO idea who the person was.:D

I think I sent a total of 10 announcements out. And I received a check from all 10 which amounted to that total.B|
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I got money for a trip to Europe on my own from my parents. I bicycled, camped, cooked and stretched that money for 6 weeks. Which, when you consider that airline ticket and all I spent $1000, wasn't bad.

It was the perfect gift. I'd been living on my own for a couple of years by then and didn't need stuff.

Other than that, well, college was kind of expected from the beginning, and its own reward :ph34r:

Wendy W.
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I didn't end up valuing my college education as much as I should have until I entered the real world and realized how important my degrees were and how much I used what I learned in real life...

I knew I was lucky to have the opportunity for college--I just didn't think it was the end all/be all to "making it" or "making something of yourself".

So...yea, I pretty much hurried through my degrees as quickly and efficiently as possible just go reap that "financial windfall" at graduation.:D I didn't view college as "its own reward". :D Juuuuust teasing.;)

I always said in college I couldn't wait to get out and not have to do the class/homework/study thing. Everyone always said I'd be begging to go back once I entered the "real world". I haven't looked back yet. I LOVE the real world.:)
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