
It's That Time of Year Again...What's Your New Year's Resolution Going to Be?

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Me? My resolution is to not engage stupid people in lengthy discussions. It is an exercise in futility at best, and lowers your own IQ at worst. :D Stupid people do not know of their own stupidity, and when you try to point it out, they engage in further irrational stupidity. :|

So you won't be posting on dz.com then?:D

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1. Do a triathlon (do a smaller one for my first, maybe a bigger one later in the year)

2. Get a job at _____ (its a secret)

3. Become a better skydiver (get more solid on my head, dirt dive more, practice canopy skills, do more flat-flying to be well-rounded, etc.)

and what would a new year's resolution list be without:
4. lose some weight

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I have the same resolution every year... Not to write down the wrong year on my checks. I never make it very far into the year without breaking it... :|

That's pretty funny. I've been trying to not write the wrong year since I was in 2nd grade. That was 40 years ago and I still haven't done it. Maybe this year??

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You know last year was the first time I have ever actually made a new years resolution, I decided I wanted to drop 13 pounds and get down to 185, I reached it finally about a month and a half ago after killin myself in the gym all year and I'm still on my way down, I upped the ante and decided to take an extra five off, I'm now at 183 and still dropping. As for making one for next year, I don't know, maybe I'll give up drinking.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Me? My resolution is to not engage stupid people in lengthy discussions. It is an exercise in futility at best, and lowers your own IQ at worst. :D Stupid people do not know of their own stupidity, and when you try to point it out, they engage in further irrational stupidity. :|

So you won't be posting on dz.com then?:D

I would get so much more work done! B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Ms. Stevens was arrested on 47 counts of Pillbury Dough Boy genocide. Ms. Stevens was attempting to cremate the bodies of the Pillsbury Dough Boys when police arrived to serve her a warrant. More at 11:00.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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1. Get out of the Navy (pretty much done)
2. Be a better husband (always room for improvement)
3. Censored.
4. Get a job
5. Get a GOOD job
6. Try to catch up to my wife with Rock Climbing... (yea right)
7. Continue my quest to never smoke again.

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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I want a new job. I'm on my 3rd "employee" job since I got out of the military in 2000. So far I have kept with the tradition of only staying in one place for 2 years. The first two were within 2 weeks of 2 years exactly. I come up on my 2 year mark with this job in April. TIME TO GO! "Movin on UU-UUPP......to the East Side!" :D

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1. Get out of the Navy (pretty much done)
2. Be a better husband (always room for improvement)
3. Censored.
4. Get a job
5. Get a GOOD job
6. Try to catch up to my wife with Rock Climbing... (yea right)
7. Continue my quest to never smoke again.

Did you 2 get married on the sly?
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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How's this for a new years res. don't have anymore nights like last night!!! now i get to have an easter egg hunt around the house, except instead of easter eggs they're beer bottles;)
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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