
Bill Cosby still has it!

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Anyone else see Bill Cosby on Leno tonight? Even though he's basically old as dirt, he doesn't use extreme foul language in his act and many times his "act" is simply him just telling a story, he's still hilarious!

His story about getting a Shelby Cobra still has me laughing.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Yeah, I can see that. I've never owned a large V-8 with a cam setup that would lobe that hard, so I wouldn't know. the 5.7L V-8 in my pickup runs pretty smooth surprisingly enough. The flat-4 of my VW runs pretty damned smooth too...:D

Someday I'm sure I'll have some sort of car that has a big-block that ends up vibrating 1/2 a block of houses while at an idle, just not now. Can't afford the engine, can't afford the gas.:D
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I don't personally know the man, I've never sat down to dinner with him and I've never even spoken to him personally.

I have seen a lot of what he has performed, what he has spoken out about outside of his standup and what he has supported in terms of themes on shows, themes in his stand up and what he supports in charity.

Out of all of that I have seen a distinct lack of racism or anything else against white people. He has spoken quite a bit about being equal as people regardless of race and he's outspoken quite a bit about the current state of the black american family, though.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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You obviously haven't seen his speeches to young black audiences to stop blaming the white man for their situation and to take responsibility for their lives.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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Bill Cosby


you must be thinking of Ice-T.

Yeah, I can see how that would happen :P

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Yeah but he is one of the most outspoken bigots/racists I have come across.
He doesn' like white people.

jeff D-16906

Huh? Got any examples? I've seen stuff in the press where he was really flamed by blacks for some of his comments.


One of MANY examples he is not a racist that blames Blacks problems on Whitey. That person that does is Jesse Jackson:


by Jim Kouri, CPP
April 6, 2006
At a rally attended by Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on Saturday, comedian and actor Bill Cosby urged residents of hurricane-ravaged New Orleans, Louisiana, to "cleanse" themselves from the city's history of crime, violence, drugs and teen pregnancies.

Cosby has come underfire by the civil-rights establishment for comments across the US in which he's told young blacks to turn away from influences in rap music, stop violence and underage sex, and focus more on education and morality.

Cosby told the crowd, "It's painful, but we can't cleanse ourselves unless we look at the wound. Ladies and gentlemen, you had the highest murder rate, unto each other. You were dealing drugs to each other. You were impregnating our 13-, 12-, 11-year-old children. What kind of a village is that?

At the rally in N.O. -- a city devastated by Hurricane Katrina last August -- Cosby told 2,000 people in front of the Convention Center of his desire for the city's society to have an "extreme make-over."

As is usual, Cosby is being slammed by most civil-rights leaders and black pundits who claim his comments hurt "the cause." They've attacked his speeches as being insensitive and wrong.

"They don't like it when [Cosby] puts the blame on pathological behavior in the black community rather than the shop-worn tactic of blaming "whitey" for the problems in black neighborhoods," claims Mike Baker a political analyst.

"The crowd and the speakers expected the usual 'George Bush' bashing and racism allegations. Cosby gave them a mirror and they didn't like what they saw."
According to the latest crime statistics for the embattled city, violent crime is on the rise once again. Some can be attributed to illegal aliens coming to New Orleans for jobs or outsiders looking to exploit the still chaotic environment, but much of the crime is occurring within the black community.

While people such as Rev. Jesse Jackson has voiced concerns over Cosby's speeches, in the past Jackson himself has chastised African-Americans in poor neighborhoods for what came to be known as "black-on-black crime."


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Dude, that's hardly an anti-white-racist view. Cosby has been an outspoken advocate apart from the main-civil-rights-drain of Jackson, Sharpton, et al.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Yeah but he is one of the most outspoken bigots/racists I have come across.
He doesn' like white people.

jeff D-16906

Huh? Got any examples? I've seen stuff in the press where he was really flamed by blacks for some of his comments.


Exactly. He gets flamed ALOT by Race Pimps like Sharpton and Jackson who live and breathe off of racism. They dont like his ideas, because if the african american population actually took his advice to heart, it would put those two (and thier ilk) out of business so to speak.

Although I have to say, Sharpton isnt quite as bad as the media makes him out to be. When he isnt being selectively quoted or sound bit (bited?), he actually has some coherent ideas. I saw him on the Glenn Beck show where they had a non-charged honest debate where the host wasnt trying to bait or prod him to say inflammatory or outrageous things like mainstream media does. It was actually pretty nice, and he had good things to say.
Two wrongs don't make a right, however three lefts DO!

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This thread is extremely close to going to speakers corner. If you want to talk about the Coz's beliefs let me know and I'll send the thread to SC. If you want to talk about his jokes I'll let it stay here.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Now he doesn't.

Found guilty in court today of 3 counts of sexual misconduct.

And that's not all. Judge Steven O'Neill said Cosby could remain free on bail until sentencing. District attorney Kevin Steele pleaded for him to be jailed immediately, saying he was a flight risk and owned a plane. Cosby, who had been silent throughout the trial, shouted back. "He doesn't have a plane you asshole!" said Cosby, referring to himself in the third person, his voice shaking. "He doesn't know."


It was the correct verdict, and the outburst will not reflect well on him at sentencing.

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Now he doesn't.

Found guilty in court today of 3 counts of sexual misconduct.

And that's not all. Judge Steven O'Neill said Cosby could remain free on bail until sentencing. District attorney Kevin Steele pleaded for him to be jailed immediately, saying he was a flight risk and owned a plane. Cosby, who had been silent throughout the trial, shouted back. "He doesn't have a plane you asshole!" said Cosby, referring to himself in the third person, his voice shaking. "He doesn't know."


It was the correct verdict, and the outburst will not reflect well on him at sentencing.

He's 80 years old. They'll drag out appeals with him out on bail until he dies, or he'll die in prison.
And I can't imagine how the shit isn't going to hit the fan over this, even if his name doesn't get invoked. The anger will be there. The black community is running short on heroes and one of their biggest has been torn down by a group of white women. I don't see Correct Verdict figuring into the outrage much.
It's going to be a long hot summer.

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>From what I could quickly google-fu it's 12 years in PA.

Right. Andrea Constand was assaulted in 2004. He was charged with the assault in 2015.

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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